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Receive files from a Bluetooth device in Linux Mint 12

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 1:20 pm
by Thinker
By default receiving a file from a bluetooth device is not possible in Linux Mint 12. To enable file receiving, install obexftp and Blueman. Then click on bluetooth applet on Gnome Top Panel and make sure that “Device visibility” is on. Files can now be received which will be located at /home/user_name/Public folder which can be changed later on from blueman preferences.

If problem still persists, right click on Blueman applet and choose “Local services”. Under Transfer tab, make sure “File Receiving (Object Push)” is enabled.

To change default location for received files, right click on Blueman applet and choose “Local services”. Under Transfer tab, give the new location by giving/browsing to new path in “Shared folder”.

To enable receiving files automatically without confirmation message everytime, double click on blueman applet (in gnome-shell, it is located on bottom transparent notifications panel), right click on device name from which multiple files have to be received, select Trust. Next time, bluetooth will not ask any confirmation message and files will be received automatically.