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Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 11:54 am
by merlwiz79
Here is the info to translate the updated mintDesktop-fluxbox(mintDesktop).
My bad this hasn't been translated. Those were for mintDesktop-xfce.

Code: Select all

msgid "<big><b>Configure your desktop</b></big>"
msgstr ""

msgid "Restore Linux Mint Artwork"
msgstr ""

msgid "Mplayer Video thumbnails settings for Thunar."
msgstr ""

msgid "Do you have a Windows network?(Reboot for changes to take effect)"
msgstr ""

msgid "The Gimp"
msgstr ""

msgid "OpenOffice"
msgstr ""

msgid "Exaile"
msgstr ""

msgid "Enable"
msgstr ""

msgid "Disable"
msgstr ""

msgid "Automatic Browsing"
msgstr ""

msgid "No Backups"
msgstr ""

msgid "Documents"
msgstr ""

msgid "Gimp Splash"
msgstr ""

msgid "OpenOffice Splash"
msgstr ""

msgid "Exaile Theme"
msgstr ""

msgid "Needs Mplayer"
msgstr ""

msgid "Clears thumbnail cache"
msgstr ""

msgid "Automatically mounts network neighbourhoods in my Network folder"
msgstr ""

msgid "Enable/Disable"
msgstr ""

msgid "<b>Main</b>"
msgstr ""

msgid "<b>System Tweaks</b>"
msgstr ""

msgid "LCD System Font(Requires logout to Reset)."
msgstr ""

msgid "Overwrites ~/.fonts.conf & No Backups"
msgstr ""

msgid "Toggle Menu Icons."
msgstr ""

msgid "<big><b>Install Mplayer for thumbnails?</b></big>"
msgstr ""

Re: mintDesktop-fluxbox

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 3:34 am
by emil_pavlov
In order to translate it into Bulgarian I have to see the interface, otherwise there might be some discrepancies. How can I install mintDesktop-fluxbox in Elyssa?

Re: mintDesktop-fluxbox

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 7:50 am
by merlwiz79

Re: mintDesktop-fluxbox

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 10:50 am
by eren
Language: Turkish
Translate: Serkan Çalış
Web Site: Ubuntu Turkey / (Linux Mint Turkey)

Code: Select all

msgid "<big><b>Configure your desktop</b></big>"
msgstr "<big><b>Masaüstünüzü yapılandırın</b></big>"

msgid "Restore Linux Mint Artwork"
msgstr "Linux Mint Artwork'ü geri yükleyin "

msgid "Mplayer Video thumbnails settings for Thunar."
msgstr "Thunar için Mplayer Video küçük resim ayarları"

msgid "Do you have a Windows network?(Reboot for changes to take effect)"
msgstr "Bir Windows ağa sahip misiniz? (Değişikliklerin etkinleşmesi için yeniden başlatın)"

msgid "The Gimp"
msgstr "Gimp"

msgid "OpenOffice"
msgstr "OpenOffice"

msgid "Exaile"
msgstr "Exaile"

msgid "Enable"
msgstr "Aç"

msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Kapat"

msgid "Automatic Browsing"
msgstr "Otomatik Gezinti"

msgid "No Backups"
msgstr "Yedekleme Yapma"

msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Belgeler"

msgid "Gimp Splash"
msgstr "Gimp Açılış Resmi"

msgid "OpenOffice Splash"
msgstr "OpenOffice Açılış Resmi"

msgid "Exaile Theme"
msgstr "Exaile Teması"

msgid "Needs Mplayer"
msgstr "Mplayer Gerekir"

msgid "Clears thumbnail cache"
msgstr "Küçük resim belleğini temizler"

msgid "Automatically mounts network neighbourhoods in my Network folder"
msgstr "Ağ Bağlantılarım dizinindeki komşuları kendiliğinden bağlar"

msgid "Enable/Disable"
msgstr "Aç/Kapat"

msgid "<b>Main</b>"
msgstr "<b>Ana</b>"

msgid "<b>Compiz Fusion</b>"
msgstr "<b>Compiz Fusion</b>"

msgid "<b>System Tweaks</b>"
msgstr "Sistem Yapılandırması"

msgid "LCD System Font(Requires logout to Reset)."
msgstr "LCD Sistem Fontu (Sıfırlanması için oturumdan çıkmak gerekir)"

msgid "Overwrites ~/.fonts.conf & No Backups"
msgstr "~/.fonts.conf dosyasının üzerine yazar & Yedek Alınmaz"

msgid "Toggle Menu Icons."
msgstr "Menü Simgelerini Göster"

msgid "<big><b>Install Mplayer for thumbnails?</b></big>"
msgstr "<big><b>Küçük resimler için Mplayer yüklensin mi?</b></big>"

Re: mintDesktop-fluxbox

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 9:42 am
by ADIO45

Code: Select all

msgid "<big><b>Configure your desktop</b></big>"
msgstr "<big><b> konfiguraci svého počítače </b> </big>" 

msgid "Restore Linux Mint Artwork"
msgstr "Restore Linux Mint Artwork" 

msgid "Mplayer Video thumbnails settings for Thunar."
msgstr "MPlayer Video náhled nastavení na Thunar." 

msgid "Do you have a Windows network?(Reboot for changes to take effect)"
msgstr "Máte Windows síť? (Znovuzrození o změnách v platnost)" 

msgid "The Gimp"
msgstr "The Gimp" 

msgid "OpenOffice"
msgstr "OpenOffice"

msgid "Exaile"
msgstr "Exaile"

msgid "Enable"
msgstr "Enable" 

msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Enable" 

msgid "Automatic Browsing"
msgstr "Automatické prohlížení" 

msgid "No Backups"
msgstr "Zákaz zalohování" 

msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Dokumenty" 

msgid "Gimp Splash"
msgstr "GIMP Splash" 

msgid "OpenOffice Splash"
msgstr "OpenOffice Splash" 

msgid "Exaile Theme"
msgstr "Exaile Theme" 

msgid "Needs Mplayer"
msgstr "Potřebuje mplayer" 

msgid "Clears thumbnail cache"
msgstr "Vymaže thumbnail cache" 

msgid "Automatically mounts network neighbourhoods in my Network folder"
msgstr "Automaticky připojí síť čtvrti v síti složka" 

msgid "Enable/Disable"
msgstr "Povolit /Zakázat" 

msgid "<b>Main</b>"
msgstr "<b>Hlavní</b>" 

msgid "<b>System Tweaks</b>"
msgstr "<b>Systému Tweaky</b>" 

msgid "LCD System Font(Requires logout to Reset)."
msgstr "LCD systému písma (Vyžaduje odhlášení na Reset)." 

msgid "Overwrites ~/.fonts.conf & No Backups"
msgstr "Přepíše ~ /. fonts.conf & Ne Záloha dat" 

msgid "Toggle Menu Icons."
msgstr "Přepnout menu ikony." 

msgid "<big><b>Install Mplayer for thumbnails?</b></big>"
msgstr "<big><b>Instalace MPlayeru na miniatury?</b></big>"

Re: mintDesktop-fluxbox

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 10:12 am
by wuying_ren
Language: Catalan
Locale: ca_ES
msgid "<big><b>Configure your desktop</b></big>"
msgstr "<big><b>Configureu el vostre escriptori</b></big>"

msgid "Restore Linux Mint Artwork"
msgstr "Restaurar l'aspecte visual de Linux Mint"

msgid "Mplayer Video thumbnails settings for Thunar."
msgstr "Ajustaments per a les miniatures del Mplayer Video al Thunar."

msgid "Do you have a Windows network?(Reboot for changes to take effect)"
msgstr "Teniu una xarxa Windows?(Reinicieu per tal que els canvis siguin efectius)"

msgid "The Gimp"
msgstr "The Gimp"

msgid "OpenOffice"
msgstr "OpenOffice"

msgid "Exaile"
msgstr "Exaile"

msgid "Enable"
msgstr "Activar"

msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Desactivar"

msgid "Automatic Browsing"
msgstr "Navegació automàtica"

msgid "No Backups"
msgstr "Sense còpies de seguretat"

msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Documents"

msgid "Gimp Splash"
msgstr "Splash del Gimp"

msgid "OpenOffice Splash"
msgstr "Splash de l'OpenOffice"

msgid "Exaile Theme"
msgstr "Temes per a l'Exaile"

msgid "Needs Mplayer"
msgstr "Necessita Mplayer"

msgid "Clears thumbnail cache"
msgstr "Neteja la cache de miniatures"

msgid "Automatically mounts network neighbourhoods in my Network folder"
msgstr "Munta automàticament els recursos de xarxa a la meva carpeta Xarxa"

msgid "Enable/Disable"
msgstr "Activar/Desactivar"

msgid "<b>Main</b>"
msgstr "<b>Principal</b>"

msgid "<b>System Tweaks</b>"
msgstr "<b>Ajustaments de sistema</b>"

msgid "LCD System Font(Requires logout to Reset)."
msgstr "Font per a LCD (Requereix tancar la sessió)."

msgid "Overwrites ~/.fonts.conf & No Backups"
msgstr "Sobreescriu ~/.fonts.conf i no fa còpies de seguretat"

msgid "Toggle Menu Icons."
msgstr "Mostra/Amaga les icones de menú"

msgid "<big><b>Install Mplayer for thumbnails?</b></big>"
msgstr "<big><b>Instal·lar Mplayer per a les miniatures?</b></big>"