mintUpload 2.0 translations

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mintUpload 2.0 translations

Post by clem »

To translate mintUpload in your language, please translate the content below and indicate the language you're translating it for. Please be accurate (capital letters etc..) and use the French translation below (1st reply to this post) as an example of how to do. Space and punctuation is very important, stick to the original as much as possible.

Note: You can test your translation by saving as a file called messages.po and by compiling that file. For instance if you were translating in Spanish (es), you would save it into /usr/lib/linuxmint/mintUpload/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po, then you would go in /usr/lib/linuxmint/mintUpload/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES and type "sudo msgfmt messages.po" (you might have to install gettext for this to work). After that you would launch mintUpload again (from the command line, as root: "LANGUAGE=es /usr/lib/linuxmint/mintUpload/ somefile).
msgid "Checking space on the service..."
msgstr ""

msgid "B"
msgstr ""

msgid "KB"
msgstr ""

msgid "MB"
msgstr ""

msgid "GB"
msgstr ""

msgid "days"
msgstr ""

msgid "Service ready. Space available."
msgstr ""

msgid "File too big or not enough space on the service."
msgstr ""

msgid "Could not connect to the service."
msgstr ""

msgid "Connecting to the service..."
msgstr ""

msgid "Uploading the file..."
msgstr ""

msgid "File uploaded successfully."
msgstr ""

msgid "Upload failed."
msgstr ""

msgid "Upload a file"
msgstr ""

msgid "Upload and share a file"
msgstr ""

msgid "Upload service"
msgstr ""

msgid "Local file"
msgstr ""

msgid "Remote file"
msgstr ""

msgid "Name:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Free space:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Max file size:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Persistence:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Path:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Size:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Upload progress:"
msgstr ""

msgid "URL:"
msgstr ""

msgid "FTP service selected"
msgstr ""

msgid "N/A"
msgstr ""
Last edited by LockBot on Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: mintUpload 2.0 translations

Post by clem »

msgid "Checking space on the service..."
msgstr "Vérification de l'espace disponible sur le service..."

msgid "B"
msgstr "o"

msgid "KB"
msgstr "Ko"

msgid "MB"
msgstr "Mo"

msgid "GB"
msgstr "Go"

msgid "days"
msgstr "jours"

msgid "Service ready. Space available."
msgstr "Service prêt. Espace disponible."

msgid "File too big or not enough space on the service."
msgstr "Fichier trop volumineux ou espace insuffisant sur le service."

msgid "Could not connect to the service."
msgstr "Echec lors de la connexion au service."

msgid "Connecting to the service..."
msgstr "Connexion au service..."

msgid "Uploading the file..."
msgstr "Upload du fichier..."

msgid "File uploaded successfully."
msgstr "Fichier uploadé avec succès."

msgid "Upload failed."
msgstr "Echec lors de l'upload du fichier."

msgid "Upload a file"
msgstr "Uploadez un fichier"

msgid "Upload and share a file"
msgstr "Uploadez et partagez un fichier"

msgid "Upload service"
msgstr "Service d'upload"

msgid "Local file"
msgstr "Fichier local"

msgid "Remote file"
msgstr "Fichier distant"

msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Nom :"

msgid "Free space:"
msgstr "Espace libre :"

msgid "Max file size:"
msgstr "Taille fichier max :"

msgid "Persistence:"
msgstr "Persistence :"

msgid "Path:"
msgstr "Chemin :"

msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Taille :"

msgid "Upload progress:"
msgstr "Upload :"

msgid "URL:"
msgstr "Adresse :"

msgid "FTP service selected"
msgstr "Service FTP sélectionné"

msgid "N/A"
msgstr "--"

Re: mintUpload 2.0 translations

Post by xxxmerlin »

msgid "Checking space on the service..."
msgstr "Kontroluji prostor potřebný pro tuto službu..."

msgid "B"
msgstr "B"

msgid "KB"
msgstr "KB"

msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"

msgid "GB"
msgstr "GB"

msgid "days"
msgstr "dní"

msgid "Service ready. Space available."
msgstr "Prostoru je dostatek, služba je připravena."

msgid "File too big or not enough space on the service."
msgstr "Příliš velký soubor."

msgid "Could not connect to the service."
msgstr "Služba není dostupná."

msgid "Connecting to the service..."
msgstr "Připojuji se..."

msgid "Uploading the file..."
msgstr "Nahrávám soubor..."

msgid "File uploaded successfully."
msgstr "Soubor byl úspěšně nahrán."

msgid "Upload failed."
msgstr "Nepovedlo se nahrát soubor."

msgid "Upload a file"
msgstr "Nahrát soubor"

msgid "Upload and share a file"
msgstr "Nahrát a sdílet soubor"

msgid "Upload service"
msgstr "Upload služba"

msgid "Local file"
msgstr "Místní soubor"

msgid "Remote file"
msgstr "Vzdálený soubor"

msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Jméno:"

msgid "Free space:"
msgstr "VOlné místo:"

msgid "Max file size:"
msgstr "Max velikost souboru:"

msgid "Persistence:"
msgstr "Živostnost:"

msgid "Path:"
msgstr "Cesta:"

msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Velikost:"

msgid "Upload progress:"
msgstr "Stav nahrávání:"

msgid "URL:"
msgstr "URL:"

msgid "FTP service selected"
msgstr "Vybrána FTP služba"

msgid "N/A"
msgstr "N/A"

Re: mintUpload 2.0 translations

Post by wuying_ren »

msgid "Checking space on the service..."
msgstr "Comprovant l'espai disponible al servei..."

msgid "B"
msgstr "b"

msgid "KB"
msgstr "Kb"

msgid "MB"
msgstr "Mb"

msgid "GB"
msgstr "Gb"

msgid "days"
msgstr "dies"

msgid "Service ready. Space available."
msgstr "Servei preparat. Espai disponible."

msgid "File too big or not enough space on the service."
msgstr "Arxiu massa gran o espai insuficient al servei."

msgid "Could not connect to the service."
msgstr "No s'ha pogut connectar al servei."

msgid "Connecting to the service..."
msgstr "Connectant al servei..."

msgid "Uploading the file..."
msgstr "Carregant l'arxiu..."

msgid "File uploaded successfully."
msgstr "Arxiu carregat amb èxit."

msgid "Upload failed."
msgstr "Càrrega fallida"

msgid "Upload a file"
msgstr "Pujar un arxiu"

msgid "Upload and share a file"
msgstr "Pujar i compartir un arxiu"

msgid "Upload service"
msgstr "Servei de càrrega"

msgid "Local file"
msgstr "Arxiu local"

msgid "Remote file"
msgstr "Arxiu remot"

msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Nom:"

msgid "Free space:"
msgstr "Espai lliure:"

msgid "Max file size:"
msgstr "Mida màxima d'arxiu:"

msgid "Persistence:"
msgstr "Persistència:"

msgid "Path:"
msgstr "Ruta:"

msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Mida:"

msgid "Upload progress:"
msgstr "Progrés de la càrrega:"

msgid "URL:"
msgstr "URL:"

msgid "FTP service selected"
msgstr "Servei FTP seleccionat"

msgid "N/A"
msgstr "N/A"
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Re: mintUpload 2.0 translations

Post by Xgamer »

Translation: Slovak , sk_SK
msgid "Checking space on the service..."
msgstr "Kontrolovanie miesta na serveri..."

msgid "B"
msgstr "B"

msgid "KB"
msgstr "KB"

msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"

msgid "GB"
msgstr "GM"

msgid "days"
msgstr "Dny"

msgid "Service ready. Space available."
msgstr "Server je pripravený.Miesto je dostupné"

msgid "File too big or not enough space on the service."
msgstr "Súbor je príliš veľký alebo nie je dostatok miesta na serveri"

msgid "Could not connect to the service."
msgstr "Nemožno pripojiť sa na server"

msgid "Connecting to the service..."
msgstr "Pripájanie na server..."

msgid "Uploading the file..."
msgstr "Nahrávanie súboru..."

msgid "File uploaded successfully."
msgstr "Súbor úspešne nahratý"

msgid "Upload failed."
msgstr "Nahrávanie zlyhalo"

msgid "Upload a file"
msgstr "Nahrať súbor"

msgid "Upload and share a file"
msgstr "Nahrať aj zdieľať súbor"

msgid "Upload service"
msgstr Upload server"

msgid "Local file"
msgstr "Miestny súbor"

msgid "Remote file"
msgstr "Vzdialený súbor"

msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Meno:"

msgid "Free space:"
msgstr "Voľné miesto:"

msgid "Max file size:"
msgstr "Maximálna veľkosť súboru:"

msgid "Persistence:"
msgstr "Životnosť"

msgid "Path:"
msgstr "Cesta:"

msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Veľkosť:"

msgid "Upload progress:"
msgstr "Priebeh nahrávania:"

msgid "URL:"
msgstr "URL:"

msgid "FTP service selected"
msgstr"Vybraný FTP server"

msgid "N/A"
msgstr "N/A"

Re: mintUpload 2.0 translations

Post by JuEUS-U »

Language: Korean (ko)

Code: Select all

msgid "Checking space on the service..."
msgstr "사용 가능한 용량을 확인하고 있습니다..."

msgid "B"
msgstr "B"

msgid "KB"
msgstr "KB"

msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"

msgid "GB"
msgstr "GB"

msgid "days"
msgstr "일"

msgid "Service ready. Space available."
msgstr "준비 완료. 사용 가능합니다."

msgid "File too big or not enough space on the service."
msgstr "파일이 너무 크거나 남은 용량이 부족합니다."

msgid "Could not connect to the service."
msgstr "서비스에 연결할 수 없습니다."

msgid "Connecting to the service..."
msgstr "서비스에 연결중..."

msgid "Uploading the file..."
msgstr "파일 전송중..."

msgid "File uploaded successfully."
msgstr "성공적으로 전송되었습니다."

msgid "Upload failed."
msgstr "전송 실패."

msgid "Upload a file"
msgstr "파일 전송"

msgid "Upload and share a file"
msgstr "파일을 전송하고 공유"

msgid "Upload service"
msgstr "전송 서비스"

msgid "Local file"
msgstr "로컬 파일"

msgid "Remote file"
msgstr "원격지 파일"

msgid "Name:"
msgstr "이름:"

msgid "Free space:"
msgstr "남은 용량:"

msgid "Max file size:"
msgstr "파일 최대 크기:"

msgid "Persistence:"
msgstr "유효기간:"

msgid "Path:"
msgstr "경로:"

msgid "Size:"
msgstr "크기:"

msgid "Upload progress:"
msgstr "전송 진행률:"

msgid "URL:"
msgstr "URL:"

msgid "FTP service selected"
msgstr "FTP 서비스가 선택됨"

msgid "N/A"
msgstr "N/A"
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Re: mintUpload 2.0 translations

Post by timh »

msgid "Checking space on the service..."
msgstr "Überprüfe mögliche Speichergröße des Dienstes..."

msgid "B"
msgstr "B"

msgid "KB"
msgstr "KB"

msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"

msgid "GB"
msgstr "GB"

msgid "days"
msgstr "Tage"

msgid "Service ready. Space available."
msgstr "Dienst bereit. Ausreichend Speicher verfügbar."

msgid "File too big or not enough space on the service."
msgstr "Datei zu groß oder kein ausreichender Speicherplatz."

msgid "Could not connect to the service."
msgstr "Verbindung zum Dienst kann nicht hergestellt werden."

msgid "Connecting to the service..."
msgstr "Verbindung zum Dienst wird hergestellt..."

msgid "Uploading the file..."
msgstr "Upload der Datei...

msgid "File uploaded successfully."
msgstr "Datei erfolgreich hochgeladen.

msgid "Upload failed."
msgstr "Fehler beim Upload.

msgid "Upload a file"
msgstr "Hochladen einer Datei"

msgid "Upload and share a file"
msgstr "Hochladen und Datei freigeben

msgid "Upload service"
msgstr "Upload-Dienst"

msgid "Local file"
msgstr "Lokale Datei"

msgid "Remote file"
msgstr "Entfernte Datei"

msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Name:"

msgid "Free space:"
msgstr "Freier Speicher:"

msgid "Max file size:"
msgstr "Maximale Dateigröße:"

msgid "Persistence:"
msgstr "Zeitdauer:"

msgid "Path:"
msgstr "Pfad:"

msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Größe:"

msgid "Upload progress:"
msgstr "Upload Fortschritt:"

msgid "URL:"
msgstr "URL:"

msgid "FTP service selected"
msgstr "FTP-Dienst ausgewählt"

msgid "N/A"
msgstr "N/A"

Re: mintUpload 2.0 translations

Post by definitely »

Lithuanian lt_LT:
msgid "Checking space on the service..."
msgstr "Tikrinama vieta serveryje..."

msgid "B"
msgstr "B"

msgid "KB"
msgstr "KB"

msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"

msgid "GB"
msgstr "GB"

msgid "days"
msgstr "dienos/dienų"

msgid "Service ready. Space available."
msgstr "Serveris pasiruošęs. Vietos užtenka."

msgid "File too big or not enough space on the service."
msgstr "Failas yra per didelis arba neužtenka vietos serveryje."

msgid "Could not connect to the service."
msgstr "Nepavyko prisijungti prie serverio..."

msgid "Connecting to the service..."
msgstr "Jungiamasi prie serverio..."

msgid "Uploading the file..."
msgstr "Failas talpinamas"

msgid "File uploaded successfully."
msgstr "Failas sėkmingai patalpintas."

msgid "Upload failed."
msgstr "Išsiuntimas nepavyko."

msgid "Upload a file"
msgstr "Talpinti failą"

msgid "Upload and share a file"
msgstr "Patalpinkite ir dalinkitės failu"

msgid "Upload service"
msgstr "Talpinimas"

msgid "Local file"
msgstr "Failas diske"

msgid "Remote file"
msgstr "Failo talpinimas"

msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Pavadinimas:"

msgid "Free space:"
msgstr "Laisvos vietos:"

msgid "Max file size:"
msgstr "Maksimalus failo dydis:"

msgid "Persistence:"
msgstr "Gyvavimo laikas:"

msgid "Path:"
msgstr "Vieta:"

msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Dydis:"

msgid "Upload progress:"
msgstr "Išsiunčiama:"

msgid "URL:"
msgstr "Nuoroda:"

msgid "FTP service selected"
msgstr "FTP paslauga pasirinkta"

msgid "N/A"
msgstr "N/A"

Re: mintUpload 2.0 translations

Post by happyjens »

Danish (dansk)
msgid "Checking space on the service..."
msgstr "Checker plads på servicen..."

msgid "B"
msgstr "B"

msgid "KB"
msgstr "KB"

msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"

msgid "GB"
msgstr "GB"

msgid "days"
msgstr "Dage"

msgid "Service ready. Space available."
msgstr "Servicen er klar. Brugbar plads."

msgid "File too big or not enough space on the service."
msgstr "Filen er for stor eller ikke nok plads på servicen"

msgid "Could not connect to the service."
msgstr "Kunne ikke connecte til servicen."

msgid "Connecting to the service..."
msgstr "Connecter til servicen..."

msgid "Uploading the file..."
msgstr "Uploader filen..."

msgid "File uploaded successfully."
msgstr "Fil upload lykkes. "

msgid "Upload failed."
msgstr "Uploading fejlede."

msgid "Upload a file"
msgstr "Upload en fil"

msgid "Upload and share a file"
msgstr "Upload og del fil"

msgid "Upload service"
msgstr "Upload service"

msgid "Local file"
msgstr "Lokal fil"

msgid "Remote file"
msgstr "Fjern fil"

msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Navn:"

msgid "Free space:"
msgstr "Frit plads:"

msgid "Max file size:"
msgstr "Max filstørrelse:"

msgid "Persistence:"
msgstr "udholdenhed:"

msgid "Path:"
msgstr "Sti:"

msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Størrelse:"

msgid "Upload progress:"
msgstr "Upload fremskridt:"

msgid "URL:"
msgstr "URL:"

msgid "FTP service selected"
msgstr "FTP service valgt"

msgid "N/A"
msgstr "N/A"

Re: mintUpload 2.0 translations

Post by relst »

Dutch (nl)
msgid "Checking space on the service..."
msgstr "Ruimte berekenen op de service..."

msgid "B"
msgstr ""

msgid "KB"
msgstr ""

msgid "MB"
msgstr ""

msgid "GB"
msgstr ""

msgid "days"
msgstr "dagen"

msgid "Service ready. Space available."
msgstr "Service gereed. Ruimte beschikbaar."

msgid "File too big or not enough space on the service."
msgstr "Bestand te groot, of nie genoeg ruimte op de service."

msgid "Could not connect to the service."
msgstr "Kon niet verbinden met de service."

msgid "Connecting to the service..."
msgstr "Bezig met verbinden..."

msgid "Uploading the file..."
msgstr "Bestand aan het uploaden..."

msgid "File uploaded successfully."
msgstr "Bestand succesvol upgeload."

msgid "Upload failed."
msgstr "Upload gefaald."

msgid "Upload a file"
msgstr "Upload een bestand"

msgid "Upload and share a file"
msgstr "Upload en deel een bestand"

msgid "Upload service"
msgstr "Upload service"

msgid "Local file"
msgstr "Lokaal bestand"

msgid "Remote file"
msgstr "Bestand op afstand"

msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Naam:"

msgid "Free space:"
msgstr "Vrije ruimte:"

msgid "Max file size:"
msgstr "Maximale bestandsgroote:"

msgid "Persistence:"
msgstr "Aanwezigheid:"

msgid "Path:"
msgstr "Pad:"

msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Groote:"

msgid "Upload progress:"
msgstr "Voortgang van het uploaden:"

msgid "URL:"
msgstr "URL:"

msgid "FTP service selected"
msgstr "FTP service geselecteerd"

msgid "N/A"
msgstr "Niet Beschikbaar"
Rob Brill

Re: mintUpload 2.0 translations

Post by Rob Brill »

Brazilian Portuguese - Português do Brasil

msgid "Checking space on the service..."
msgstr"Verificando espaço para o serviço"

msgid "B"

msgid "KB"

msgid "MB"

msgid "GB"

msgid "days"

msgid "Service ready. Space available."
msgstr"Serviço pronto, Espaço disponível"

msgid "File too big or not enough space on the service."
msgstr"Arquivo muito grande ou espaço insuficente para o serviço""

msgid "Could not connect to the service."
msgstr"Não foi possível conectar-se ao serviço"

msgid "Connecting to the service..."
msgstr"Conectando ao serviço"

msgid "Uploading the file..."
msgstr"Enviando o arquivo"

msgid "File uploaded successfully."
msgstr"Arquivo enviado com sucesso"

msgid "Upload failed."
msgstr"Falha de envio"

msgid "Upload a file"
msgstr"Enviar um arquivo"

msgid "Upload and share a file"
msgstr"Enviar e compartilhar um arquivo"

msgid "Upload service"
msgstr"Enviar serviço"

msgid "Local file"
msgstr"Arquvivo local"

msgid "Remote file"
msgstr"Arquivo distante"

msgid "Name:"

msgid "Free space:"
msgstr"Espaço livre"

msgid "Max file size:"
msgstr"Tamanho máximo do arquivo"

msgid "Persistence:"

msgid "Path:"

msgid "Size:"

msgid "Upload progress:"
msgstr"Progresso de envio"

msgid "URL:"

msgid "FTP service selected"
msgstr"Serviço FTP selecionado"

msgid "N/A"
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Re: mintUpload 2.0 translations

Post by clem »

-- All translations above were included in version 2.0.1 --
sergio marques

Re: mintUpload 2.0 translations

Post by sergio marques »


msgid "Checking space on the service..."
msgstr "Verificando espaço no serviço..."

msgid "B"
msgstr "B"

msgid "KB"
msgstr "KB"

msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"

msgid "GB"
msgstr "GB"

msgid "days"
msgstr "dias"

msgid "Service ready. Space available."
msgstr "Serviço pronto. Espaço disponível."

msgid "File too big or not enough space on the service."
msgstr "Ficheiro muito grande ou sem espaço no serviço."

msgid "Could not connect to the service."
msgstr "Não foi possível ligar ao serviço."

msgid "Connecting to the service..."
msgstr "Ligando ao serviço..."

msgid "Uploading the file..."
msgstr "Enviando ficheiro..."

msgid "File uploaded successfully."
msgstr "Ficheiro enviado com sucesso"

msgid "Upload failed."
msgstr "Falha no envio."

msgid "Upload a file"
msgstr "Enviar ficheiro"

msgid "Upload and share a file"
msgstr "Enviar e partilhar ficheiro"

msgid "Upload service"
msgstr "Enviar serviço"

msgid "Local file"
msgstr "Ficheiro local"

msgid "Remote file"
msgstr "Ficheiro remoto"

msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Nome:"

msgid "Free space:"
msgstr "Espaço livre:"

msgid "Max file size:"
msgstr "Tamanho máximo do ficheiro:"

msgid "Persistence:"
msgstr "Persistência:"

msgid "Path:"
msgstr "Caminho:"

msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Tamanho:"

msgid "Upload progress:"
msgstr "Evolução do envio:"

msgid "URL:"
msgstr "URL:"

msgid "FTP service selected"
msgstr "Escolhido o serviço FTP"

msgid "N/A"
msgstr "N/D"

Re: mintUpload 2.0 translations

Post by Guest »

msgid "Checking space on the service..."
msgstr "Проверка места на сервере..."

msgid "B"
msgstr "B"

msgid "KB"
msgstr "KB"

msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"

msgid "GB"
msgstr "GB"

msgid "days"
msgstr "дней"

msgid "Service ready. Space available."
msgstr "Сервис доступен.Место достаточно."

msgid "File too big or not enough space on the service."
msgstr "Файл слишком большой или недостаточно места не сервере"

msgid "Could not connect to the service."
msgstr "Но могу соединиться с сервером"

msgid "Connecting to the service..."
msgstr "Соеденение с серверов.."

msgid "Uploading the file..."
msgstr "Загрузка файла.."

msgid "File uploaded successfully."
msgstr "Файл успешно загружен!"

msgid "Upload failed."
msgstr "Загрузка сорвалась."

msgid "Upload a file"
msgstr "Загрузить файл"

msgid "Upload and share a file"
msgstr "Загрузить и разрешить общий доступ к файлу"

msgid "Upload service"
msgstr "Проверить сервер"

msgid "Local file"
msgstr "Обзор"

msgid "Remote file"
msgstr "Удалить файл"

msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Имя"

msgid "Free space:"
msgstr "Свободное место:"

msgid "Max file size:"
msgstr "Максимальный размер файла:"

msgid "Persistence:"
msgstr "Постоянство:"

msgid "Path:"
msgstr "Путь:"

msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Размер:"

msgid "Upload progress:"
msgstr "Прогресс загрузки:"

msgid "URL:"
msgstr "URL:"

msgid "FTP service selected"
msgstr "FTP сервер доступен!"

msgid "N/A"
msgstr "Недоступно"

Re: mintUpload 2.0 translations

Post by Melefaro »

msgid "Checking space on the service..."
msgstr "Проверка места на сервере..."

msgid "B"
msgstr "B"

msgid "KB"
msgstr "KB"

msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"

msgid "GB"
msgstr "GB"

msgid "days"
msgstr "дней"

msgid "Service ready. Space available."
msgstr "Сервис доступен.Место достаточно."

msgid "File too big or not enough space on the service."
msgstr "Файл слишком большой или недостаточно места не сервере"

msgid "Could not connect to the service."
msgstr "Но могу соединиться с сервером"

msgid "Connecting to the service..."
msgstr "Соеденение с серверов.."

msgid "Uploading the file..."
msgstr "Загрузка файла.."

msgid "File uploaded successfully."
msgstr "Файл успешно загружен!"

msgid "Upload failed."
msgstr "Загрузка сорвалась."

msgid "Upload a file"
msgstr "Загрузить файл"

msgid "Upload and share a file"
msgstr "Загрузить и разрешить общий доступ к файлу"

msgid "Upload service"
msgstr "Проверить сервер"

msgid "Local file"
msgstr "Обзор"

msgid "Remote file"
msgstr "Удалить файл"

msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Имя"

msgid "Free space:"
msgstr "Свободное место:"

msgid "Max file size:"
msgstr "Максимальный размер файла:"

msgid "Persistence:"
msgstr "Постоянство:"

msgid "Path:"
msgstr "Путь:"

msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Размер:"

msgid "Upload progress:"
msgstr "Прогресс загрузки:"

msgid "URL:"
msgstr "URL:"

msgid "FTP service selected"
msgstr "FTP сервер доступен!"

msgid "N/A"
msgstr "Недоступно"

Re: mintUpload 2.0 translations

Post by dudadas »

msgid "Checking space on the service..."
msgstr "Servisteki alan denetleniyor..."

msgid "B"
msgstr "B"

msgid "KB"
msgstr "KB"

msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"

msgid "GB"
msgstr "GB"

msgid "days"
msgstr "gün"

msgid "Service ready. Space available."
msgstr "Servis hazır. Alan erişilebilir."

msgid "File too big or not enough space on the service."
msgstr "Dosya çok büyük veya serviste yeterli alan yok."

msgid "Could not connect to the service."
msgstr "Servise erişilemedi."

msgid "Connecting to the service..."
msgstr "Servise bağlanılıyor..."

msgid "Uploading the file..."
msgstr "Dosya yükleniyor..."

msgid "File uploaded successfully."
msgstr "Dosya başarı ile yüklendi."

msgid "Upload failed."
msgstr "Yükleme başarısız oldu."

msgid "Upload a file"
msgstr "Bir dosya yükleyin"

msgid "Upload and share a file"
msgstr "Bir dosya yükleyip paylaşın"

msgid "Upload service"
msgstr "Yükleme servisi"

msgid "Local file"
msgstr "Yerel dosya"

msgid "Remote file"
msgstr "Yüklenen dosya"

msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Adı:"

msgid "Free space:"
msgstr "Boş alan:"

msgid "Max file size:"
msgstr "En büyük dosya boyutu:"

msgid "Persistence:"
msgstr "Yazma İzni:"

msgid "Path:"
msgstr "Dosya Yolu:"

msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Büyüklüğü:"

msgid "Upload progress:"
msgstr "Yükleme İşlemi:"

msgid "URL:"
msgstr "URL:"

msgid "FTP service selected"
msgstr "FTP hizmeti seçildi"

msgid "N/A"
msgstr "Erişilebilir değil"

Re: mintUpload 2.0 translations

Post by diego1188 »

LANGUAGE=Italian (it)
msgid "Checking space on the service..."
msgstr "Controllo spazio nel servizio..."

msgid "B"
msgstr "B"

msgid "KB"
msgstr "KB"

msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"

msgid "GB"
msgstr "GB"

msgid "days"
msgstr "giorni"

msgid "Service ready. Space available."
msgstr "Servizio pronto. Spazio disponibile."

msgid "File too big or not enough space on the service."
msgstr "File troppo grande o spazio insufficiente nel servizio."

msgid "Could not connect to the service."
msgstr "Impossibile connettersi al servizio."

msgid "Connecting to the service..."
msgstr "Connessione al servizio..."

msgid "Uploading the file..."
msgstr "Caricamento del file in corso..."

msgid "File uploaded successfully."
msgstr "Caricamento del file riuscito."

msgid "Upload failed."
msgstr "Caricamento fallito."

msgid "Upload a file"
msgstr "Carica un file"

msgid "Upload and share a file"
msgstr "Carica e condividi un file"

msgid "Upload service"
msgstr "Servizio di caricamento"

msgid "Local file"
msgstr "File locale"

msgid "Remote file"
msgstr "File remoto"

msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Nome:"

msgid "Free space:"
msgstr "Spazio libero:"

msgid "Max file size:"
msgstr "Massima dimensione del file:"

msgid "Persistence:"
msgstr "Durata:"

msgid "Path:"
msgstr "Percorso:"

msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Dimensione:"

msgid "Upload progress:"
msgstr "Avanzamento dell'upload:"

msgid "URL:"
msgstr "Indirizzo:"

msgid "FTP service selected"
msgstr "Selezionato servizio FTP"

msgid "N/A"
msgstr "Non disponibile"
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Re: mintUpload 2.0 translations

Post by timh »

First - Sorry to forget some quotation marks
But what translation errors you have corrected?
I use the word suggestions not errors :wink:
msgid "Upload progress:"
msgstr "Uploadfortschritt:"
But you used a not existing word :wink:
if you don't like Upload Fortschritt you can say ::Upload-Fortschritt
msgid "Persistence:"
msgstr "Speicherdauer:"
you use a word also not exist but people use it. :(
IMHO it is wrong because Speicher is a target and not a way.
I used first Zeitdauer [=duration] but if you don't like this we can say Aufbewahrungszeit [=storage time]

We can through it in the German Forum and see wich one is more popular :lol:

Translation German [DE]

msgid "Checking space on the service..."
msgstr "Überprüfe mögliche Speichergröße des Dienstes..."

msgid "B"
msgstr "B"

msgid "KB"
msgstr "KB"

msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"

msgid "GB"
msgstr "GB"

msgid "days"
msgstr "Tage"

msgid "Service ready. Space available."
msgstr "Dienst bereit. Ausreichend Speicher verfügbar."

msgid "File too big or not enough space on the service."
msgstr "Datei zu groß oder kein ausreichender Speicherplatz."

msgid "Could not connect to the service."
msgstr "Verbindung zum Dienst konnte nicht hergestellt werden."

msgid "Connecting to the service..."
msgstr "Verbindung zum Dienst wird hergestellt..."

msgid "Uploading the file..."
msgstr "Upload der Datei..."

msgid "File uploaded successfully."
msgstr "Datei erfolgreich hochgeladen."

msgid "Upload failed."
msgstr "Fehler beim Upload."

msgid "Upload a file"
msgstr "Hochladen einer Datei"

msgid "Upload and share a file"
msgstr "Hochladen und Datei freigeben"

msgid "Upload service"
msgstr "Upload-Dienst"

msgid "Local file"
msgstr "Lokale Datei"

msgid "Remote file"
msgstr "Entfernte Datei"

msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Name:"

msgid "Free space:"
msgstr "Freier Speicher:"

msgid "Max file size:"
msgstr "Maximale Dateigröße:"

msgid "Persistence:"
msgstr "Aufbewahrungszeit:"

msgid "Path:"
msgstr "Pfad:"

msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Größe:"

msgid "Upload progress:"
msgstr "Upload Fortschritt:"

msgid "URL:"
msgstr "URL:"

msgid "FTP service selected"
msgstr "FTP-Dienst ausgewählt"

msgid "N/A"
msgstr "N/A"
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Re: mintUpload 2.0 translations

Post by clem »

-- Translations added to mintUpload 2.0.2 --

Re: mintUpload 2.0 translations

Post by churchyard »

Hi, I'm not sure if this is right place to write it, but there's a mistake in Czech translation:

Code: Select all

msgid "Free space:"
msgstr "VOlné místo:"
Should be:

Code: Select all

msgid "Free space:"
msgstr "Volné místo:"

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