Release A few of my scripts

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Release A few of my scripts

Post by crosenblum »

Some of these I created from scratch, other's I took from other os's and implemented them here. - This takes a perl script that was released here to find and import public key's for repositories, i just made it all into a bash script that could be automated.

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#fix gg errors with missing public keys


#step 1. if folder does not exist create it
if [ ! -d "$dir" ]; then

	#go to home folder
	cd $HOME

	#create folder
	mkdir gpg-fix


#step 2. Download a new copy of the perl script

#change to the fix folder
cd gpg-fix

#download the perl script in compressed tar.gz format
wget -O change.tar.gz

#untar the file to the current folder
tar xzvf change.tar.gz

#step 3. run perl script
perl ./*.pl

#step 4. return to home folder
cd $HOME

#step 5. exit
exit - Grabs the ipfilter.dat from bluetack which hosts a wide variety of ip block lists, and then put's it in the qbittorrent folder, but you can easily change what folder that is for.

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#setup variables

echo -------------------------------------
echo         qBittorrent Blocklist Updater
echo                           version 1.0
echo         Written by Craig M. Rosenblum
echo -------------------------------------
echo .
echo ::**:: Creating temp folder and removing files

#check if tempfolder exists if not create it
if [ ! -d "$tempfolder" ]; then 
	mkdir $tempfolder

#delete existing httpfile and blocklist files
if [ -d "$tempfolder/$httpfile" ]; then
	rm "$tempfolder/$httpfile"

if [ -d "$tempfolder/$blocklist" ]; then
	rm "$tempfolder/$blocklist"

#download the ipfilter to a local folder
echo ::**:: Downloading the blocklist
wget --no-verbose --quiet "$httpsite/$httpfile" --no-cache -O "$tempfolder/$httpfile">/dev/null

#check for wget errors
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
	echo ::**::        wget returned errorlevel: $?
	echo ::**:: An error occured!
	exit 1

#delete previously unzipped ipfilter file
if [ -d "$tempfolder/nipfilter.dat" ]; then
	rm "$tempfolder/nipfilter.dat"

#unzip the downloaded file
echo ::**:: Uncompressing "$httpfile" to "$httpfileuncompressed" 
gunzip -f "$tempfolder/$httpfile"

if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
	echo ::**::        gunzip returned errorlevel: $?
	echo ::**:: An error occured!
	exit 1

#rename the downloaded blocklist file
echo ::**:: Moving and renaming the blocklist from "$httpfileuncompressed" to "$blocklist"
mv -f "$tempfolder/$httpfileuncompressed" "$HOME/.config/qBittorrent/$blocklist"

if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
	echo ::**::        rename returned errorlevel: $?
	echo ::**:: An error occured!
	exit 1

echo ::**:: Update Complete!
exit 0 - This help's download on a regular basis a ical formatted version of my google calendar, so that Rainlendar can display my current schedule

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#setup wget variables

echo .
echo -------------------------------------
echo               Google Calendar Updater
echo                           version 1.0
echo         Written by Craig M. Rosenblum
echo -------------------------------------
echo .

#download the ipfilter to a local folder
echo ::**:: Downloading the google calendar to $dir2/basic.ics
wget -c -N --no-check-certificate $URL -o "$dir1/basic.ics" >/dev/null

#mv file to new destination
echo ::**:: Moving basic.ics to downloads folder
mv -f "$dir2/basic.ics" "$dir1/basic.ics"

echo ::**:: Download Complete!
exit 0 - I wasn't able to get any wallpaper app to work, so i created a bash script to randomally grab a wallpaper from my stored wallpapers and set it as my wallpaper, plus it does a notify to let me know the wallpaper has changed

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# Script to randomly set Background from files in a directory

# Directory Containing Pictures
DIR="your wallpaper folder"

# Command to Select a random jpg file from directory
# Delete the *.jpg to select any file but it may return a folder
PIC=$(ls "$DIR"/*.jpg | shuf -n1)

# Command to set Background Image
mateconftool-2 -t string -s /desktop/mate/background/picture_filename "$PIC"

#send notification message that a wallpaper changed
notify-send -i 'dialog-information' 'Changing Wallpaper' "$PIC";
I am working on some other bash scripts, to help automate my renaming, moving, of movies and tv shows.

I really loved automating things, via window's batch scripts, and now am learning to love to do the same in linux.

I hope you enjoy any of these...

Last edited by LockBot on Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Topic automatically closed 6 months after creation. New replies are no longer allowed.

Re: Release A few of my scripts

Post by crosenblum »

any comments or thoughts anyone?

Any suggestions for improvements?

Re: Release A few of my scripts

Post by Burrito »

Some nice scripts. I know I've needed the first one for a while. I've already obtained a wallpaper script from somewhere else on the forum, and modified it to change the wallpaper every 6 hours and wait in between (probably better practice to make it a cron job though).

With the wallpaper script, I've got some PNG's in my wallpaper folder. So I modified the *.jpg part to *.*p*g. That matches both jpg/jpeg, and png, and probably a couple of other extensions. There is probably a better way.

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