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Network proxy

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 9:42 am
by saintdannz
Ok, to begin with i set up my traffic to be routed through an ssh tunnel, but i set the address wrong
I later corrected it, which firefox and opera and other applications accepted, but some applications still kept this wrong address as their proxies; namely the bash, which means i cant download updates, use wget or apt-get, get certain cpan modules and so on
Ive been trying out different solutions for a while now

> Editing the bash proxy settings directly (for the bash) - but there were no bashrc files in ~/
> Flushing the IPtables

Im considering formatting and installing cleanly again, but i'd rather sort out the problem than push it aside

Ideally, i need to find where the settings themselves are stored, but if the network proxy writes directly to the config files (which would seem to be the problem, as some applications arent picking up the new settings), then where the bash config files are found

Thanks, and any help is appreciated :)

Re: Network proxy

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 7:15 am
by saintdannz