
Help translate Linux Mint to other languages
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Re: mintWelcome

Post by FlowerChild »

Language: Danish, "da"
msgid "Welcome to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Velkommen til Linux Mint"

msgid "Welcome and thank you for choosing Linux Mint. We hope you'll enjoy using it as much as we did making it. Please make yourself familiar with the new features and the documentation and don't hesitate to send us your feedback."
msgstr "Velkommen og tak fordi du valgte Linux Mint. Vi håber du vil nyde at bruge det, lige så meget som vi nød at lave det. Du kan nu lære de nye funktioner at kende, og læse dokumentationen. Du er velkommen til at sende os din feedback."

msgid "Discover %s"
msgstr "Opdag %s"

msgid "Find help"
msgstr "Find hjælp"

msgid "Contribute to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Vær med til at forbedre Linux Mint"

msgid "Browse the list of new features"
msgstr "Gennemse listen over nye funktioner"

msgid "Read the release notes"
msgstr "Læs udgivelses-noterne"

msgid "Download the user guide (PDF)"
msgstr "Hent bruger-guiden (PDF)"

msgid "Visit the forums"
msgstr "Besøg foraene"

msgid "Connect to the chat room"
msgstr "Besøg chat-rummet"

msgid "Become a sponsor"
msgstr "Bliv sponsor"

msgid "Make a donation"
msgstr "Støt os"

msgid "Get involved"
msgstr "Deltag i projektet"

msgid "Show this dialog at startup"
msgstr "Vis dette hver gang computeren starter"

Re: mintWelcome

Post by kvaju »

Language - Croatian (hr)
msgid "Welcome to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Dobrodošao u Linux Mint"

msgid "Welcome and thank you for choosing Linux Mint. We hope you'll enjoy using it as much as we did making it. Please make yourself familiar with the new features and the documentation and don't hesitate to send us your feedback."
msgstr "Dobrodošao i hvala ti što si izabrao Linux Mint. Nadam se da ćeš uživati u korištenju, kao što smo mi uživali praveći ga. Upoznaj se sa novim sadržajima, i dokumentacijom, i nemoj da okljevaš, pošalji nam povratnu informaciju."

msgid "Discover %s"
msgstr "Otkrijte %s"

msgid "Find help"
msgstr "Pronađi pomoć"

msgid "Contribute to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Doprinesi Linux Mintu"

msgid "Browse the list of new features"
msgstr "Pretraži sve nove sadržaje "

msgid "Read the release notes"
msgstr "Pročitaj izvještaje zapažanja"

msgid "Download the user guide (PDF)"
msgstr "Skini priručnik za korisnike (PDF)"

msgid "Visit the forums"
msgstr "Podsjeti forume"

msgid "Connect to the chat room"
msgstr "Spoji se u chat sobe"

msgid "Become a sponsor"
msgstr "Postani sponzor"

msgid "Make a donation"
msgstr "Doniraj"

msgid "Get involved"
msgstr "Angažiraj se i ti"

msgid "Show this dialog at startup"
msgstr "Prikaži ovaj dijalog uvijek kad uključim računalo"

Re: mintWelcome

Post by Teditiks »

Just a few minor changes to Ollebros excellent translation. Changes marked in bold...
Ollebro wrote:Language: Swedish
msgid "Welcome to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Välkommen till Linux Mint"

msgid "Welcome and thank you for choosing Linux Mint. We hope you'll enjoy using it as much as we did making it. Please make yourself familiar with the new features and the documentation and don't hesitate to send us your feedback."
msgstr "Välkommen och tack för att du valt Linux Mint. Vi hoppas du kommer att gilla att använda det lika mycket som vi gillade att skapa det. Var god och gör dig bekant med de nya funktionerna och dokumentationen, och tveka inte att skicka oss din feedback. "

msgid "Discover %s"
msgstr "Upptäck %s"

msgid "Find help"
msgstr "Hitta hjälp'"

msgid "Contribute to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Bidra till Linux Mint"

msgid "Browse the list of new features"
msgstr "Bläddra i listan över nya funktioner"

msgid "Read the release notes"
msgstr "Läs versionsinformationen"

msgid "Download the user guide (PDF)"
msgstr "Ladda ned användarguiden (PDF)"

msgid "Visit the forums"
msgstr "Besök forumet"

msgid "Connect to the chat room"
msgstr "Anslut till chatrummet"

msgid "Become a sponsor"
msgstr "Bli en sponsor"

msgid "Make a donation"
msgstr "Gör en donation"

msgid "Get involved"
msgstr "Bli delaktig"

msgid "Show this dialog at startup"
msgstr "Visa denna dialog vid uppstart"

Re: mintWelcome

Post by Solhatt »

xoriath wrote:Language: Norwegian
Would like to do a correction:
msgid "Welcome to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Velkommen til Linux Mint"

msgid "Welcome and thank you for choosing Linux Mint. We hope you'll enjoy using it as much as we did making it. Please make yourself familiar with the new features and the documentation and don't hesitate to send us your feedback."
msgstr "Velkommen og takk for at du har valgt Linux Mint. Vi håper at du vil få like mye glede av å bruke det som vi hadde av å laget det. Vennligst gjør deg kjent med de nye funksjonene og den nye dokumentasjonen. Ikke nøl med å sende oss tilbakemeldinger."

msgid "Discover %s"
msgstr "Oppdag %s"

msgid "Find help"
msgstr "Få hjelp"

msgid "Contribute to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Bidra til Linux Mint"

msgid "Browse the list of new features"
msgstr "Se listen over nye funksjoner"

msgid "Read the release notes"
msgstr "Les utgivelsesnotatene"

msgid "Download the user guide (PDF)"
msgstr "Last ned brukeveiledning (PDF)"

msgid "Visit the forums"
msgstr "Besøk vårt forum"

msgid "Connect to the chat room"
msgstr "Koble til nettprat"

msgid "Become a sponsor"
msgstr "Bli en sponsor"

msgid "Make a donation"
msgstr "Gi en donasjon"

msgid "Get involved"
msgstr "Bli innvolvert"

msgid "Show this dialog at startup"
msgstr "Vis denne dialogen ved oppstart"
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Re: mintWelcome

Post by mortadelo »

Language: Basque

msgid "Welcome to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Ongietorri Linux Mint-ra"

msgid "Welcome and thank you for choosing Linux Mint. We hope you'll enjoy using it as much as we did making it. Please make yourself familiar with the new features and the documentation and don't hesitate to send us your feedback."
msgstr "Ongietorri eta eskerrik asko Linux Mint erabiltzeagatik.Erabiltzean, gu bezalaze ondo pasatzea itzaroten dugu. Mesedez, ikusi datozen funtzio berriak, dokumentazioa eta ez zalantza eduki zure sugetentziak bidaltzean."

msgid "Discover %s"
msgstr "Nabarmendu %s"

msgid "Find help"
msgstr "Laguntza Behar?"

msgid "Contribute to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Linux Mint lagundu"

msgid "Browse the list of new features"
msgstr "Ikusi funtzio berriak"

msgid "Read the release notes"
msgstr "Irrakurri Zer Berri"

msgid "Download the user guide (PDF)"
msgstr "Descargatuusuario gida (PDF)"

msgid "Visit the forums"
msgstr "Foroa bisitatu"

msgid "Connect to the chat room"
msgstr "Chat aretoarekin konektatu"

msgid "Become a sponsor"
msgstr "Patrozinatzaile bihurtu"

msgid "Make a donation"
msgstr "Donazioa egin"

msgid "Get involved"
msgstr "Implicatu proyectoan"

msgid "Show this dialog at startup"
msgstr "Erakutzi dialogo hau asierakoan"

Re: mintWelcome

Post by JakeArgent »

Translation to Turkish, tr_TR
msgid "Welcome to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Linux Mint'e hoşgeldiniz"

msgid "Welcome and thank you for choosing Linux Mint. We hope you'll enjoy using it as much as we did making it. Please make yourself familiar with the new features and the documentation and don't hesitate to send us your feedback."
msgstr "Hoşgeldiniz, Linux Mint'i seçtiğiniz için teşekkür ederiz. Yapımda bizim keyif aldığımız kadar, sizin de kullanırken keyif almanızı dileriz. Tüm yeni özellik ve dökümantasyon ile aşina olmaktan ve bize geri bildirim yapmaktan çekinmeyiniz."

msgid "Discover %s"
msgstr "Keşfet %s"

msgid "Find help"
msgstr "Yardım"

msgid "Contribute to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Linux Mint'e Destek Ver"

msgid "Browse the list of new features"
msgstr "Yeni özellikler listesini gezin"

msgid "Read the release notes"
msgstr "Sürüm notlarını oku"

msgid "Download the user guide (PDF)"
msgstr "Kullanıcı klavuzunu indir (PDF)"

msgid "Visit the forums"
msgstr "Forumu ziyaret edin"

msgid "Connect to the chat room"
msgstr "Chat odasına bağlanın"

msgid "Become a sponsor"
msgstr "Sponsor olun"

msgid "Make a donation"
msgstr "Bağış Yapın"

msgid "Get involved"
msgstr "İlgilenin" -- (?- I didn't like this line, but somehow i cannot find the words... I'll repost if I can find a better word for this)

msgid "Show this dialog at startup"
msgstr "Bu pencereyi açılışta göster"

Re: mintWelcome

Post by Alexio »

Language: Romanian
msgid "Welcome to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Bine aţi venit la Linux Mint"

msgid "Welcome and thank you for choosing Linux Mint. We hope you'll enjoy using it as much as we did making it. Please make yourself familiar with the new features and the documentation and don't hesitate to send us your feedback."
msgstr "Bine aţi venit şi vă mulţumim pentru că aţi ales Linux Mint. Sperăm că o să vă bucuraţi de utilizarea acestui sistem la fel de mult cât ne-a plăcut nouă să îl realizăm. Vă rugăm să vă obişnuiţi cu noile caracteristici şi documentaţia, precum şi să nu ezitaţi să ne trimiteţi comentariile şi impresiile dumneavoastră."

msgid "Discover %s"
msgstr "Descoperiţi %s"

msgid "Find help"
msgstr "Găsiţi ajutor"

msgid "Contribute to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Contribuiţi la Linux Mint"

msgid "Browse the list of new features"
msgstr "Parcurgeţi lista cu noile funcţionalităţi"

msgid "Read the release notes"
msgstr "Citiţi notele de lansare"

msgid "Download the user guide (PDF)"
msgstr "Descărcaţi ghidul de utilizare (PDF)"

msgid "Visit the forums"
msgstr "Vizitaţi forumurile"

msgid "Connect to the chat room"
msgstr "Conectaţi-vă la camera de chat"

msgid "Become a sponsor"
msgstr "Deveniţi sponsor"

msgid "Make a donation"
msgstr "Faceţi o donaţie"

msgid "Get involved"
msgstr "Implicaţi-vă în acest proiect"

msgid "Show this dialog at startup"
msgstr "Arată această fereastră la pornirea sistemului"

Re: mintWelcome

Post by Xtigyro »

Language: Bulgarian (BG); "Български"

msgid "Welcome to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Добре дошли в Linux Mint"

msgid "Welcome and thank you for choosing Linux Mint. We hope you'll enjoy using it as much as we did making it. Please make yourself familiar with the new features and the documentation and don't hesitate to send us your feedback."
msgstr "Добре дошли! Благодарим Ви, че избрахте Linux Mint. Надяваме се, че ще му се насладите толкова, колкото Ние когато го правихме. Моля, запознайте се с новите функции и документацията и не се колебайте да Ни изпратите Вашите впечатления."

msgid "Discover %s"
msgstr "Открий %s"

msgid "Find help"
msgstr "Потърси помощ"

msgid "Contribute to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Допринеси към Linux Mint"

msgid "Browse the list of new features"
msgstr "Разгледай списъка с нови функции"

msgid "Read the release notes"
msgstr "Прочети официалните бележки за изданието"

msgid "Download the user guide (PDF)"
msgstr "Изтегли наръчника за потребителя (PDF)"

msgid "Visit the forums"
msgstr "Посети форумите"

msgid "Connect to the chat room"
msgstr "Влез в стаята за чат"

msgid "Become a sponsor"
msgstr "Стани спонсор"

msgid "Make a donation"
msgstr "Направи дарение"

msgid "Get involved"
msgstr "Включи се в разработването"

msgid "Show this dialog at startup"
msgstr "Покажи този диалог при стартиране"

Re: mintWelcome

Post by emil_pavlov »

A few updates to the Bulgarian translatioin.

Code: Select all

msgid "Welcome to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Добре дошли в Линукс Минт"

msgid "Welcome and thank you for choosing Linux Mint. We hope you'll enjoy using it as much as we did making it. Please make yourself familiar with the new features and the documentation and don't hesitate to send us your feedback."
msgstr "Добре дошли! Благодарим Ви, че избрахте Линукс Минт. Надяваме се, че ще му се насладите толкова, колкото ние докато го създавахме. Моля, запознайте се с новостите и документацията и не се колебайте да ни изпратите впечатления си."

msgid "Discover %s"
msgstr "Опознайте %s"

msgid "Find help"
msgstr "Потърсете помощ"

msgid "Contribute to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Допринесете към Линукс Минт"

msgid "Browse the list of new features"
msgstr "Разгледайте списъка с новостите"

msgid "Read the release notes"
msgstr "Прочете бележките към изданието"

msgid "Download the user guide (PDF)"
msgstr "Изтеглете потребителския наръчник (PDF)"

msgid "Visit the forums"
msgstr "Посетете форумите"

msgid "Connect to the chat room"
msgstr "Влезте в стаята за чат"

msgid "Become a sponsor"
msgstr "Станете спонсор"

msgid "Make a donation"
msgstr "Направете дарение"

msgid "Get involved"
msgstr "Включете се в разработването"

msgid "Show this dialog at startup"
msgstr "Показване на този диалог при стартиране"

Re: mintWelcome

Post by Mott »

Language: Català
msgid "Welcome to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Benvingut a Linux Mint"

msgid "Welcome and thank you for choosing Linux Mint. We hope you'll enjoy using it as much as we did making it. Please make yourself familiar with the new features and the documentation and don't hesitate to send us your feedback."
msgstr "Benvingut i gràcies per triar Linux Mint. Esperem que gaudi usant aquesta distribució tant com nosaltres gaudírem en fer-la. Per favor, familiaritzi's amb les noves funcions, amb la documentació i no dubti en fer-nos arribar les seves sugerències."

msgid "Discover %s"
msgstr "Descobreix %s"

msgid "Find help"
msgstr "Vol ajuda?"

msgid "Contribute to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Contribueixi a Linux Mint"

msgid "Browse the list of new features"
msgstr "Examini la llista de noves funcions"

msgid "Read the release notes"
msgstr "Llegeixi les notes de llançament"

msgid "Download the user guide (PDF)"
msgstr "Descarregui la guia de l'usuari (PDF)"

msgid "Visit the forums"
msgstr "Visiti el fòrum"

msgid "Connect to the chat room"
msgstr "Conecta al xat"

msgid "Become a sponsor"
msgstr "Converteixi's en patrocinador"

msgid "Make a donation"
msgstr "Faci una donació"

msgid "Get involved"
msgstr "Impliqui's en el projecte"

msgid "Show this dialog at startup"
msgstr "Mostra aquesta finestra a l'inici"

Re: mintWelcome

Post by johonunu »

Language - Serbian (sr)

msgid "Welcome to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Добродошли у Linux Mint"

msgid "Welcome and thank you for choosing Linux Mint. We hope you'll enjoy using it as much as we did making it. Please make yourself familiar with the new features and the documentation and don't hesitate to send us your feedback."
msgstr "Добродошли и хвала што сте изабрали Linux Mint. Надамо се да ћете уживати у његовом коришћењу, као што смо ми уживали правећи га. Упознајте се са новим садржајима и документацијом и немојте да оклевате, пошаљите нам повратну информацију."

msgid "Discover %s"
msgstr "Откријте %s"

msgid "Find help"
msgstr "Потражите помоћ"

msgid "Contribute to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Допринесите Linux Mintu пројекту"

msgid "Browse the list of new features"
msgstr "Претражите листу нових садржаја"

msgid "Read the release notes"
msgstr "Прочитајте извештај"

msgid "Download the user guide (PDF)"
msgstr "Преузмите корисничко упутство (PDF)"

msgid "Visit the forums"
msgstr "Посетите форуме"

msgid "Connect to the chat room"
msgstr "Повежите се у чет собу"

msgid "Become a sponsor"
msgstr "Постаните спонзор"

msgid "Make a donation"
msgstr "Поклоните донацију"

msgid "Get involved"
msgstr "Ангажујте се и ви"

msgid "Show this dialog at startup"
msgstr "Прикажи увек овај дијалог"
Last edited by johonunu on Sun May 17, 2009 9:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Language: Hebrew

Post by EndlessLinux »

Language: Hebrew
msgid "Welcome to Linux Mint"
msgstr "ברוכים הבאים ללינוקס מנטה!"

msgid "Welcome and thank you for choosing Linux Mint. We hope you'll enjoy using it as much as we did making it. Please make yourself familiar with the new features and the documentation and don't hesitate to send us your feedback."
msgstr "ברוכים הבאים ותודה שבחירתם את לינוקס מנטה. אנו מקווים שתיהנו להשתמש בזה כמו שנהננו לפתך את זה. אנא תסתכלו על תעיינו בתכונות החדשות ותיעוד המערכת ואל תהססו לשלוח לנו את מחשבותכם."

msgid "Discover %s"
msgstr "גלו %s"

msgid "Find help"
msgstr "למצוא עזרה"

msgid "Contribute to Linux Mint"
msgstr "לתרום ללינוקס מנטה"

msgid "Browse the list of new features"
msgstr "לעין ברשימת התכונות החדשות."

msgid "Read the release notes"
msgstr "קראו את תיעוד התוכנה"

msgid "Download the user guide (PDF)"
msgstr "הורד את המדריך למשתמש (PDF)"

msgid "Visit the forums"
msgstr "ביקרו בפורומים"

msgid "Connect to the chat room"
msgstr "תתחברו אל חדר הצ 'אט"

msgid "Become a sponsor"
msgstr "תנו חסות"

msgid "Make a donation"
msgstr "תתרמו"

msgid "Get involved"
msgstr "תקחו חלק בפרויקט"

msgid "Show this dialog at startup"
msgstr "הצג דיאלוג זה בעת האתחול"

Re: mintWelcome

Post by Yukki »

Language: Belorussian (Classic orthography)
msgid "Welcome to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Вiтаем у Linux Mint"

msgid "Welcome and thank you for choosing Linux Mint. We hope you'll enjoy using it as much as we did making it. Please make yourself familiar with the new features and the documentation and don't hesitate to send us your feedback."
msgstr "Сардэчна вітаем Вас i дзякуем за выбар Linux Mint. Спадзяемся, што карыстаньне гэтай сыстэмай будзе Вам такой жа уцэхаю, як нам - яе стварэньне. Запрашаем азнаёмiцца з дакумэнтацыяй i ўласцiвасьцямi сыстэмы. Не вагайцеся i дашлiце нам свае меркаваньнi!"

msgid "Discover %s"
msgstr "Адкрыць %s"

msgid "Find help"
msgstr "Дапамога"

msgid "Contribute to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Падтрымаць Linux Mint"

msgid "Browse the list of new features"
msgstr "Азнаёмiцца са сьпiсам уведзеных зьменаў"

msgid "Read the release notes"
msgstr "Прачытаць зьвесткi аб выданьнi"

msgid "Download the user guide (PDF)"
msgstr "Адпампаваць iнструкцыю па абслугоўваньнi (PDF)"

msgid "Visit the forums"
msgstr "Адведаць форум"

msgid "Connect to the chat room"
msgstr "Далучыцца да чату"

msgid "Become a sponsor"
msgstr "Стацца спонсарам"

msgid "Make a donation"
msgstr "Зрабіць ахвяраваньне"

msgid "Get involved"
msgstr "Прыняць удзел"

msgid "Show this dialog at startup"
msgstr "Паказваць гэты дыялёг пры запуску"
Last edited by Yukki on Mon May 18, 2009 1:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: mintWelcome

Post by clem »

-- All translations above included in mintWelcome 1.2.1 --

Re: mintWelcome

Post by johonunu »

Hi, I made a mistake in my translation (Serbian-sr) in one word and I corected it now !
Could you later update it if it's not a problem !
msgid "Welcome and thank you for choosing Linux Mint. We hope you'll enjoy using it as much as we did making it. Please make yourself familiar with the new features and the documentation and don't hesitate to send us your feedback."
msgstr "Добродошли и хвала што сте изабрали Linux Mint. Надамо се да ћете уживати у његовом коришћењу, као што смо ми уживали правећи га. Упознајте се са новим садржајима и документацијом и немојте да оклевате, пошаљите нам повратну информацију."
Thanks, johonunu
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Re: mintWelcome

Post by clem »


Please repost the full translation below. All posts above won't be looked at again.


Re: mintWelcome

Post by johonunu »

Language - Serbian (sr) corrected

msgid "Welcome to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Добродошли у Linux Mint"

msgid "Welcome and thank you for choosing Linux Mint. We hope you'll enjoy using it as much as we did making it. Please make yourself familiar with the new features and the documentation and don't hesitate to send us your feedback."
msgstr "Добродошли и хвала што сте изабрали Linux Mint. Надамо се да ћете уживати у његовом коришћењу, као што смо ми уживали правећи га. Упознајте се са новим садржајима и документацијом и немојте оклевати, пошаљите нам повратну информацију."

msgid "Discover %s"
msgstr "Откријте %s"

msgid "Find help"
msgstr "Потражите помоћ"

msgid "Contribute to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Допринесите Linux Mintu пројекту"

msgid "Browse the list of new features"
msgstr "Претражите листу нових садржаја"

msgid "Read the release notes"
msgstr "Прочитајте извештај"

msgid "Download the user guide (PDF)"
msgstr "Преузмите корисничко упутство (PDF)"

msgid "Visit the forums"
msgstr "Посетите форуме"

msgid "Connect to the chat room"
msgstr "Повежите се у чет собу"

msgid "Become a sponsor"
msgstr "Постаните спонзор"

msgid "Make a donation"
msgstr "Поклоните донацију"

msgid "Get involved"
msgstr "Ангажујте се и ви"

msgid "Show this dialog at startup"
msgstr "Прикажи увек овај дијалог"

Re: mintWelcome

Post by Pepawo »

Czech translation corrected.
msgid "Welcome to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Vítejte v Linux Mint"

msgid "Welcome and thank you for choosing Linux Mint. We hope you'll enjoy using it as much as we did making it. Please make yourself familiar with the new features and the documentation and don't hesitate to send us your feedback."
msgstr "Vítejte. Děkujeme, že jste si vybrali Linux Mint. Doufáme, že se vám bude líbit, stejně jako nám, kteří ho tvoříme. Seznamte se s novými funkcemi a dokumentací, a neváhejte nám poslat své připomínky."

msgid "Discover %s"
msgstr "Prozkoumat %s"

msgid "Find help"
msgstr "Vyhledat nápovědu"

msgid "Contribute to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Přispět na Linux Mint"

msgid "Browse the list of new features"
msgstr "Projít seznam nových funkcí"

msgid "Read the release notes"
msgstr "Číst poznámky k vydání"

msgid "Download the user guide (PDF)"
msgstr "Stáhnout uživatelskou příručku (v PDF)"

msgid "Visit the forums"
msgstr "Navštívit fórum"

msgid "Connect to the chat room"
msgstr "Připojit se k chatu"

msgid "Become a sponsor"
msgstr Sponzorovat"

msgid "Make a donation"
msgstr "Poslat podporu"

msgid "Get involved"
msgstr "Zapojit se"

msgid "Show this dialog at startup"
msgstr "Zobrazit tento dialog při startu"

Re: mintWelcome

Post by wix »

Hungarian, one final touch:
msgid "Welcome to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Üdvözli a Linux Mint"

msgid "Welcome and thank you for choosing Linux Mint. We hope you'll enjoy using it as much as we did making it. Please make yourself familiar with the new features and the documentation and don't hesitate to send us your feedback."
msgstr "Üdvözöljük és köszönjük, hogy a Linux Mint-et választotta. Reméljük, hogy legalább annyira fogja élvezni a használatát, mint amennyire mi élveztük az elkészítését. Kérjük, ismerkedjen meg az új funkciókkal és a dokumentációval, és ne habozzon visszajelzést küldeni nekünk."

msgid "Discover %s"
msgstr "A %s felfedezése"

msgid "Find help"
msgstr "Ha segítségre van szüksége"

msgid "Contribute to Linux Mint"
msgstr "A Linux Mint támogatása"

msgid "Browse the list of new features"
msgstr "Böngéssze át az új funkciók listáját"

msgid "Read the release notes"
msgstr "Olvassa el a kiadási megjegyzéseket"

msgid "Download the user guide (PDF)"
msgstr "Töltse le a felhasználói leírást (PDF)"

msgid "Visit the forums"
msgstr "Látogassa meg a fórumokat"

msgid "Connect to the chat room"
msgstr "Lépjen be a chat szobába"

msgid "Become a sponsor"
msgstr "Legyen szponzor"

msgid "Make a donation"
msgstr "Ajánljon fel adományt"

msgid "Get involved"
msgstr "Vegyen részt a fejlesztésben"

msgid "Show this dialog at startup"
msgstr "Mutassa ezt az ablakot az indításnál"

Re: mintWelcome

Post by Yukki »

Language: Belorussian (Classic orthography)
msgid "Welcome to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Вiтаем у Linux Mint"

msgid "Welcome and thank you for choosing Linux Mint. We hope you'll enjoy using it as much as we did making it. Please make yourself familiar with the new features and the documentation and don't hesitate to send us your feedback."
msgstr "Сардэчна вітаем Вас i дзякуем за выбар Linux Mint. Спадзяемся, што карыстаньне гэтай сыстэмай будзе Вам такой жа уцэхаю, як нам - яе стварэньне. Запрашаем азнаёмiцца з дакумэнтацыяй i ўласцiвасьцямi сыстэмы. Не вагайцеся i дашлiце нам свае меркаваньнi!"

msgid "Discover %s"
msgstr "Адкрыць %s"

msgid "Find help"
msgstr "Дапамога"

msgid "Contribute to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Падтрымаць Linux Mint"

msgid "Browse the list of new features"
msgstr "Азнаёмiцца са сьпiсам уведзеных зьменаў"

msgid "Read the release notes"
msgstr "Прачытаць зьвесткi аб выданьнi"

msgid "Download the user guide (PDF)"
msgstr "Адпампаваць iнструкцыю па абслугоўваньнi (PDF)"

msgid "Visit the forums"
msgstr "Адведаць форум"

msgid "Connect to the chat room"
msgstr "Далучыцца да чату"

msgid "Become a sponsor"
msgstr "Стацца спонсарам"

msgid "Make a donation"
msgstr "Зрабіць ахвяраваньне"

msgid "Get involved"
msgstr "Прыняць удзел"

msgid "Show this dialog at startup"
msgstr "Паказваць гэты дыялёг пры запуску"
Corrected version

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