mintAssistant 2.0 Translations

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mintAssistant 2.0 Translations

Post by clem »

To translate mintAssistant in your language, please translate the content below and indicate the language you're translating it for. Please be accurate (capital letters etc..) and use the French translation below (1st reply to this post) as an example of how to do. Space and punctuation is very important, stick to the original as much as possible.
msgid "Welcome to Linux Mint"
msgstr ""

msgid "This assistant will ask you a few questions in order to configure your system."
msgstr ""

msgid "Root Password"
msgstr ""

msgid "In Linux Mint, sudo is used to gain administrative rights. The main user for instance can become root by typing"
msgstr ""

msgid "Because sudo asks for the user password, a root password is actually not needed. This, however, breaks with the Linux tradition and if you're used to other distributions you might want to enable this."
msgstr ""

msgid "Enable root account password (not recommended)"
msgstr ""

msgid "Root password"
msgstr ""

msgid "Confirm root password"
msgstr ""

msgid "Fortunes in terminal"
msgstr ""

msgid "Linux Mint uses a program called fortune to display humorous quotes every time you open a terminal. The quotes are usually funny but sometimes they can be a bit aggressive. Some people like them, some people don't."
msgstr ""

msgid "Enable fortunes in terminal (recommended)"
msgstr ""

msgid "Show an example"
msgstr ""

msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""

msgid "Your preferences are summarized below. Make sure they're fine and press the Apply button."
msgstr ""

msgid "Fortunes"
msgstr ""

msgid "OK"
msgstr ""

msgid "Finished"
msgstr ""

msgid "Thank you for choosing Linux Mint. Your system is now ready to use."
msgstr ""

msgid "enabled"
msgstr ""

msgid "disabled"
msgstr ""
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Re: mintAssistant 2.0 Translations

Post by clem »

msgid "Welcome to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Bienvenue à Linux Mint"

msgid "This assistant will ask you a few questions in order to configure your system."
msgstr "Cet assistant va vous poser quelques questions afin de configurer votre système."

msgid "Root Password"
msgstr "Mot de passe Root"

msgid "In Linux Mint, sudo is used to gain administrative rights. The main user for instance can become root by typing"
msgstr "Sous Linux Mint, sudo est utilisé pour obtenir les droits d'administrateur. L'utilisateur principal peut par exemple devenir root en tapant"

msgid "Because sudo asks for the user password, a root password is actually not needed. This, however, breaks with the Linux tradition and if you're used to other distributions you might want to enable this."
msgstr "Comme sudo demande le mot de passe utilisateur, le mot de passe root n'est pas nécessaire. Cela rompt toutefois avec la tradition et si vous êtes habitué à d'autres distributions vous voudrez peut-être activer ce mot de passe."

msgid "Enable root account password (not recommended)"
msgstr "Activer le mot de passe root (non-recommandé)"

msgid "Root password"
msgstr "Mot de passe root"

msgid "Confirm root password"
msgstr "Confirmation du mot de passe root"

msgid "Fortunes in terminal"
msgstr "Fortunes dans le terminal"

msgid "Linux Mint uses a program called fortune to display humorous quotes every time you open a terminal. The quotes are usually funny but sometimes they can be a bit aggressive. Some people like them, some people don't."
msgstr "Linux Mint utilise un programme appelé fortune pour afficher de petits messages humoristiques à chaque fois que vous ouvrez un nouveau terminal. Les messages sont souvent drôles mais peuvent parfois êtres agressifs. Tout depend de vos goûts en matière d'humour."

msgid "Enable fortunes in terminal (recommended)"
msgstr "Activer les fortunes dans le terminal (recommandé)"

msgid "Show an example"
msgstr "Montrer un exemple"

msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Récapitulatif"

msgid "Your preferences are summarized below. Make sure they're fine and press the Apply button."
msgstr "Vos choix sont resumés ci-dessous."

msgid "Fortunes"
msgstr "Fortunes"

msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"

msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Terminé"

msgid "Thank you for choosing Linux Mint. Your system is now ready to use."
msgstr "Merci de choisir Linux Mint. Votre système est prêt et configuré."

msgid "enabled"
msgstr "activé"

msgid "disabled"
msgstr "desactivé"
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Re: mintAssistant 2.0 Translations

Post by Zwopper »

Swedish translation.
By Zwopper
msgid "Welcome to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Välkommen till Linux Mint"

msgid "This assistant will ask you a few questions in order to configure your system."
msgstr "Den här assistenten kommer att ställa ett par frågor för att anpassa ditt system."

msgid "Root Password"
msgstr "Root-lösenord"

msgid "In Linux Mint, sudo is used to gain administrative rights. The main user for instance can become root by typing"
msgstr "I Linux Mint används sudo för att få administrativa rättigheter. En vanlig användare kan bli root genom att skriva"

msgid "Because sudo asks for the user password, a root password is actually not needed. This, however, breaks with the Linux tradition and if you're used to other distributions you might want to enable this."
msgstr "Eftersom sudo ber om användarens lösenord, så behöver inget root-lösenord definieras. Å andra sidan så är det här ett avsteg från hur Linux traditionellt fungerar, så om du är van vid andra distributioner så har du möjligheten att ange ett root-lösenord nu."

msgid "Enable root account password (not recommended)"
msgstr "Aktivera root-kontots lösenord (rekommenderas inte)"

msgid "Root password"
msgstr "Root-lösenord"

msgid "Confirm root password"
msgstr "Bekräfta root-lösenord"

msgid "Fortunes in terminal"
msgstr "Spådomar i terminalen"

msgid "Linux Mint uses a program called fortune to display humorous quotes every time you open a terminal. The quotes are usually funny but sometimes they can be a bit aggressive. Some people like them, some people don't."
msgstr "Linux Mint använder ett program som heter 'fortune' för att visa humoritiska citat (på engelska) varje gång du öppnar en teminal. Citaten är oftast roliga, men kan ibland vara lite aggressiva. En del människor uppskattar dem, andra inte."

msgid "Enable fortunes in terminal (recommended)"
msgstr "Aktivera spådomar i terminalen (rekommenderas)"

msgid "Show an example"
msgstr "Visa ett exempel"

msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Summering"

msgid "Your preferences are summarized below. Make sure they're fine and press the Apply button."
msgstr "Dina val summeras nedanför. Kontrollera att de är korrekta och tryck på verkställ för att bekräfta. "

msgid "Fortunes"
msgstr "Spådomar"

msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"

msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Slutfört"

msgid "Thank you for choosing Linux Mint. Your system is now ready to use."
msgstr "Tack för att du valt Linux Mint. Ditt system är nu klart att använda."

msgid "enabled"
msgstr "aktiverat"

msgid "disabled"
msgstr "avaktiverat"
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Re: mintAssistant 2.0 Translations

Post by diego1188 »

Language: Italian
msgid "Welcome to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Benvenuto in Linux Mint"

msgid "This assistant will ask you a few questions in order to configure your system."
msgstr "Questo assistente ti farà alcune domande per configurare il tuo sistema."

msgid "Root Password"
msgstr "Password di Root (Amministratore)"

msgid "In Linux Mint, sudo is used to gain administrative rights. The main user for instance can become root by typing"
msgstr "In Linux Mint è utilizzato il comando 'sudo' per avere privilegi di amministratore. L'utente può quindi agire da Root scrivendo"

msgid "Because sudo asks for the user password, a root password is actually not needed. This, however, breaks with the Linux tradition and if you're used to other distributions you might want to enable this."
msgstr "Poiché 'sudo' chiede la password dell'utente, una password per Root non è necessaria. Questo, tuttavia, rompe con la tradizione di Linux, e se sei abituato ad altre distribuzioni puoi preferire che sia abilitata."

msgid "Enable root account password (not recommended)"
msgstr "Abilita password per l'account di Root (non consigliato)"

msgid "Root password"
msgstr "Password di Root"

msgid "Confirm root password"
msgstr "Conferma password di Root"

msgid "Fortunes in terminal"
msgstr "Fortunes nel terminale"

msgid "Linux Mint uses a program called fortune to display humorous quotes every time you open a terminal. The quotes are usually funny but sometimes they can be a bit aggressive. Some people like them, some people don't."
msgstr "Linux Mint include un programma chiamato fortune che mostra frasi spiritose ogni volta che apri un terminale. Le frasi sono generalmente divertenti, ma a volte possono essere un po' aggressive. Ad alcuni piacciono, ad altri no."

msgid "Enable fortunes in terminal (recommended)"
msgstr "Abilita fortunes nel terminale (consigliato)"

msgid "Show an example"
msgstr "Mostra un esempio"

msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Sommario"

msgid "Your preferences are summarized below. Make sure they're fine and press the Apply button."
msgstr "Le tue preferenze sono riassunte qui sotto. Assicurati che tutto vada bene e premi il pulsante Applica."

msgid "Fortunes"
msgstr "Fortunes"

msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"

msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Finito"

msgid "Thank you for choosing Linux Mint. Your system is now ready to use."
msgstr "Grazie per aver scelto Linux Mint. Il tuo sistema ora è pronto all'uso."

msgid "enabled"
msgstr "abilitato"

msgid "disabled"
msgstr "disabilitato"
Slash Belmont

Re: mintAssistant 2.0 Translations

Post by Slash Belmont »

Languaje: Spanish
msgid "Welcome to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Bienvenido a Linux Mint"

msgid "This assistant will ask you a few questions in order to configure your system."
msgstr "Este asistente te hará unas preguntas para configurar tu sistema."

msgid "Root Password"
msgstr "Password de Root"

msgid "In Linux Mint, sudo is used to gain administrative rights. The main user for instance can become root by typing"
msgstr "En Linux Mint, sudo es utilizado para obtener derechos de administración. El usuario principal por ejemplo puede convertirse en root al escribir"

msgid "Because sudo asks for the user password, a root password is actually not needed. This, however, breaks with the Linux tradition and if you're used to other distributions you might want to enable this."
msgstr "Por lo mismo que sudo pregunta por el password del usuario, no se necesita un password para root. Esto, sin embargo, rompe con la tradición de Linux así que si estás habituado a otras distribuciones quizá quieras activar esto."

msgid "Enable root account password (not recommended)"
msgstr "Activar password para la cuenta root (no recomendado)"

msgid "Root password"
msgstr "Password para root"

msgid "Confirm root password"
msgstr "Confirmar password para root"

msgid "Fortunes in terminal"
msgstr "Fortunas en terminal"

msgid "Linux Mint uses a program called fortune to display humorous quotes every time you open a terminal. The quotes are usually funny but sometimes they can be a bit aggressive. Some people like them, some people don't."
msgstr "Linux Mint usa un programa llamado fortuna para mostrar citas con humor en casa ocasión que usted abre una terminal. Las citas son usualmente divertidas pero algunas veces pueden ser un poco agresivas. A algunas personas les gustas, y a otras no."

msgid "Enable fortunes in terminal (recommended)"
msgstr "Activar fortunas en terminal (recomendado)"

msgid "Show an example"
msgstr "Mostrar un ejemplo"

msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Resumen"

msgid "Your preferences are summarized below. Make sure they're fine and press the Apply button."
msgstr "Sus preferencias están resumidas abajo. Asegúrese de que son correctas y presione el botón Aplicar."

msgid "Fortunes"
msgstr "Fortunas"

msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"

msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Completado"

msgid "Thank you for choosing Linux Mint. Your system is now ready to use."
msgstr "Gracias por elegir Linux Mint. Su sistema está listo para usar."

msgid "enabled"
msgstr "activado"

msgid "disabled"
msgstr "desactivado"
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Re: mintAssistant 2.0 Translations

Post by mikpap »

Modern Greek

msgid "Welcome to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Καλώς ήλθατε στο Linux Mint"

msgid "This assistant will ask you a few questions in order to configure your system."
msgstr "Ο βοηθός θα σας κάνει μερικές ερωτήσεις ώστε να διαμορφώσετε το σύστημά σας."

msgid "Root Password"
msgstr "Κωδικός Διαχειριστή"

msgid "In Linux Mint, sudo is used to gain administrative rights. The main user for instance can become root by typing"
msgstr "Στο Linux Mint, η εντολή sudo χρησιμοποιείται για να αποκτήσει κάποιος δικαιώματα διαχειριστή συστήματος. Ο κύριος χρήστης για παράδειγμα μπορεί να μετατραπεί σε διαχειριστή πληκτρολογώντας"

msgid "Because sudo asks for the user password, a root password is actually not needed. This, however, breaks with the Linux tradition and if you're used to other distributions you might want to enable this."
msgstr "Από την στιγμή που η εντολή sudo ζητά τον κωδικό του χρήστη, ένας κωδικός διαχειριστή δεν είναι πραγματικά απαραίτητος. Αυτό όμως αντιτίθεται στην παράδοση του Linux κι αν είστε συνηθισμένοι σε άλλες διανομές ίσως επιθυμείτε να ενεργοποιήσετε αυτή την επιλογή."

msgid "Enable root account password (not recommended)"
msgstr "Ενεργοποιείστε τον κωδικό του λογαριασμού του διαχειριστή (δεν συνιστάται)"

msgid "Root password"
msgstr "Κωδικός διαχειριστή"

msgid "Confirm root password"
msgstr "Επιβεβαίωση κωδικού διαχειριστή"

msgid "Fortunes in terminal"
msgstr "Αποφεύγματα σε κονσόλα"

msgid "Linux Mint uses a program called fortune to display humorous quotes every time you open a terminal. The quotes are usually funny but sometimes they can be a bit aggressive. Some people like them, some people don't."
msgstr "Το Linux Mint χρησιμοποιεί ένα πρόγραμμα για την απεικόνιση ευχάριστων αποφευγμάτων κάθε φορά που ανοίγετε ένα παράθυρο κονσόλας. Τα αποφεύγματα είναι συνήθως αστεία αλλά μερικές φορές μπορεί να έχουν σκληρή γλώσσα. Σε μερικούς ανθρώπους αρέσουν ενώ σε κάποιους άλλους όχι."

msgid "Enable fortunes in terminal (recommended)"
msgstr "Ενεργοποιείστε τα αποφεύγματα σε κονσόλα"

msgid "Show an example"
msgstr "Δείξε ένα παράδειγμα"

msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Περίληψη"

msgid "Your preferences are summarized below. Make sure they're fine and press the Apply button."
msgstr "Οι προτιμήσεις σας συνοψίζονται παρακάτω. Βεβαιωθείτε ότι είναι εντάξει και πατήστε το κουμπί Εφαρμογή."

msgid "Fortunes"
msgstr "Αποφεύγματα"

msgid "OK"
msgstr "Εντάξει"

msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Ολοκληρώθηκαν"

msgid "Thank you for choosing Linux Mint. Your system is now ready to use."
msgstr "Σας ευχαριστούμε που επιλέξατε το Linux Mint. Το σύστημά σας είναι τώρα έτοιμο για χρήση."

msgid "enabled"
msgstr "ενεργοποιημένο"

msgid "disabled"
msgstr "απενεργοποιημένο"

Re: mintAssistant 2.0 Translations

Post by emil_pavlov »

Language: Bulgarian

Code: Select all

msgid "Welcome to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Добре дошли в Линукс Минт"

msgid "This assistant will ask you a few questions in order to configure your system."
msgstr "Този асистент ще Ви зададе няколко въпроса, за да конфигурира системата Ви."

msgid "Root Password"
msgstr "Парола на администратора (root)"

msgid "In Linux Mint, sudo is used to gain administrative rights. The main user for instance can become root by typing"
msgstr "В Линукс Минт, sudo се използва за добиване на администраторски права. Главния потребител, например, може да стане администратор като напише"

msgid "Because sudo asks for the user password, a root password is actually not needed. This, however, breaks with the Linux tradition and if you're used to other distributions you might want to enable this."
msgstr "Тъй като sudo изисква потребителска парола, няма нужда от администраторска. Това обаче прекъсва традицията на Линукс и ако сте свикнали с други дистрибуции, бихте искали да я активирате."

msgid "Enable root account password (not recommended)"
msgstr "Активиране на администраторската парола (не се препоръчва)"

msgid "Root password"
msgstr "Администраторска парола"

msgid "Confirm root password"
msgstr "Повторете администраторската парола"

msgid "Fortunes in terminal"
msgstr "Късметчета в терминала"

msgid "Linux Mint uses a program called fortune to display humorous quotes every time you open a terminal. The quotes are usually funny but sometimes they can be a bit aggressive. Some people like them, some people don't."
msgstr "Линукс Минт използва програма наречена fortune, за да показва хумористични цитати всеки път когато отворите терминал. Обикновено са смешни, но понякога могат да бъдат малко агресивни. Някои хора ги харесват, други не."

msgid "Enable fortunes in terminal (recommended)"
msgstr "Показване на късметчета в терминала (препоръчително)"

msgid "Show an example"
msgstr "Показване на пример"

msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Обобщение"

msgid "Your preferences are summarized below. Make sure they're fine and press the Apply button."
msgstr "Настройките Ви са обобщени по-долу. Уверете се, че са наред, и натиснете бутона Използване."

msgid "Fortunes"
msgstr "Късметчета"

msgid "OK"
msgstr "ОК"

msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Готово"

msgid "Thank you for choosing Linux Mint. Your system is now ready to use."
msgstr "Благодарим Ви, че избрахте Линукс Минт. Системата е готова за експлоатация."

msgid "enabled"
msgstr "включена(и)"

msgid "disabled"
msgstr "изключена(и)"
As I pointed out in the translation of mintDesktop, I think the name should be written in Cyrillics. "mintAssistant" -->> "минтАсистент" in case you choose this variant.

mintAssistant 2.0 Translations Danish

Post by happyjens »

Translation: Danish (DA)
msgid "Welcome to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Velkommen til LinuxMint"

msgid "This assistant will ask you a few questions in order to configure your system."
msgstr "Denne hjælper vil stiller dig nogle få spørgsmål for at konfigurere dit system"

msgid "Root Password"
msgstr "Root kode"

msgid "In Linux Mint, sudo is used to gain administrative rights. The main user for instance can become root by typing"
msgstr "I LinuxMint, bliver sudo brugt til at få administrative rettigheder. Hovede brugeren kan for eksempel blive root ved at skrive"

msgid "Because sudo asks for the user password, a root password is actually not needed. This, however, breaks with the Linux tradition and if you're used to other distributions you might want to enable this."
msgstr "Fordi sudo spørg efter burger koden, er root kode ikke nødvendig. Men dette bryder Linux traditionen og vis du er vant til at bruge andre distributioner vil du måske aktivere det."

msgid "Enable root account password (not recommended)"
msgstr "Aktiver root bruger kode (ikke anbefalet )"

msgid "Root password"
msgstr "Root kode"

msgid "Confirm root password"
msgstr "Godkend root kode"

msgid "Fortunes in terminal"
msgstr "muligheder i terminalen"

msgid "Linux Mint uses a program called fortune to display humorous quotes every time you open a terminal. The quotes are usually funny but sometimes they can be a bit aggressive. Some people like them, some people don't."
msgstr "Linux Mint bruger et program kaldt muligheder til at vise humoritiske citater hver gang du åbner terminalen. Disse citater er normalt sjove men sommetider kan de være aggressive. Nogle kan lide dem, andre kan ikke."

msgid "Enable fortunes in terminal (recommended)"
msgstr "Aktiver muligheder i terminalen (anbefalet)"

msgid "Show an example"
msgstr "Vis et eksempel"

msgid "Summary"
msgstr "resumé"

msgid "Your preferences are summarized below. Make sure they're fine and press the Apply button."
msgstr "Dine indstillinger er resuméret nedefor. Hver sikker på de er fine og tryk på Godkend knappen"

msgid "Fortunes"
msgstr "Muligheder"

msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"

msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Færdig"

msgid "Thank you for choosing Linux Mint. Your system is now ready to use."
msgstr "Tak fordi du har valgt Linux Mint. Dit system er nu klart til brug"

msgid "enabled"
msgstr "Aktiver"

msgid "disabled"
msgstr "deaktiver"

Re: mintAssistant 2.0 Translations

Post by ciscomint »

Just to agree with Amla regarding the Spanish translation.

Re: mintAssistant 2.0 Translations

Post by xxxmerlin »

Language: Czech
msgid "Welcome to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Vítá vás Linux Mint"

msgid "This assistant will ask you a few questions in order to configure your system."
msgstr "Tento asistent vám pomůže nastavit váš systém."

msgid "Root Password"
msgstr "Helso administrátora"

msgid "In Linux Mint, sudo is used to gain administrative rights. The main user for instance can become root by typing"
msgstr "V Linuxu Mint se používá sudo k získání administrátorských práv. Uživatel se může stát administrátorem například napsáním"

msgid "Because sudo asks for the user password, a root password is actually not needed. This, however, breaks with the Linux tradition and if you're used to other distributions you might want to enable this."
msgstr "Protože sudo požaduje uživatelské heslo, heslo administrátora vlastně není potřeba. Tento systém nevychází z linuxového standardu a pokud jste zvyklý na jiné distribuce, možná ho budete chtít odblokovat."

msgid "Enable root account password (not recommended)"
msgstr "Odblokovat heslo administrátora (není dopoiručeno)"

msgid "Root password"
msgstr "Heslo administrátora"

msgid "Confirm root password"
msgstr "Potvrzení hesla"

msgid "Fortunes in terminal"
msgstr "Fortuny v terminálu"

msgid "Linux Mint uses a program called fortune to display humorous quotes every time you open a terminal. The quotes are usually funny but sometimes they can be a bit aggressive. Some people like them, some people don't."
msgstr "Linux Mint používa program jménem Fortuny ke zobrazení vtipných citací vždy, když otevřete terminál. Citace bývají srandovní, ale občas mohou být trochu nemístné."

msgid "Enable fortunes in terminal (recommended)"
msgstr "Povolit fortuny v terminálu (doporučeno)"

msgid "Show an example"
msgstr "Ukaž příklad"

msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Shrnutí"

msgid "Your preferences are summarized below. Make sure they're fine and press the Apply button."
msgstr "Vaše volby jsou shrnuty dole. Ujistěte se , že jsou spravné a stiskněte Použít."

msgid "Fortunes"
msgstr "Fortuny"

msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"

msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Dokončeno"

msgid "Thank you for choosing Linux Mint. Your system is now ready to use."
msgstr "Děkujeme vám, že jste zvolili Linux Mint. Váš systém je připraven."

msgid "enabled"
msgstr "povoleno"

msgid "disabled"
msgstr "zakázáno"
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Re: mintAssistant 2.0 Translations

Post by Xgamer »

Slovak translation

Code: Select all

Slovak translation
msgid "Welcome to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Víta Vás Linux Mint"

msgid "This assistant will ask you a few questions in order to configure your system."
msgstr "Tento asistent vám pomôže nastaviť váš systém."

msgid "Root Password"
msgstr "Heslo administrátora"

msgid "In Linux Mint, sudo is used to gain administrative rights. The main user for instance can become root by typing"
msgstr "V Linuxu Mint sa používa sudo k získaniu administrátorských práv. Užívateľ sa môže stať administrátorom príkazom sudo v terminály"

msgid "Because sudo asks for the user password, a root password is actually not needed. This, however, breaks with the Linux tradition and if you're used to other distributions you might want to enable this."
msgstr "Pretože sudo požaduje užívateľské heslo, heslo administrátora vlastne nie je potrebné. Tento systém nevychádza z linuxového štandardu a ale ak zvyknutý na iné distribúcie, možno ho budete chcieť zapnúť."

msgid "Enable root account password (not recommended)"
msgstr "Zapnúť heslo administrátora (nie je doporučené)"

msgid "Root password"
msgstr "Heslo administrátora"

msgid "Confirm root password"
msgstr "Potvrdenie hesla"

msgid "Fortunes in terminal"
msgstr "Fortune v terminálu"

msgid "Linux Mint uses a program called fortune to display humorous quotes every time you open a terminal. The quotes are usually funny but sometimes they can be a bit aggressive. Some people like them, some people don't."
msgstr "Linux Mint používa program  Fortuny ku zobrazovaniu vtipných citátov vždy, keď otvorite terminál. Citáty bývajú zábavné, ale občas môžu byť trochu nemiestne."

msgid "Enable fortunes in terminal (recommended)"
msgstr "Povoliť fortune v terminálu (doporučene)"

msgid "Show an example"
msgstr "Ukázať príklad"

msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Zhrnutie"

msgid "Your preferences are summarized below. Make sure they're fine and press the Apply button."
msgstr "Vaše voľby sú zhrnuté dolu. Uistite sa  , že sú správne a stlačte Použiť."

msgid "Fortunes"
msgstr "Fortunes"

msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"

msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Dokončené"

msgid "Thank you for choosing Linux Mint. Your system is now ready to use."
msgstr "ďakujeme Vám, že ste zvolili Linux Mint. Váš systém je pripravený k použitiu."

msgid "enabled"
msgstr "povolené"

msgid "disabled"
msgstr "zakázané"

Re: mintAssistant 2.0 Translations

Post by wuying_ren »

Language: Catalan
Locale: ca_ES

Code: Select all

msgid "Welcome to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Benvingut a Linux Mint"

msgid "This assistant will ask you a few questions in order to configure your system."
msgstr "Aquest assistent us farà unes poques preguntes per tal de configurar el vostre sistema."

msgid "Root Password"
msgstr "Contrasenya root"

msgid "In Linux Mint, sudo is used to gain administrative rights. The main user for instance can become root by typing"
msgstr "A Linux Mint, es fa servir sudo per a guanyar drets administratius. L'usuari principal per exemple pot esdevenir root teclejant"

msgid "Because sudo asks for the user password, a root password is actually not needed. This, however, breaks with the Linux tradition and if you're used to other distributions you might want to enable this."
msgstr "Com que sudo demana la contrasenya d'usuari, una contrasenya root no es necessària. Això, no obstant, trenca amb la tradició Linux i si esteu habituat a altres distribucions potser voldreu activar això."

msgid "Enable root account password (not recommended)"
msgstr "Activar contrasenya root (no recomanat)"

msgid "Root password"
msgstr "Contrasenya root"

msgid "Confirm root password"
msgstr "Confirmeu contrasenya root"

msgid "Fortunes in terminal"
msgstr "Fortunes al terminal"

msgid "Linux Mint uses a program called fortune to display humorous quotes every time you open a terminal. The quotes are usually funny but sometimes they can be a bit aggressive. Some people like them, some people don't."
msgstr "Linux Mint utilitza un programa anomenat fortune per a mostrar dites humorístiques cada cop que obriu un terminal. Les dites son normalment divertides però a vegades poden ser una mica agressives. A algunes persones els hi agraden, i a altres no."

msgid "Enable fortunes in terminal (recommended)"
msgstr "Activar fortunes a terminal (recomanat)"

msgid "Show an example"
msgstr "Mostra un exemple"

msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Sumari"

msgid "Your preferences are summarized below. Make sure they're fine and press the Apply button."
msgstr "Les vostres preferències estan resumides a sota. Assegureu-vos que son correctes i cliqueu Aplicar."

msgid "Fortunes"
msgstr "Fortunes"

msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"

msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Finalitzat"

msgid "Thank you for choosing Linux Mint. Your system is now ready to use."
msgstr "Gràcies per escollir Linux Mint. El vostre sistema està llest per fer-lo servir."

msgid "enabled"
msgstr "activat"

msgid "disabled"
msgstr "desactivat"
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Re: mintAssistant 2.0 Translations

Post by trondjac »

Language: Norwegian (Bokmål)
msgid "Welcome to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Velkommen til Linux Mint"

msgid "This assistant will ask you a few questions in order to configure your system."
msgstr "Denne assistenten vil spørre deg noen spørsmål for å konfigurere systemet ditt."

msgid "Root Password"
msgstr "Root Passord"

msgid "In Linux Mint, sudo is used to gain administrative rights. The main user for instance can become root by typing"
msgstr "I Linux Mint, sudo brukes for å oppnå administrative rettigheter. Hoved brukeren kan bli root ved å taste"

msgid "Because sudo asks for the user password, a root password is actually not needed. This, however, breaks with the Linux tradition and if you're used to other distributions you might want to enable this."
msgstr "Siden sudo spørr etter bruker passorder, så trenger man faktisk ikke ett root passord. Dette bryter med Linux tradisjonen og hvis du er vant med andre distribusjoner så vil du nok slå på dette."

msgid "Enable root account password (not recommended)"
msgstr "Slå på root konto passord (Ikke anbefalt)"

msgid "Root password"
msgstr "Root passord"

msgid "Confirm root password"
msgstr "Bekreft root passord"

msgid "Fortunes in terminal"
msgstr "Spådommer i terminalen"

msgid "Linux Mint uses a program called spådommer to display humorous quotes every time you open a terminal. The quotes are usually funny but sometimes they can be a bit aggressive. Some people like them, some people don't."
msgstr "Linux Mint bruker ett program som heter fortune, til å vise humoristiske spådommer hver gang du åpner terminalen. Spådommene er vanligvis morsome, men noen ganger kan de ble litt for aggressive. Noen brukere liker den, andre ikke. "

msgid "Enable fortunes in terminal (recommended)"
msgstr "Slå på spådommer i terminalen (anbefalt)"

msgid "Show an example"
msgstr "Vis ett eksempel"

msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Sammendrag"

msgid "Your preferences are summarized below. Make sure they're fine and press the Apply button."
msgstr "Dine innstillinger er summert nedenfor. Se til at disse er i orden før du presser Bekreft knappen"

msgid "Fortunes"
msgstr "Spådommer"

msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"

msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Fullført"

msgid "Thank you for choosing Linux Mint. Your system is now ready to use."
msgstr "Takk for at du valgte Linux Mint. Systemet ditt er klart til bruk."

msgid "enabled"
msgstr "Slå på"

msgid "disabled"
msgstr "Slå av"

Re: mintAssistant 2.0 Translations

Post by JuEUS-U »

Language: Korean

Code: Select all

msgid "Welcome to Linux Mint"
msgstr "리눅스 민트에 오신것을 환영합니다."

msgid "This assistant will ask you a few questions in order to configure your system."
msgstr "이 도우미는 당신의 시스템 설정을 위해 몇가지 질문을 할 것입니다."

msgid "Root Password"
msgstr "관리자 암호"

msgid "In Linux Mint, sudo is used to gain administrative rights. The main user for instance can become root by typing"
msgstr "리눅스민트에서는 관리자 권한을 얻기 위해 sudo를 사용합니다. 다음과 같이 입력하면 관리자 권한으로 프로그램을 실행할 수 있습니다:"

msgid "Because sudo asks for the user password, a root password is actually not needed. This, however, breaks with the Linux tradition and if you're used to other distributions you might want to enable this."
msgstr "이 때 sudo는 사용자의 암호를 물어보기 때문에 관리자 암호는 사실 필요하지 않습니다. 하지만 만약 다른 배포판처럼 관리자 암호를 쓰고싶다면 아래의 옵션을 활성화 하십시오."

msgid "Enable root account password (not recommended)"
msgstr "관리자(root) 계정에 암호 사용 (추천하지 않음)"

msgid "Root password"
msgstr "관리자 암호"

msgid "Confirm root password"
msgstr "관리자 암호 확인"

msgid "Fortunes in terminal"
msgstr "터미널에서 포츈 사용"

msgid "Linux Mint uses a program called fortune to display humorous quotes every time you open a terminal. The quotes are usually funny but sometimes they can be a bit aggressive. Some people like them, some people don't."
msgstr "리눅스 민트에서는 포츈이라는 프로그램을 사용합니다. 이 프로그램은 터미널을 실행할 때마다 재미있는 대사들을 보여줍니다. 나오는 대사들은 보통 웃기지만, 가끔은 공격적이기도 합니다."

msgid "Enable fortunes in terminal (recommended)"
msgstr "터미널에서 포츈 사용 (추천함)"

msgid "Show an example"
msgstr "예제 출력"

msgid "Summary"
msgstr "요약"

msgid "Your preferences are summarized below. Make sure they're fine and press the Apply button."
msgstr "당신의 설정은 다음과 같습니다. 다시 한번 확인하시고 적용 버튼을 눌러주십시오."

msgid "Fortunes"
msgstr "포츈"

msgid "OK"
msgstr "확인"

msgid "Finished"
msgstr "설정이 완료되었습니다."

msgid "Thank you for choosing Linux Mint. Your system is now ready to use."
msgstr "리눅스 민트를 사용해주셔서 감사합니다. 이제 당신의 시스템은 사용할 준비가 되었습니다."

msgid "enabled"
msgstr "활성화 됨"

msgid "disabled"
msgstr "비활성화 됨"

Re: mintAssistant 2.0 Translations

Post by definitely »

Lithuanian lt_LT:
msgid "Welcome to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Sveiki prisijungę prie Linux Mint"

msgid "This assistant will ask you a few questions in order to configure your system."
msgstr "Šis asistentas paklaus jūsų kelių klausimų, kurie padės nustatyti sistemos parametrus."

msgid "Root Password"
msgstr "Root slaptažodis"

msgid "In Linux Mint, sudo is used to gain administrative rights. The main user for instance can become root by typing"
msgstr "Linux Mint, sudo priedėlis naudojamas, kad komanda būtų vykdoma kaip iš administratoriaus. Pagrindinis vartotojas gali tapti root parašydamas"

msgid "Because sudo asks for the user password, a root password is actually not needed. This, however, breaks with the Linux tradition and if you're used to other distributions you might want to enable this."
msgstr "Todėl, kad sudo prašo vartotojo slaptažodžio, root slaptažodis paprastai nėra reikalingas. Jeigu jūs tai naudojote ankstesnioje linux distribucijoje, jūs galite norėti turėtumėte įjungti tai."

msgid "Enable root account password (not recommended)"
msgstr "Įjungti Root slaptažodį (NEREKOMENDUOJAMA) "

msgid "Root password"
msgstr "Root slaptažodis"

msgid "Confirm root password"
msgstr "Patvirtinti root slaptažodį"

msgid "Fortunes in terminal"
msgstr "Posakiai terminal'e (komandinė eilutė)"

msgid "Linux Mint uses a program called fortune to display humorous quotes every time you open a terminal. The quotes are usually funny but sometimes they can be a bit aggressive. Some people like them, some people don't."
msgstr "Linux Mint naudoja programą vadinamą fortune (posakiai,citatos), kad kiekvieną kartą įjungus terminal, galėtų rodyti humoristines citatas. Citatos dažniausiai yra juokingos, bet kartais jos gali būti truputį agresyvios. Kaikurie žmonės mėgsta jas, o kaikurie ne."

msgid "Enable fortunes in terminal (recommended)"
msgstr "Įjungti fortunes terminal'e (rekomenduojama)"

msgid "Show an example"
msgstr "Rodyti pavizdį"

msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Apžvalga"

msgid "Your preferences are summarized below. Make sure they're fine and press the Apply button."
msgstr "Jūsų nustatymai yra pateikti žemiau. Įsitikinkite, jog jie yra tinkami jums ir paspauskite Apply mygtuką."

msgid "Fortunes"
msgstr "Fortunes(juokingos citatos)"

msgid "OK"
msgstr "GERAI"

msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Baigta"

msgid "Thank you for choosing Linux Mint. Your system is now ready to use."
msgstr "Dėkojame, kad pasirinkote Linux Mint. Jūsų sistema paruošta darbui."

msgid "enabled"
msgstr "įjungta"

msgid "disabled"
msgstr "išjungta"
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Re: mintAssistant 2.0 Translations

Post by clem »

-- Translations included in mintAssistant 3.0.2 --

Re: mintAssistant 2.0 Translations

Post by Pepawo »

Czech translation. Repaired, standartized.
msgid "Welcome to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Vítejte v Linuxu Mint"

msgid "This assistant will ask you a few questions in order to configure your system."
msgstr "Tento asistent vám položí několik otázek, potřebných k nastavení systému."

msgid "Root Password"
msgstr "Heslo administrátora"

msgid "In Linux Mint, sudo is used to gain administrative rights. The main user for instance can become root by typing"
msgstr "V Linuxu Mint se používá sudo k získání administrátorských práv. Uživatel se může stát administrátorem při sezení napsáním"

msgid "Because sudo asks for the user password, a root password is actually not needed. This, however, breaks with the Linux tradition and if you're used to other distributions you might want to enable this."
msgstr "Protože sudo si vždy vyžádá uživatelské heslo, zvláštní heslo administrátora není nutné. Tento způsob není linuxovou tradicí, takže pokud jste zvyklí na tradiční heslo, můžete ho nyní zapnout."

msgid "Enable root account password (not recommended)"
msgstr "Zapnout zvláštní heslo administrátora (není doporučeno)"

msgid "Root password"
msgstr "Heslo administrátora"

msgid "Confirm root password"
msgstr "Potvrzení hesla"

msgid "Fortunes in terminal"
msgstr "Fortuny v terminálu"

msgid "Linux Mint uses a program called fortune to display humorous quotes every time you open a terminal. The quotes are usually funny but sometimes they can be a bit aggressive. Some people like them, some people don't."
msgstr "Linux Mint používá tzv. fortuny k zobrazení vtípků při spuštění terminálu. Mohou být zábavné, ale někomu i nepříjemné. Volba je na vás."

msgid "Enable fortunes in terminal (recommended)"
msgstr "Povolit fortuny v terminálu (doporučeno)"

msgid "Show an example"
msgstr "Ukázat příklad"

msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Souhrn"

msgid "Your preferences are summarized below. Make sure they're fine and press the Apply button."
msgstr "Vaše volby jsou zobrazeny níže. Ujistěte se, že jsou spravné, a stiskněte Použít."

msgid "Fortunes"
msgstr "Fortuny"

msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"

msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Dokončeno"

msgid "Thank you for choosing Linux Mint. Your system is now ready to use."
msgstr "Děkujeme vám za volbu Linuxu Mint. Váš systém je připraven k použití."

msgid "enabled"
msgstr "povoleno"

msgid "disabled"
msgstr "zakázáno"

Re: mintAssistant 2.0 Translations

Post by JuEUS-U »

Korean - revised

Code: Select all

msgid "Welcome to Linux Mint"
msgstr "리눅스 민트에 오신것을 환영합니다."

msgid "This assistant will ask you a few questions in order to configure your system."
msgstr "이 도우미는 새로운 시스템의 설정을 위해 몇가지 질문을 할 것입니다."

msgid "Root Password"
msgstr "관리자 암호"

msgid "In Linux Mint, sudo is used to gain administrative rights. The main user for instance can become root by typing"
msgstr "리눅스민트에서는 관리자 권한을 얻기 위해 sudo를 사용합니다. 다음 명령어로 관리자 계정을 사용할 수 있습니다:"

msgid "Because sudo asks for the user password, a root password is actually not needed. This, however, breaks with the Linux tradition and if you're used to other distributions you might want to enable this."
msgstr "이 때 sudo는 사용자의 암호를 물어보기 때문에 관리자 암호는 사실 필요하지 않습니다. 하지만 만약 다른 배포판처럼 관리자 암호를 쓰고싶다면 아래의 옵션을 활성화 하십시오."

msgid "Enable root account password (not recommended)"
msgstr "관리자(root) 계정에 암호 사용 (추천하지 않음)"

msgid "Root password"
msgstr "관리자 암호"

msgid "Confirm root password"
msgstr "관리자 암호 확인"

msgid "Fortunes in terminal"
msgstr "터미널에서 포츈 사용"

msgid "Linux Mint uses a program called fortune to display humorous quotes every time you open a terminal. The quotes are usually funny but sometimes they can be a bit aggressive. Some people like them, some people don't."
msgstr "리눅스 민트에서는 포츈이라는 프로그램을 사용합니다. 이 프로그램은 터미널을 실행할 때마다 재미있는 대사들을 보여줍니다. 나오는 대사들은 보통 웃기지만 가끔은 공격적이라서 이를 싫어하는 사람도 있습니다."

msgid "Enable fortunes in terminal (recommended)"
msgstr "터미널에서 포츈 사용 (추천함)"

msgid "Show an example"
msgstr "출력 예"

msgid "Summary"
msgstr "요약"

msgid "Your preferences are summarized below. Make sure they're fine and press the Apply button."
msgstr "선택하신 설정은 다음과 같습니다. 다시 한번 확인하시고 적용 버튼을 눌러주십시오."

msgid "Fortunes"
msgstr "포츈"

msgid "OK"
msgstr "확인"

msgid "Finished"
msgstr "설정이 완료되었습니다."

msgid "Thank you for choosing Linux Mint. Your system is now ready to use."
msgstr "리눅스 민트를 선택해주셔서 감사합니다. 이제 사용할 준비가 완료되었습니다."

msgid "enabled"
msgstr "사용"

msgid "disabled"
msgstr "사용안함"

Re: mintAssistant 2.0 Translations

Post by careone »

Language: Simplified Chinese (China, zh_CN)
msgid "Welcome to Linux Mint"
msgstr "欢迎来到Linux Mint"

msgid "This assistant will ask you a few questions in order to configure your system."
msgstr "为了配置您的系统,向导将会问您一些问题。"

msgid "Root Password"
msgstr "Root 密码"

msgid "In Linux Mint, sudo is used to gain administrative rights. The main user for instance can become root by typing"
msgstr "在Linux Mint 里,命令 sudo 常用来获得管理员的权限.键入此命令当前用户可通过它拥有root权限"

msgid "Because sudo asks for the user password, a root password is actually not needed. This, however, breaks with the Linux tradition and if you're used to other distributions you might want to enable this."
msgstr "因为使用sudo要求输入用户密码,实际上root密码是没必要的。然而这样却打破了linux的传统,如果您要使用其他分配您可以启用它。"

msgid "Enable root account password (not recommended)"
msgstr "启用root登陆密码 (不推荐)"

msgid "Root password"
msgstr "Root 密码"

msgid "Confirm root password"
msgstr "确认root密码"

msgid "Fortunes in terminal"
msgstr "在终端中插入fortune"

msgid "Linux Mint uses a program called fortune to display humorous quotes every time you open a terminal. The quotes are usually funny but sometimes they can be a bit aggressive. Some people like them, some people don't."
msgstr "在Linux Mint中,每次您运行程序打开终端时都会引用一段小幽默,这就称为fortune"

msgid "Enable fortunes in terminal (recommended)"
msgstr "启用在终端中插入fortune (推荐)"

msgid "Show an example"
msgstr "例如"

msgid "Summary"
msgstr "概要"

msgid "Your preferences are summarized below. Make sure they're fine and press the Apply button."
msgstr "您的配置参数概要如下。请确认完每一个细节后按键确认。"

msgid "Fortunes"
msgstr "Fortunes"

msgid "OK"
msgstr "确定"

msgid "Finished"
msgstr "完成"

msgid "Thank you for choosing Linux Mint. Your system is now ready to use."
msgstr "非常感谢您选择Linux Mint,现在您可以体验您自己的系统了。"

msgid "enabled"
msgstr "启用"

msgid "disabled"
msgstr "禁用"

Re: mintAssistant 2.0 Translations

Post by wix »

Language: Hungarian - "hu":
msgid "Welcome to Linux Mint"
msgstr "Üdvözli a Linux Mint "

msgid "This assistant will ask you a few questions in order to configure your system."
msgstr "Ez asszisztens fel fog tenni néhány kérdést, hogy konfigurálja a rendszert."

msgid "Root Password"
msgstr "Root jelszó "

msgid "In Linux Mint, sudo is used to gain administrative rights. The main user for instance can become root by typing"
msgstr "A Linux Mint, sudo-t használ az adminisztrátori jogok gyakorlásához. A legnagyobb jogosultsággal a root felhasználó rendelkezik."

msgid "Because sudo asks for the user password, a root password is actually not needed. This, however, breaks with the Linux tradition and if you're used to other distributions you might want to enable this."
msgstr "Mivel a sudo kéri a felhasználó jelszavát, a root jelszóra valójában nincs szükség. Ez azonban, Linux hagyomány, ha Ön egyedül használja a számtígógépet erre nincs szükség."

msgid "Enable root account password (not recommended)"
msgstr "Root fiók jelszó használata (nem ajánlott) "

msgid "Root password"
msgstr "Root jelszó"

msgid "Confirm root password"
msgstr "Root jelszó ellenörzésként"

msgid "Fortunes in terminal"
msgstr "Idézetek a terminal-ban"

msgid "Linux Mint uses a program called fortune to display humorous quotes every time you open a terminal. The quotes are usually funny but sometimes they can be a bit aggressive. Some people like them, some people don't."
msgstr "A Linux Mint terminal-jában véletlenszerűen különböző idézetek jelnnek meg. Vannak akik nem szeretik ezt."

msgid "Enable fortunes in terminal (recommended)"
msgstr "Idézetek engedélyezése a terminal-ban (ajánlott)"

msgid "Show an example"
msgstr "Mutat egy példát "

msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Összefoglaló"

msgid "Your preferences are summarized below. Make sure they're fine and press the Apply button."
msgstr "Beállításait az alábbiakban foglaljuk össze. Győződjön meg róla, hogy rendben vannak és nyomja meg az Alkalmaz gombot."

msgid "Fortunes"
msgstr "Idézetek"

msgid "OK"
msgstr "Alkalmaz"

msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Befejezve"

msgid "Thank you for choosing Linux Mint. Your system is now ready to use."
msgstr "Köszönjük, hogy a Linux Mint választotta. A rendszer most már készen áll a használatra. "

msgid "enabled"
msgstr "engedélyezve "

msgid "disabled"
msgstr "tiltva"

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