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A request for help representing your favorite distro

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:42 am
by bigbearomaha
I was wondering if there is anyone here who would be interested in being a MOD or admin at a forum designed to be all distro inclusive and help users with topics that aren't necessarily "advanced" but maybe considered a bit past "noobie".

We call it the "Next Step" phase of knowing enough to not be a noobie necessarily anymore, but not a Guru either. that in between land for which there is a huge need of help and camaraderie.

This isn't asking anyone to "leave" or not be a part of their distro forum, actually, we are looking for people who are active in their favorite distro to be able to help others with the "next step" stages of learning and doing things.


Rabid Fanboys need not apply. This is a forum for learning and sharing on ALL Linux Distros without favoritism.

If you are interested, please PM me.

Big Bear

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 6:36 am
by blogger
Hello Big Bear,
I bookmarked Linux Geeks United. It is a very useful forum for all Linux users.
I agree with your suggestion for a universal forum that will be of help
to many people seeking advice for their particular problems.
After all, it is in harmony with the spirit of Linux.

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 5:07 pm
by bigbearomaha
Thank you. Always glad to have more folks come see us. Our goal is truly to be a service to the Linux community. To help provide learning and building experience in a way that is not frustrating and "human" compatible.

If you read the recent Linus Torvalds interview, he very much hits on a lot of the values LGU holds.

Thanks again and feel free to post as often as you like or ask to have something we forgot, included.

Big Bear

ps. one of our "inspirations" for LGU is the Mint forums, one of the friendliest and most helpful user forums anywhere. If we can make all Linux users as comfortable and help them as much as Mint does for it's users, it will be quite the accomplishment.

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 9:04 pm
by newW2
Bigbearomaha: I'm a bit too new to make an affective mod on your site. However, I visited and spent some time on LGU over the past two days; read some posts found some other really cool things there as well...
I was happy to find the Linus Torvalds interview. Really a great read, and his philosophy reminded me of our very own Clem. I meant to post those same words there, as well. I recall when I first saw your post on this site as well as clem's open welcome. I've been over to LUG a few times since.
Your members are good people and I'll be back to register, look for help, and if able, help as you grow LGU. As (I think it was vtel57) said, it's a great place to get in on the front end.
See you on LGU.

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 9:41 pm
by Toontwnca
Got it bookmarked as well.

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 10:02 pm
by bigbearomaha
thank you to both of you. Clem is really a good fella. He has been supportive of the community being involved in Mint and always ( from all I have seen ) tries to give a hand up.

Hope to see y'all over there.

Big Bear