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New Feature

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 3:55 am
by JohnH
My wish-list includes improved midi. Ubuntu struggles to get this right (and other distros I think too, from what I read).

I would love for my distro to have a midi option that works so that I can use Rosegarded etc. reliably. Some kind of switching between Jack and ALSA, also a fix for ESD that allows sound t work in virtual machines would be nice.


Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 9:28 pm
by JohnH
Thanks Karlos,

I've got Ubuntu Studio running through VMware server. It is a bit rough this way. I also have tried the others; Musix seems to have a lot of potential but it did not run well on my HP laptop. Screen resolution was a pig. I might try and load it dual boot on another box i have here; see how that goes.

It is just a shame that midi is so difficult. It seems that the developers got it working to a particular level and said: "well that good enough", and then left it. Timidity in particular is a pain like this. I tried for weeks to get it to run without success. I tried everything, read all the forums but nothing would help.

Like always, I get frustrated that I can't program or otherwise I would do my bit to help.

Thanks Karlos,


Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 6:37 am
by JohnH
Thanks Hamish,

It would be nice to have this as part of an install process. I'm not clever enough to know what to do otherwise.

Thanks again,
