[Edited] Flatpak tutorial

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[Edited] Flatpak tutorial

Post by MikeNovember »

[Last edited on 2023-04-23]

1. What is flatpak?

- Like Firejail and snap, flatpak is a sandboxing solution, allowing to run applications with controlled permissions. This increases security, particularly for internet connecting applications. Flatpak is based on sandboxing software bubblewrap and on ostree file system.

- Like snaps and AppImages, flatpaks are a way to distribute applications packages that run unchanged on several distributions.

- Flatpak launch is fast: flatpaks don't need to be uncompressed before launch (as snaps need); flatpaks don't need to have a SquashFS file system mounted before launch (as AppImages need).

- Unlike snap, flatpak is not controlled by an organization (Canonical). Any user can make a flatpak for his own use or publish it in a repository (Flathub is the main one).

- Flatpak has three categories of components:
* flatpak framework, packages installed in the operating system,
* flatpak runtimes, necessary to run applications,
* flatpak applications.

- Flatpak also allows to have fresh applications, with automatic updates. With stable distributions, such as Linux Mint or Ubuntu LTS, applications (except some such as browsers and mail clients) are not updated. With rolling distributions, such as Arch Linux or Manjaro, applications are updated but the operating system is not stable. Flatpak is a way to have updated applications in a stable operating system, flatpak runtimes and applications are a kind of rolling distribution running in a stable operating system.

- Caveats:
* Flatpaks take a lot of disk space, since runtimes are needed to run applications. The installation of the first flatpak might increase system disk use by several hundreds of MB; following installations will increase disk use less if the installed applications use the same runtime.
* Most flatpaks are published by developers on Github and are not endorsed by the application author (a notable exception is Firefox flatpak, published by Mozilla). For this reason I don't recommend the use of a flatpak security application such as password manager or encryption, unless it is published or endorsed by the application author.
* Flatpak runtimes change very quickly; daily Timeshift snapshots show that several thousands files change or are created every day. Timeshift snapshots should be so done on a daily basis, completed by operating system backups on a weekly basis.

2. Reference links

- Flatpak website: https://www.flatpak.org/

- Flatpak's documentation: https://docs.flatpak.org/en/latest/

- Flatpak on Github: https://github.com/flatpak/

- Flatpak ppa stable on Github: https://github.com/flatpak/ppa-flatpak

- Flatpak ppa stable on Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~flatpak/+archive/ubuntu/stable

- Flathub repository: https://flathub.org/home

3. Installing flatpak framework and Flathub repository

Flatpak framework is normally installed by default in Linux Mint. However, as with any security application, user should always use the latest available flatpak framework, with the latest bugs and security failures corrections. Ubuntu does not update flatpak framework. Linux Mint has updated it, one shot, in Mint 20.3 (version 1.12.1). But the latest one is 1.12.5 (on February the 20th, 2022).

The solution to always use the latest available stable framework is to install the flatpak stable ppa, maintained by flatpak developers team, and available for stable supported versions of Ubuntu, and so for Linux Mint 19.x and 20.x. To add this ppa to your system:

Code: Select all

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:flatpak/stable
Once this ppa is installed, launch the Update Manager and refresh the list of packages:
* If flatpak is installed on your system, Update Manager will propose you to update it; accept, update and close Update Manager.
* If flatpak is not installed, Update Manager will not propose you to update it, close Update Manager; launch Synaptic, look for flatpak, select it for installation and apply. Synaptic will install flatpak framework with all its dependencies (on February the 20th, 2022, the following packages are installed, at a minimum: flatpak, gir1.2-flatpak-1.0, libflatpak0, libostree-1-1, xdg-dbus-proxy, xdg-desktop-portal). Optionally, user can install flatpak-builder and its dependencies, to build his own flatpaks.

Once flatpak framework is installed, it is time to install Flathub repository (to allow command line search in it). This is done by the following command:

Code: Select all

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo

4. Installing a flatpak application

There are three ways to install a flatpak application:
* Use the Software Manager to look for and install a flatpak application (flatpak applications are identified as such in the Software Manager; and search can be restricted to flatpaks).
* Use Flathub: from its home main page, look for an application (search function at the top of the page) or browse applications per categories; once found the application you want to install, copy the installation code from the application page, paste it in the terminal and launch it.
* Use flatpak commands; as an example, you want to install Gimp, you first search for it:

Code: Select all

~$ flatpak search gimp
Name            Description                                                                                              Application ID                Version Branch Remotes
Éditeur d’imag… Créer des images et modifier des photographies                                                           org.gimp.GIMP                 2.10.30 stable flathub
GIMP User Manu… GIMP User Manual                                                                                         org.gimp.GIMP.Manual          2.10    2.10   flathub
Resynthesizer   Set of GIMP plug-ins that heal (in-paint), synthesize texture, theme an image, and more                  …mp.GIMP.Plugin.Resynthesizer 2.0.3   2-40   flathub
Resynthesizer   Set of GIMP plug-ins that heal (in-paint), synthesize texture, theme an image, and more                  …mp.GIMP.Plugin.Resynthesizer 2.0.3   2-3.36 flathub
GimpLensfun     GimpLensfun is a Gimp plugin to correct lens distortion using the lensfun library and database.          org.gimp.GIMP.Plugin.Lensfun  0.2.4   2-40   flathub
GimpLensfun     GimpLensfun is a Gimp plugin to correct lens distortion using the lensfun library and database.          org.gimp.GIMP.Plugin.Lensfun  0.2.4   2-3.36 flathub
Fourier         A simple GIMP plug-in to do fourier transform on your image.                                             org.gimp.GIMP.Plugin.Fourier  0.4.3   2-40   flathub
Fourier         A simple GIMP plug-in to do fourier transform on your image.                                             org.gimp.GIMP.Plugin.Fourier  0.4.3   2-3.36 flathub
BIMP            Batch Image Manipulation Program, a GIMP plugin to apply a set of manipulations to an entire group of i… org.gimp.GIMP.Plugin.BIMP     2.6     2-40   flathub
BIMP            Batch Image Manipulation Program, a GIMP plugin to apply a set of manipulations to an entire group of i… org.gimp.GIMP.Plugin.BIMP     2.5     2-3.36 flathub
LiquidRescale   LiquidRescale plugin to resize pictures non uniformly while preserving their features, i.e. avoiding di… …mp.GIMP.Plugin.LiquidRescale 0.7.2   2-40   flathub
LiquidRescale   LiquidRescale plugin to resize pictures non uniformly while preserving their features, i.e. avoiding di… …mp.GIMP.Plugin.LiquidRescale 0.7.2   2-3.36 flathub
G'MIC           GREYC's Magic for Image Computing                                                                        org.gimp.GIMP.Plugin.GMic     3.0.2   2-40   flathub
G'MIC           GREYC's Magic for Image Computing                                                                        org.gimp.GIMP.Plugin.GMic     2.9.6   2-3.36 flathub
FocusBlur       Focus Blur plug-in crete a blurring effect similar to Depth of Field.                                    …g.gimp.GIMP.Plugin.FocusBlur 3.2.6   2-40   flathub
FocusBlur       Focus Blur plug-in crete a blurring effect similar to Depth of Field.                                    …g.gimp.GIMP.Plugin.FocusBlur 3.2.6   2-3.36 flathub
Glimpse         Créer des images et modifier des photographies                                                           org.glimpse_editor.Glimpse    0.2.0   stable flathub
Scans to PDF    Create small, searchable PDFs from scanned documents                                                     com.github.unrud.djpdf        0.1.6   stable flathub
The results are much richer than what you get with Software Manager of Flathub:
* Gimp program is "org.gimp.GIMP",
* Gimp user manual is "org.gimp.GIMP.Manual",
* Several plugins are found: "org.gimp.GIMP.Plugin.Resynthesizer", "org.gimp.GIMP.Plugin.Lensfun", "org.gimp.GIMP.Plugin.Fourier", "org.gimp.GIMP.Plugin.BIMP", "org.gimp.GIMP.Plugin.Plugin.LiquidRescale", "org.gimp.GIMP.Plugin.GMic ", "org.gimp.GIMP.Plugin.FocusBlur" that you would not find with Software Manager or Flathub online search.

Now you can install what you need, as an example the following commands will install Gimp, its manual, and G'MIC plugin:

Code: Select all

flatpak install org.gimp.GIMP
flatpak install org.gimp.GIMP.Manual
flatpak install org.gimp.GIMP.Plugin.GMic
- applications will be installed automatically in your system language,
- you will have to choose the place for applications, system or user home, during the installation; default is system.

5. Useful tricks and commands

Automatic updates:

You can set automatic silent flatpaks update: launch the Update Manager / Edition / Preferences / Automation and move to the right the slider "Update flatpaks automatically", then close Update Manager windows.

Some useful commands:

Flatpak framework version:

Code: Select all

flatpak --version
Flatpak manual update:

Code: Select all

flatpak update
example: after a change or an update of your GPU driver, this command will update the corresponding runtime.

Flatpak runtimes and applications installation repair:

Code: Select all

flatpak repair
Flatpak unused runtimes purge (will not uninstall anything if nothing unused):

Code: Select all

flatpak uninstall --unused
Flatpak application uninstall:

Code: Select all

flatpak uninstall appname
where "appname" is the name of the app you want to uninstall, same name as used during installation; example, the following command will uninstall Gimp:

Code: Select all

flatpak uninstall org.gimp.GIMP
To list all the runtimes and applications found on your system:

Code: Select all

flatpak list
To list only the applications:

Code: Select all

flatpak list --app

Code: Select all

~$ flatpak list --app
Name                          Application ID                           Version                Branch          Installation
calibre                       com.calibre_ebook.calibre                5.37.0                 stable          system
Pinta                         com.github.PintaProject.Pinta            2.0.2                  stable          system
Flatseal                      com.github.tchx84.Flatseal               1.7.5                  stable          system
OBS Studio                    com.obsproject.Studio                    27.2.0                 stable          system
Transmission                  com.transmissionbt.Transmission          3.00                   stable          system
XnView MP                     com.xnview.XnViewMP                      0.99.7                 stable          system
HandBrake                     fr.handbrake.ghb                         1.5.1                  stable          system
Audacity                      org.audacityteam.Audacity                3.1.3                  stable          system
Avidemux                      org.avidemux.Avidemux                    2.8.0                  stable          system
Chromium Web Browser          org.chromium.Chromium                    98.0.4758.102          stable          system
FileZilla                     org.filezillaproject.Filezilla           3.58.0                 stable          system
Geeqie                        org.geeqie.Geeqie                        v1.7.2                 stable          system
Inkscape                      org.inkscape.Inkscape                    1.1.2                  stable          system
Okular                        org.kde.okular                           21.12.2                stable          system
Thunderbird                   org.mozilla.Thunderbird                  91.6.1                 stable          system
Firefox                       org.mozilla.firefox                      97.0.1                 stable          system
VLC                           org.videolan.VLC                         3.0.16                 stable          system
To launch a flatpak application:

Code: Select all

flatpak run appname
where appname is the name of the application (as listed with "flatpak list --app").
NB: the preferred way to launch a flatpak is by the shortcut added to your menu during the flatpak application installation; the command line may be more complex and include some extra arguments. Example, for chromium browser "/usr/bin/flatpak run --branch=stable --arch=x86_64 --command=/app/bin/chromium --file-forwarding org.chromium.Chromium @@u %U @@"

The whole list of commands and their syntax are described in Flatpak's documentation.

Files on your disk:

- With the default (system) place, runtimes and applications are installed in "/var/lib/flatpak" and do not disturb in any way your operating system installation (no system file is changed or created in other system directory during runtimes or applications installation).

- Configuration and cache files, including browsers or mail clients profiles, are in "/home/username/.var/app"

Flatpaks permissions editor:

Flatpak permissions are set by flatpak publishers. They are generally well adapted to the application. If permissions of an application need to be edited, Flatseal is a flatpak application allowing to do it. It is done easily, with a graphical UI. Flatseal includes an integrated documentation explaining the meaning of each permission setting. To install Flatseal:

Code: Select all

flatpak install com.github.tchx84.Flatseal
Once installed, Flatseal will appear in your Accessories menu.

6. About Flatpak security

Flatpak uses Bubblewrap https://github.com/containers/bubblewrap.

From Bubblewrap github page:
The goal of bubblewrap is to run an application in a sandbox, where it has restricted access to parts of the operating system or user data such as the home directory.

Bubblewrap works by creating a new, completely empty, mount namespace where the root is on a tmpfs that is invisible from the host, and will be automatically cleaned up when the last process exits.

The user can specify exactly what parts of the filesystem should be visible in the sandbox. Any such directories you specify mounted nodev by default, and can be made readonly.

The maintainers of this tool believe that it does not, even when used in combination with typical software installed on that distribution, allow privilege escalation. It may increase the ability of a logged in user to perform denial of service attacks, however.

In particular, bubblewrap uses PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS to turn off setuid binaries, which is the traditional way to get out of things like chroots.
Permissions setting (with Flatseal) allows to restrict file accesses: as an example, restricting file access of your browser or e-mail client to "xdg-download" will allow it to only read /write your Downloads directory, with no access to any other directory (except with user control, through file chooser portal).

[Added on 2023-04-23]
More explanations on how flatpak security works.

I will take an example: you use a browser, and you have set this browser to forbid the use of webcam.

Using browser only:

In the normal use, the browser saves its disk cache and configuration on a hidden directory of home user (as an example, "~/.mozilla"); when a file is downloaded with user action, a window appears offering the user the choice where to download the file; and the browser respects the webcam setting.
The browser, being launched by the user without superuser rights, has the same file access rights as the user; its write rights are limited to user home, "/tmp" (*) and any connected device (USB disk, key... ) where user can write.

Malicious script action is limited by the browser (with its own sandboxing system) and by the operating system: an application launched without superuser rights cannot write on the system "/".

But browsers are complex software, and they have bugs. This bugs are the results of human errors at the specification, code writing, code compiling and testing stages. They are found in the software itself, in the libraries/dependencies it uses, or in the tools used by developers. Some of these bugs induce security weaknesses that could be used by a malicious script: at each revision of a browser, there are several (in the range 1 to 50) security fixes, and a few times a year, a highly critical weakness is exploited before a fix is available (they are called "zero day exploits").

Exploiting such a critical weakness, a malicious script could find a way to circumvent browser settings (and to use webcam without your consent), or to put the system in an unstable state, gain superuser privileges, and find a way to write files on the system "/" and corrupt it.

[(*): in Linux there is only one directory for temporary files, for system and user; as a consequence, any user has a write access on this directory; this is different in Windows where system temp and user temp are different directories, with different access rights.]

Using browser flatpak:

Flatpak applications are not intrinsically more secure than non-flatpak ones: application software is the same, and libraries/dependencies are replaced by the ones in runtimes. But they run in a sandbox.

In the normal use, the browser saves its disk cache and configuration on a hidden directory of home user (as an example, "~/.var/app/org.mozilla.firefox"); when a file is downloaded on user request, a window appears offering the user the choice where to download the file: this is done through the "file chooser portal", an interface between the flatpak sandbox and the system, having the same write privileges as normal user (file chooser portal CANNOT have superuser rights); if the use of devices has been prevented in the browser flatpak permissions, webcam cannot be used.

Suppose now a malicious script exploits a browser security weakness: webcam block cannot be circumvented, since it is controlled by flatpak sandbox permissions, and not by the browser only.

No file can be written on the system "/":
- It is not possible through file chooser portal, with user interaction, since this portal cannot write on the system "/".
- It is not possible in an unattended way, without user interaction, since this way is controlled by flatpak filesystem permissions, and since the most permissive possible one is the same as file chooser portal: no file can be written on the system "/".
--> System corruption by a malicious script is not possible

Moreover, since the operating system is isolated from the browser by flatpak sandbox, it cannot be put in an unstable state.
--> Privileges escalation is blocked by both flatpak sandbox and the operating system and is considered as not possible.


Another example of use of filesystem permission:
I have an AppImage application with its help in the AppImage; when I want to read the help, html help files are copied to "/tmp", then browser is launched; since I have associated html files to my flatpak browser, it is automatically launched; however, without the corresponding filesystem permission, the browser cannot open help files: I had to add a "/tmp:ro" filesystem permission (allowing to read only files in "/tmp" directory) to have the browser opening the help files.

More precision on sandbox, filesystem and portals permissions:

- Sandbox permissions can be adjusted:

Capture du 2023-04-23 10-14-49.png

- Filesystem permissions can be adjusted (they apply to unattended files read/write):

Capture du 2023-04-23 10-17-37.png

Sandbox permissions and filesystem permissions are normally set by flatpak applications publishers in the application manifest. They can be easily adjusted by the user with Flatseal.
[NB: User should take care to read Flatseal documentation or Flatpak reference and understand what each setting does before to change these settings.]

- Portals permissions cannot be adjusted: file chooser portal has the same read/write permissions as the user, and printer portal can use the same printers as the user.
[NB: this point is still discussed on flatpak GitHub, some users would prefer to have the capability to adjust (reduce) portals permissions; it is not a security concern, since portals permissions cannot exceed user ones and since portals use is under user control, it is simply a facility request.]

Of course, flatpak framework itself, providing the sandbox, can have bugs and security weaknesses. That's why it should be kept update, as any security software. The simplest way to do it is by using flatpak stable PPA.


Feel free to comment this tutorial and help me to improve it.



PS: you can refer to the following tutorials on this forum, to see real examples
- Thunderbird 91 as a flatpak: viewtopic.php?f=42&t=358185
- AnonFirefox, a TorBrowser equivalent, as a flatpak: viewtopic.php?f=42&t=358889
- Chromium as a flatpak: viewtopic.php?f=42&t=358979
Last edited by MikeNovember on Sun Apr 23, 2023 5:43 am, edited 30 times in total.
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Re: Flatpak tutorial

Post by Termy »

Dang, nice guide. If I ever get into flatpaks, I know where to go to get a quick overview. :)
I'm also Terminalforlife on GitHub.
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Re: Flatpak tutorial

Post by AZgl1800 »

Fantastic guide to Flatpaks.

I only found one sentence that needed a change, and now I have forgotten it.

You spent a LOT of time, to make that so clear and helpful.
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Re: Flatpak tutorial

Post by MikeNovember »

AZgl1800 wrote: Sun Feb 20, 2022 5:10 pm Fantastic guide to Flatpaks.

I only found one sentence that needed a change, and now I have forgotten it.

You spent a LOT of time, to make that so clear and helpful.

Thanks! I wrote this tutorial offline, in order to have time to clearly formulate my sentences.

:) If you remind the forgotten sentence... don't forget to post it!


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Re: Flatpak tutorial

Post by AZgl1800 »

MikeNovember wrote: Mon Feb 21, 2022 3:13 am
AZgl1800 wrote: Sun Feb 20, 2022 5:10 pm Fantastic guide to Flatpaks.

I only found one sentence that needed a change, and now I have forgotten it.

You spent a LOT of time, to make that so clear and helpful.

Thanks! I wrote this tutorial offline, in order to have time to clearly formulate my sentences.

:) If you remind the forgotten sentence... don't forget to post it!


Dropped you a PM, look for a message.
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Re: [Edited] Flatpak tutorial

Post by Neke »

Just a quick one to thank you for putting this tutorial together. Great work!

I was stuck trying to install Ungoogled-Chromium from the repo and it wasn't having any of it. It needs Flatpak 1.8.2 or higher, and apparently I'm running v.1.6.5. Not something I've ever thought about. Better get it updated. Thanks again!!
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Re: [Edited] Flatpak tutorial

Post by SMG »

Moderator note: Cassi's questions can now be found here Flatpak Questions.

Per Tutorial forum rules in the header in pink at the top: "Don't add support questions to tutorials please; start your own topic in the appropriate sub-forum instead."
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Re: [Edited] Flatpak tutorial

Post by WHVW »

Bonjour MikeNovember:

Magnifique! superbe! For so long I've wondered just what exactly IS this flatpak stuff? How does it / how should it - work? I've seen many words that convey little; finally I found your direct, concise, clear and to-the-point explanation.
It reminds me of when I was a kid and saw a block diagramme of how a radio works for the first time...instant understanding.

Thanks again.
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Re: [Edited] Flatpak tutorial

Post by MikeNovember »

WHVW wrote: Wed Mar 15, 2023 7:06 pm Bonjour MikeNovember:

Magnifique! superbe! For so long I've wondered just what exactly IS this flatpak stuff? How does it / how should it - work? I've seen many words that convey little; finally I found your direct, concise, clear and to-the-point explanation.
It reminds me of when I was a kid and saw a block diagramme of how a radio works for the first time...instant understanding.

Thanks again.
Thanks for your support!


Linux Mint 21.3 Mate host with Ubuntu Pro enabled, VMware Workstation Player with Windows 10 Pro guest, ASUS G74SX (i7-2670QM, 16 GB RAM, GTX560M with 3GB RAM, 1TB SSD).

Re: [Edited] Flatpak tutorial

Post by Redit2 »

Wow. Someone has a PhD in Flatpak and it's not me. At least now I know where to look. Already found it useful Outstanding job. Thank you.
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Re: [Edited] Flatpak tutorial

Post by MikeNovember »

Redit2 wrote: Thu Jun 15, 2023 5:11 pm Wow. Someone has a PhD in Flatpak and it's not me. At least now I know where to look. Already found it useful Outstanding job. Thank you.

There is an updated version (flatpaks automatic updates) in my guide, see viewtopic.php?t=397740.


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Re: [Edited] Flatpak tutorial

Post by SMG »

Moderator note: RoseLab's question can now be found here Trying to run a flatpak on a guest session. Please follow the forum rules (in pink under the title of this tutorial) and "Don't add support questions to tutorials; start your own topic in the appropriate sub-forum instead."
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Re: [Edited] Flatpak tutorial

Post by Hoser Rob »

Yep, great tutorial.

I've developed a liking for flatpaks and appimages. I can have the stability of LTS and, for those rare times when I really do need the newest version, I can have it. Without messing with the OS and dependencies. I think this is particularly true with Debian Stable, which is my main box, or LMDE. Portable software is worth the extra space IMO.
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Re: [Edited] Flatpak tutorial

Post by karlchen »

<mod> 2themoon's post about Gimp can be found here now: viewtopic.php?t=414346 </mod>
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