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new keyboard shortcut settings design changes

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 11:17 pm
by geoffm
Tt's great that there are new keyboard bindings offered in the new cinnamon keyboard settings. However, the user interface is a bit changed. Worsened I believe. I discuss why in this attached screenshot. I think if they make something that goes towards worsening the UI we need to identify what would be best.

Re: new keyboard shortcut settings design changes

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 6:19 am
by Redsandro
I am still confused. The Cinnamon keyboard shortcuts work perfectly, except for the custom shortcuts.
Someone mentions it's because the settings location is changed between rc and release, but then why are only the custom shortcuts affected?

About the design changes, which in my opinion are far less important than the fact custom shortcuts are not working, I agree with you. Looks like another code developer != UX developer change, because the changes hardly make sense.

Except that the old one has a problem: It does not display multiple keybindings for the same entry.

And about that: The new dialog has multiple keyboard entries for certain options, but only one for others. Is the number of entries decided by the roll of a dice, or can I add a second one myself when there is only one?

Personally I'd prefer a keyboard shortcut dialog like the one in Eclipse, but I'm guessing that one is not 'less is more' enough. :P