MintInstall 5.1 translations

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MintInstall 5.1 translations

Post by clem »

To translate mintInstall in your language, please translate the content below and indicate the language you're translating it for. Please be accurate (capital letters etc..) and use the French translation below (1st reply to this post) as an example of how to do. Space and punctuation is very important, stick to the original as much as possible.

Note: You can test your translation by saving as a file called messages.po and by compiling that file. For instance if you were translating in Spanish (es), you would save it into /usr/lib/linuxmint/mintInstall/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po, then you would go in /usr/lib/linuxmint/mintInstall/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES and type "sudo msgfmt messages.po". After that you would launch mintInstall again (from the command line, as root: "LANGUAGE=es /usr/lib/linuxmint/mintInstall/
# Same as in version 5.0

msgid "Backing up your APT sources"
msgstr ""

msgid "Please wait, this can take some time"
msgstr ""

msgid "Installation is complete"
msgstr ""

msgid "Restoring your APT sources"
msgstr ""

msgid "Finished"
msgstr ""

msgid "not installed"
msgstr ""

msgid "installed"
msgstr ""

msgid "Success"
msgstr ""

msgid "Failure"
msgstr ""

msgid "Install"
msgstr ""

msgid "Are you sure you want to install %s?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Upgrade"
msgstr ""

msgid "Are you sure you want to upgrade %s?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Default repositories"
msgstr ""

msgid "Your APT sources were corrupted."
msgstr ""

msgid "Your APT sources were not correctly restored after you last ran mintInstall. They now have been restored."
msgstr ""

msgid "Description:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Repositories:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Packages:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Status:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Close"
msgstr ""

msgid "Install new Software"
msgstr ""

msgid "Install applications with one click of the mouse"
msgstr ""

msgid "Go to the Linux Mint Software Portal"
msgstr ""

msgid "Go to the Linux Mint repository"
msgstr ""

msgid "Go to the Ubuntu repository"
msgstr ""

msgid "Go to the removed Portal"
msgstr ""

msgid "Search for a .mint application"
msgstr ""

msgid "Search for a .deb package"
msgstr ""

msgid "Search"
msgstr ""

msgid "Show"
msgstr ""

msgid "reviews"
msgstr ""

msgid "MB"
msgstr ""

msgid "The screenshot for this application was not successfully downloaded. Click on refresh to fix the problem."
msgstr ""

msgid "The mint file for this application was not successfully downloaded. Click on refresh to fix the problem."
msgstr ""

msgid "%d applications listed"
msgstr ""

msgid "Category"
msgstr ""

msgid "Application"
msgstr ""

msgid "Average rating"
msgstr ""

msgid "Reviews"
msgstr ""

msgid "Views"
msgstr ""

msgid "Added"
msgstr ""

msgid "Score"
msgstr ""

msgid "Reviewer"
msgstr ""

msgid "Rating"
msgstr ""

msgid "Review"
msgstr ""

msgid "Software manager for Linux Mint"
msgstr ""

msgid "_Help"
msgstr ""

msgid "About"
msgstr ""

msgid "_File"
msgstr ""

msgid "Quit"
msgstr ""

msgid "The data used by mintInstall is corrupted or out of date. Click on refresh to fix the problem :"
msgstr ""

msgid "Downloading data for %s from %s"
msgstr ""

msgid "%d categories loaded"
msgstr ""

msgid "%d applications loaded"
msgstr ""

msgid "%d screenshots loaded"
msgstr ""

msgid "%d reviews loaded"
msgstr ""

msgid "All applications"
msgstr ""

msgid "Visit"
msgstr ""

msgid "Search:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Added:"
msgstr ""

msgid "License:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Size:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Views:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Average rating:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Refreshing mintInstall"
msgstr ""

msgid "Please wait, this operation can take a while"
msgstr ""

# Introduced in version 5.1
msgid "Versions"
msgstr ""

msgid "Please refresh mintInstall by clicking on the Refresh button"
msgstr ""

msgid "Repository"
msgstr ""

msgid "Package"
msgstr ""

msgid "Installed version"
msgstr ""

msgid "Available version"
msgstr ""
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Re: MintInstall 5.1 translations

Post by clem »

# Same as in version 5.0

msgid "Backing up your APT sources"
msgstr "Sauvegarde de vos sources APT"

msgid "Please wait, this can take some time"
msgstr "Veuillez patienter"

msgid "Installation is complete"
msgstr "Installation terminée"

msgid "Restoring your APT sources"
msgstr "Restauration de vos sources APT"

msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Terminé"

msgid "not installed"
msgstr "non installé"

msgid "installed"
msgstr "installé"

msgid "Success"
msgstr "Succès"

msgid "Failure"
msgstr "Echec"

msgid "Install"
msgstr "Installer"

msgid "Are you sure you want to install %s?"
msgstr "Etes-vous sûr de vouloir installer %s ?"

msgid "Upgrade"
msgstr "Mettre à jour"

msgid "Are you sure you want to upgrade %s?"
msgstr "Etes-vous sûr de vouloir mettre à jour %s ?"

msgid "Default repositories"
msgstr "Dépôts par défaut"

msgid "Your APT sources were corrupted."
msgstr "Vos sources APT furent corrompues."

msgid "Your APT sources were not correctly restored after you last ran mintInstall. They now have been restored."
msgstr "Vos sources APT ne furent pas restaurées par la dernière instance de mintInstall. Elles furent restaurées cette fois-ci."

msgid "Description:"
msgstr "Description :"

msgid "Repositories:"
msgstr "Dépôts :"

msgid "Packages:"
msgstr "Paquets :"

msgid "Status:"
msgstr "Statut :"

msgid "Close"
msgstr "Fermer"

msgid "Install new Software"
msgstr "Installez de nouveaux logiciels"

msgid "Install applications with one click of the mouse"
msgstr "Installez une application d'un simple clic de souris"

msgid "Go to the Linux Mint Software Portal"
msgstr "Ouvrir le portail d'applications de Linux Mint"

msgid "Go to the Linux Mint repository"
msgstr "Visiter les dépôts de Linux Mint"

msgid "Go to the Ubuntu repository"
msgstr "Visiter les dépôts d'Ubuntu"

msgid "Go to the removed Portal"
msgstr "Ouvrir le portail d'applications"

msgid "Search for a .mint application"
msgstr "Rechercher une application .mint"

msgid "Search for a .deb package"
msgstr "Rechercher un paquet .deb"

msgid "Search"
msgstr "Rechercher"

msgid "Show"
msgstr "Montrer"

msgid "reviews"
msgstr "avis"

msgid "MB"
msgstr "Mo"

msgid "The screenshot for this application was not successfully downloaded. Click on refresh to fix the problem."
msgstr "La photo d'écran n'a pas été correctement téléchargée pour cette application. Cliquez sur Actualiser pour résoudre le problème."

msgid "The mint file for this application was not successfully downloaded. Click on refresh to fix the problem."
msgstr "Le fichier .mint n'a pas été correctement téléchargé pour cette application. Cliquez sur Actualiser pour résoudre le problème."

msgid "%d applications listed"
msgstr "%d applications listées"

msgid "Category"
msgstr "Catégorie"

msgid "Application"
msgstr "Application"

msgid "Average rating"
msgstr "Evaluation moyenne"

msgid "Reviews"
msgstr "Avis"

msgid "Views"
msgstr "Visites"

msgid "Added"
msgstr "Ajout"

msgid "Score"
msgstr "Score"

msgid "Reviewer"
msgstr "Auteur"

msgid "Rating"
msgstr "Evaluation"

msgid "Review"
msgstr "Avis"

msgid "Software manager for Linux Mint"
msgstr "Gestionnaire d'applications pour Linux Mint"

msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Aide"

msgid "About"
msgstr "À propos"

msgid "_File"
msgstr "_Fichier"

msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Quitter"

msgid "The data used by mintInstall is corrupted or out of date. Click on refresh to fix the problem :"
msgstr "Les données utilisées par mintInstall sont corrompues ou ne sont pas à jour. Cliquez sur Actualiser pour résoudre le problème :"

msgid "Downloading data for %s from %s"
msgstr "Téléchargement des données pour %s à partir de %s"

msgid "%d categories loaded"
msgstr "%d catégories chargées"

msgid "%d applications loaded"
msgstr "%d applications chargées"

msgid "%d screenshots loaded"
msgstr "%d photos d'écran chargées"

msgid "%d reviews loaded"
msgstr "%d avis chargés"

msgid "All applications"
msgstr "Toutes les applications"

msgid "Visit"
msgstr "Visiter"

msgid "Search:"
msgstr "Rechercher :"

msgid "Added:"
msgstr "Ajout :"

msgid "License:"
msgstr "Licence :"

msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Taille :"

msgid "Views:"
msgstr "Visites :"

msgid "Average rating:"
msgstr "Evaluation moyenne :"

msgid "Refreshing mintInstall"
msgstr "Actualisation de mintInstall"

msgid "Please wait, this operation can take a while"
msgstr "Veuillez patienter, cette opération peut être longue"

# Introduced in version 5.1
msgid "Versions"
msgstr "Versions"

msgid "Please refresh mintInstall by clicking on the Refresh button"
msgstr "Veuillez cliquer sur Actualiser pour rafraîchir mintInstall"

msgid "Repository"
msgstr "Dépôt"

msgid "Package"
msgstr "Paquet"

msgid "Installed version"
msgstr "Version installée"

msgid "Available version"
msgstr "Version disponible"
Rob Brill

Re: MintInstall 5.1 translations

Post by Rob Brill »

# Same as in version 5.0
# O mesmo como na versão 5.0

Brazilian Portuguese - Português do Brasil

msgid "Backing up your APT sources"
msgstr"Salvando suas fontes do APT"

msgid "Please wait, this can take some time"
msgstr"Por favor, isso pode levar algum tempo"

msgid "Installation is complete"
msgstr"Instalação está completa"

msgid "Restoring your APT sources"
msgstr"Restaurando suas fontes do APT "

msgid "Finished"

msgid "not installed"
msgstr"Não instalado"

msgid "installed"
msgst "Instalado"

msgid "Success"

msgid "Failure"

msgid "Install"

msgid "Are you sure you want to install %s?"
msgstr"Você tem certeza se quer instalar %s?"

msgid "Upgrade"

msgid "Are you sure you want to upgrade %s?"
msgstr"Você tem certeza se quer atualizar %s?"

msgid "Default repositories"
msgstr"Repositórios padrão"

msgid "Your APT sources were corrupted."
msgstr"Suas fontes do APT foram corrompidas"

msgid "Your APT sources were not correctly restored after you last ran mintInstall. They now have been restored"
msgstr"Suas fontes do APT não foram corretamente restauradas após o último uso do mintInstall. Elas serão restauradas agora"

msgid "Description:"

msgid "Repositories:"

msgid "Packages:"

msgid "Status:"

msgid "Close"

msgid "Install new Software"
msgstr"Instalar novo Software"

msgid "Install applications with one click of the mouse"
msgstr"Instalar aplicações com um clique do mouse"

msgid "Go to the Linux Mint Software Portal"
msgstr"Ir para o Portal de Software do Linux Mint"

msgid "Go to the Linux Mint repository"
msgstr"Ir para o repositório do Linux Mint"

msgid "Go to the Ubuntu repository"
msgstr"Ir para o repositório do Ubuntu"

msgid "Go to the removed Portal"
msgstr"Ir para o removed Portal"

msgid "Search for a .mint application"
msgstr"Procurar por uma aplicação .mint"

msgid "Search for a .deb package"
msgstr"Procurar por um pacote .deb"

msgid "Search"

msgid "Show"

msgid "reviews"

msgid "MB"

msgid "The screenshot for this application was not successfully downloaded. Click on refresh to fix the problem."
msgstr"A captura de tela para esta aplicação não foi baixada com sucesso. Clique em atualizar para resolver
o problema"

msgid "The mint file for this application was not successfully downloaded. Click on refresh to fix the problem."
msgstr"O arquivo mint para essa apliçação não foi baixado com sucesso. Clique em atualizar para resolver
o problema"

msgid "%d applications listed"
msgstr"%d aplicações listadas"

msgid "Category"

msgid "Application"

msgid "Average rating"
msgstr"Média de avaliação"

msgid "Reviews"

msgid "Views"

msgid "Added"

msgid "Score"

msgid "Reviewer"

msgid "Rating"

msgid "Review"

msgid "Software manager for Linux Mint"
msgstr"Gerenciador de Aplicações para o Linux Mint"

msgid "_Help"

msgid "About"

msgid "_File"

msgid "Quit"

msgid "The data used by mintInstall is corrupted or out of date. Click on refresh to fix the problem :"
msgstr"Os dados usados pelo mintInstall estão corrompidos ou desatualizados.. Clique em atualizar
para resolver o problema"

msgid "Downloading data for %s from %s"
msgstr"Baixando dados para %s do %s"

msgid "%d categories loaded"
msgstr"%d categorias carregadas"

msgid "%d applications loaded"
msgstr"%d aplicações carregadas"

msgid "%d screenshots loaded"
msgstr"%d capturas de tela carregadas"

msgid "%d reviews loaded"
msgstr"%d revisões carregadas"

msgid "All applications"
msgstr"Todas as aplicações"

msgid "Visit"

msgid "Search:"

msgid "Added:"

msgid "License:"

msgid "Size:"

msgid "Views:"

msgid "Average rating:"
msgstr"Média de Avaliação"

msgid "Refreshing mintInstall"
msgstr"Atualizando o mintInstall"

msgid "Please wait, this operation can take a while"
msgstr"Por favor espere, essa operação pode levar algum tempo"

# Introduced in version 5.1
msgid "Versions"

msgid "Please refresh mintInstall by clicking on the Refresh button"
msgstr"Por favor atualize o mintInstall clicando no botão atualizar"

msgid "Repository"

msgid "Package"

msgid "Installed version"
msgstr"Versão instalada"

msgid "Available version"
msgstr"Versão disponível"

visit (noun) visita
visit (verb) visitar

views - vistas - visualizadas - visualizações

categories - categorias
Jogos /Internet/ Acessórios / Som e Vídeo / Escritório / Gráficos / Programação / Educação / Ferramentas do Sistema


Re: MintInstall 5.1 translations

Post by Nicosack »

here's a quick italian translation for MintInstall. it's working on my pc:

msgid "Backing up your APT sources"
msgstr "Salvataggio dei sorgenti APT"

msgid "Please wait, this can take some time"
msgstr "Prego aspettare, l'operazione puo' richiedere qualche minuto"

msgid "Installation is complete"
msgstr "L'installazione è completata"

msgid "Restoring your APT sources"
msgstr "Ripristino dei sorgenti APT"

msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Finito"

msgid "not installed"
msgstr "non installato"

msgid "installed"
msgstr "installato"

msgid "Success"
msgstr "Successo"

msgid "Failure"
msgstr "Fallito"

msgid "Install"
msgstr "Installare"

msgid "Are you sure you want to install %s?"
msgstr "Sei sicuro di voler installare %s?"

msgid "Upgrade"
msgstr "Aggiorna"

msgid "Are you sure you want to upgrade %s?"
msgstr "Sei sicuro di voler aggiornare %s?"

msgid "Default repositories"
msgstr "Repositorio di default"

msgid "Your APT sources were corrupted."
msgstr "I tuoi sorgenti APT erano corrotti"

msgid "Your APT sources were not correctly restored after you last ran mintInstall. They now have been restored."
msgstr "I tuoi sorgenti APT non erano stati correttamente ripristinati da quando hai avviato mintInstall l'ultima volta. Ora sono stati ripristinati"

msgid "Description:"
msgstr "Descrizione"

msgid "Repositories:"
msgstr "Repositori"

msgid "Packages:"
msgstr "Pacchetti"

msgid "Status:"
msgstr "Stato"

msgid "Close"
msgstr "Chiudere"

msgid "Install new Software"
msgstr "Installate un nuovo programma"

msgid "Install applications with one click of the mouse"
msgstr "Installate un'applicazione con un click del mouse"

msgid "Go to the Linux Mint Software Portal"
msgstr "Andate al portale software di Linux Mint"

msgid "Go to the Linux Mint repository"
msgstr "Andate al repositorio di Linux Mint"

msgid "Go to the Ubuntu repository"
msgstr "Andate al repositorio di Ubuntu"

msgid "Go to the removed Portal"
msgstr "Andate al portale software di"

msgid "Search for a .mint application"
msgstr "Ricercare un'applicazione .mint"

msgid "Search for a .deb package"
msgstr "Ricercare un pacchetto .deb"

msgid "Search"
msgstr "Ricercare"

msgid "Show"
msgstr "Mostrare"

#Frontend section
msgid "reviews"
msgstr "revisioni"

msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"

msgid "The screenshot for this application was not successfully downloaded. Click on refresh to fix the problem."
msgstr "La schermata di questa applicazione non è stata scaricata con successo. Clicca su aggiorna per risolvere il problema"

msgid "The mint file for this application was not successfully downloaded. Click on refresh to fix the problem."
msgstr "Il file mint per questa applicazione non è stato scaricato con successo. Clicca su aggiorna per risolvere il problema"

msgid "%d applications listed"
msgstr "%d applicazione elencata"

msgid "Category"
msgstr "Categoria"

msgid "Application"
msgstr "Applicazione"

msgid "Average rating"
msgstr "Valutazione media"

msgid "Reviews"
msgstr "Revisioni"

msgid "Views"
msgstr "Visite"

msgid "Added"
msgstr "Aggiunto"

msgid "Score"
msgstr "Punteggio"

msgid "Reviewer"
msgstr "Autore"

msgid "Rating"
msgstr "Valutazione"

msgid "Review"
msgstr "Revisione"

msgid "Software manager for Linux Mint"
msgstr "Gestione di applicazioni per Linux Mint"

msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Aiuto"

msgid "About"
msgstr "Riguardo a"

msgid "_File"
msgstr "_File"

msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Abbandonare"

msgid "The data used by mintInstall is corrupted or out of date. Click on refresh to fix the problem :"
msgstr "I dati usati da mintInstall sono corrotti o non aggiornati. Clicca su aggiorna per risolvere il problema"

msgid "Downloading data for %s from %s"
msgstr "Scaricamento dati per %s da %s"

msgid "%d categories loaded"
msgstr "%d categorie scaricate"

msgid "%d applications loaded"
msgstr "%d applicazioni scaricate"

msgid "%d screenshots loaded"
msgstr "%d schermate scaricate"

msgid "%d reviews loaded"
msgstr "%d revisioni scaricate"

msgid "All applications"
msgstr "Tutte le applicazioni"

msgid "Visit"
msgstr "Visitare"

msgid "Search:"
msgstr "Ricercare"

msgid "Added:"
msgstr "Aggiunto"

msgid "License:"
msgstr "Licenza"

msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Dimensione"

msgid "Views:"
msgstr "Visite"

msgid "Average rating:"
msgstr "Valutazione media"

msgid "Refreshing mintInstall"
msgstr "Aggiornamento di mintInstall"

msgid "Please wait, this operation can take a while"
msgstr "Prego aspettare, l'operazione puo' richiedere qualche minuto"
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Re: MintInstall 5.1 translations

Post by clem »

-- mintInstall 5.2 released. Topic locked. Translations continue here: ... 43&t=16406 --

Note: Apologies to the translators for updating the package so often lately. It's for the best, it really gets better and better. I've put some comments in the translation file so you can see what hasn't changed since the latest version. Thanks for your efforts and perseverance.

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