Hello ALL! Linux Mint Newb here. My life has been HACKED/CLONED!

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Hello ALL! Linux Mint Newb here. My life has been HACKED/CLONED!

Post by Wildman1 »

So I have multiple issues going on where my passwords will randomly get changed on my gmail account on my phone, or even my computer login password. Back in Jan. of 2021 I spoke with Google support, they informed me that my phone had been cloned. I went ahead and purchased Bitdefender Total Security and installed on all of my devices. Worked well for a bit then changes happened randomly again. Spoke with Bitdefender support and they informed me that someone had been RDPing into my laptop. They wanted me to pay like $120.00 for a supposed special tool to get this resolved. I turned that down. And now come to think of it I was probably talking with the hackers. Also when I call support services, my calls are being redirected to the hackers. Sometimes not getting all of my phone calls/text messages. I have spent a lot of time/money/and effort in trying to remedy this issue with no luck. I have purchased new devices with new SIM/phone/and email. Still get hacked. I even created accounts with aliases to see if that would work.

Also I'm a Lyft driver who used to drive for Uber. My last 4 trips for Uber was the real pain. I did the 4 trips, went offline to take a break and check my earnings only to find $2.50 in my Uber balance. My first ride that day paid me over $18.00. Discovered they had made one of my trips pay me a negative balance. Called Uber support and right when the automated system came on, it told me I was in a live Uber Eats delivery. I wasn't even logged on to drive. Went to my local Uber Green light Hub to speak to someone in person only to be informed that they couldn't help me. Any help as to how I can mitigate this issue would be much appreciated. I'm afraid to even drive for Lyft as this team of hackers (whoever they are), are swerving at me on purpose while driving. I've had several vehicles following me. I even have vehicles stopping in front of my house randomly. I've called the police, HA no help there. I've sent in the form to the FBI for cybersecurity complaint with no response. I'm at a loss and just stressed out. All I want to do is work and provide for my family. Thanks for any help.

PS. On the bright side, Linux is pretty sweet thus far.
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Re: Hello ALL! Linux Mint Newb here. My life has been HACKED/CLONED!

Post by Pierre »

Hi Wildman1 ,
welcome to our forum.

it would seem that, so far, that you've done all the right moves,
and now are still being too nervous about the existing scenarios.

as long as you have change your password(s) and enabled any available 2FA as well,
then it's an waiting game, to see what effect those changes have had.

NB: when you do call for an support service, then do check the number is correct,
before calling, to prevent you from calling the wrong "support people".
Please edit your original post title to include [SOLVED] - when your problem is solved!
and DO LOOK at those Unanswered Topics - - you may be able to answer some!.
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Re: Hello ALL! Linux Mint Newb here. My life has been HACKED/CLONED!

Post by Wildman1 »

So I found this little gem in my files directory.

Code: Select all


# adduser: a utility to add users to the system
# addgroup: a utility to add groups to the system

# Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999 Guy Maor <maor@debian.org>
# Copyright (C) 1995 Ted Hajek <tedhajek@boombox.micro.umn.edu>
#                     Ian A. Murdock <imurdock@gnu.ai.mit.edu>
# Bugfixes and other improvements Roland Bauerschmidt <rb@debian.org>
# General scheme of the program adapted by the original debian 'adduser'
#  program by Ian A. Murdock <imurdock@gnu.ai.mit.edu>.
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
# See the usage subroutine for explanation about how the program can be called

use warnings;
use strict;
use Debian::AdduserCommon;
use Getopt::Long;

my $version = "3.118ubuntu2";

# return values

use constant RET_OK => 0; # OK
use constant RET_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS => 1; # the user or group does already exist, so the requested action cannot be performed
use constant RET_INVALID_CHARS_IN_NAME => 1; # the provided name contains invalid characters
use constant RET_ADDUSER_ABORTED => 1;  # the program was aborted (eg via Ctrl+C)
use constant RET_INVALID_CALL => 1; # getopt returned with "false"

    local $ENV{PERL_DL_NONLAZY}=1;
    eval 'use Locale::gettext';
    if ($@) {
	*gettext = sub { shift };
	*textdomain = sub { "" };
	*LC_MESSAGES = sub { 5 };
    eval {
	require POSIX;
	import POSIX qw(setlocale);
    if ($@) {
	*setlocale = sub { return 1 };
    eval {
	require I18N::Langinfo;
	import I18N::Langinfo qw(langinfo YESEXPR NOEXPR);
    if ($@) {
	*langinfo = sub { return shift; };
	*YESEXPR  = sub { "^[yY]" };
	*NOEXPR   = sub { "^[nN]" };

setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, "");
my $yesexpr = langinfo(YESEXPR());

my %config;			# configuration hash

my @defaults = ("/etc/adduser.conf");
my $nogroup_id = getgrnam("nogroup") || 65534;
$0 =~ s+.*/++; 

our $verbose = 1;		# should we be verbose?
my $allow_badname = 0;		# should we allow bad names?
my $ask_passwd = 1;		# ask for a passwd? 
my $disabled_login = 0;		# leave the new account disabled?

our $configfile = undef;
our $found_group_opt = undef;
our $found_sys_opt = undef;
our $ingroup_name = undef;
our $new_firstuid = undef;
our $new_gecos = undef;
our $new_gid = undef;
our $new_lastuid = undef;
our $new_uid = undef;
our $no_create_home = undef;
our $special_home = undef;
our $special_shell = undef;
our $add_extra_groups = 0;
our $use_extrausers = 0;
our $encrypt_home = undef;

# Global variables we need later
my $existing_user = undef;
my $existing_group = undef;
my $new_name = undef;
my $make_group_also = 0;
my $home_dir = undef;
my $undohome = undef;
my $undouser = undef;
my $undogroup = undef;
my $shell = undef;
my $first_uid = undef;
my $last_uid = undef;
my $dir_mode = undef;
my $perm = undef;

our @names;

# Parse options, sanity checks
unless ( GetOptions ("quiet|q" => sub { $verbose = 0 },
            "force-badname" => \$allow_badname,
	    "help|h" => sub { &usage(); exit RET_OK },
	    "version|v" => sub { &version(); exit RET_OK },
	    "system" => \$found_sys_opt,
	    "group" => \$found_group_opt,
	    "ingroup=s" => \$ingroup_name,
	    "home=s" => \$special_home,
	    "gecos=s" => \$new_gecos,
	    "shell=s" => \$special_shell,
	    "disabled-password" => sub { $ask_passwd = 0 },
	    "disabled-login" => sub { $disabled_login = 1; $ask_passwd = 0 },
	    "uid=i" => \$new_uid,
	    "firstuid=i" => \$new_firstuid,
	    "lastuid=i" => \$new_lastuid,
	    "gid=i" => \$new_gid,
	    "conf=s" => \$configfile,
	    "no-create-home" => \$no_create_home,
	    "encrypt-home" => \$encrypt_home,
            "add_extra_groups" => \$add_extra_groups,
        "extrausers" => \$use_extrausers,
	    "debug" => sub { $verbose = 2 } ) ) {

# everyone can issue "--help" and "--version", but only root can go on
dief (gtx("Only root may add a user or group to the system.\n")) if ($> != 0);

if( defined($configfile) ) { @defaults = ($configfile); }

# detect the right mode
my $action = $0 eq "addgroup" ? "addgroup" : "adduser";
if (defined($found_sys_opt)) {
  $action = "addsysuser" if ($action eq "adduser");
  $action = "addsysgroup" if ($action eq "addgroup");

# explicitly set PATH, because super (1) cleans up the path and makes adduser unusable;
# this is also a good idea for sudo (which doesn't clean up)
$ENV{"IFS"}=" \t\n";

# checks related to @names #

while (defined(my $arg = shift(@ARGV))) {
  push (@names, $arg);

if ( (! defined $names[0]) || length($names[0]) == 0 || @names > 2) {
    dief (gtx("Only one or two names allowed.\n"));

if (@names == 2) {	# must be addusertogroup
    dief (gtx("Specify only one name in this mode.\n"))
	if ($action eq "addsysuser" || $found_group_opt);
    $action = "addusertogroup";
    $existing_user = shift (@names);
    $existing_group = shift (@names);
else { # 1 parameter, must be adduser
    $new_name = shift (@names);

# check for consistent parameters #

if ($action ne "addgroup" &&
    defined($found_group_opt) +defined($ingroup_name) +defined($new_gid) > 1 ) {
    dief (gtx("The --group, --ingroup, and --gid options are mutually exclusive.\n"));

if ((defined($special_home)) && ($special_home !~ m+^/+ )) {
  dief (gtx("The home dir must be an absolute path.\n"));
if (defined($special_home) && $verbose) {
    printf gtx("Warning: The home dir %s you specified already exists.\n"),$special_home
      if (!defined($no_create_home) && -d $special_home);
    printf gtx("Warning: The home dir %s you specified can't be accessed: %s\n"), $special_home, $!
      if (defined($no_create_home) && ! -d $special_home);

if ($found_group_opt) {
    if ($action eq "addsysuser") {
	$make_group_also = 1;
    elsif ($found_sys_opt) {
	$action = "addsysgroup";
    else {
	$action = "addgroup";

my $ecryptfs_setup_private;
if (defined($encrypt_home)) {
	$ecryptfs_setup_private = &which('ecryptfs-setup-private');

$ENV{"VERBOSE"} = $verbose;
$ENV{"DEBUG"}   = $verbose;

# preseed configuration data and then read the config file

&checkname($new_name, $found_sys_opt) if defined $new_name;
$SIG{'INT'} = $SIG{'QUIT'} = $SIG{'HUP'} = 'handler';

# OK, we've processed the arguments.  $action equals one of the following,
# and the appropriate variables have been set:
# $action = "adduser"
#    $new_name                - the name of the new user.
#    $ingroup_name | $new_gid - the group to add the user to
#    $special_home, $new_uid, $new_gecos - optional overrides
# $action = "addgroup"
#    $new_name                - the name of the new group
#    $new_gid                 - optional override
# $action = "addsysgroup"
#    $new_name                - the name of the new group
#    $new_gid                 - optional override
# $action = "addsysuser"
#    $new_name                - the name of the new user
#    $make_group_also | $ingroup_name | $new_gid | 0  - which group
#    $special_home, $new_uid, $new_gecos - optional overrides
# $action = "addusertogroup"
#    $existing_user           - the user to be added
#    $existing_group          - the group to add her to

## addsysgroup ##
if ($action eq "addsysgroup") {

    # Check if requested group already exists and we can exit safely
    my $ret = existing_group_ok($new_name, $new_gid);

    if ($ret == 3) {
        print STDERR "$0: " if $verbose;
	printf STDERR (gtx("The group `%s' already exists as a system group. Exiting.\n"), $new_name) if $verbose;
	exit RET_OK;

    if ($ret == 1) {
        print STDERR "$0: " if $verbose;
	printf STDERR (gtx("The group `%s' already exists and is not a system group. Exiting.\n"), $new_name);

    if ($ret == 2) {
        print STDERR "$0: " if $verbose;
	printf STDERR (gtx("The group `%s' already exists, but has a different GID. Exiting.\n"), $new_name);

    dief (gtx("The GID `%s' is already in use.\n"),$new_gid)
	if (defined($new_gid) && defined(getgrgid($new_gid)));

    if (!defined($new_gid)) {
        $new_gid = &first_avail_gid($config{"first_system_gid"},
        if ($new_gid == -1) {
	    print STDERR "$0: ";
	    printf STDERR gtx("No GID is available in the range %d-%d (FIRST_SYS_GID - LAST_SYS_GID).\n"),$config{"first_system_gid"},$config{"last_system_gid"};
            dief (gtx("The group `%s' was not created.\n"),$new_name);

    printf (gtx("Adding group `%s' (GID %d) ...\n"),$new_name,$new_gid) if $verbose;
    my $groupadd = &which('groupadd');
    if ( ($use_extrausers) || ($config{"use_extrausers"}) ) {
        &systemcall($groupadd, '--extrausers', '-g', $new_gid, $new_name);
    } else {
        &systemcall($groupadd, '-g', $new_gid, $new_name);
    print (gtx("Done.\n")) if $verbose;
    exit RET_OK;

## addgroup ##
if ($action eq "addgroup") {
    dief (gtx("The group `%s' already exists.\n"),$new_name)
	if (defined getgrnam($new_name));
    dief (gtx("The GID `%s' is already in use.\n"),$new_gid)
	if (defined($new_gid) && defined(getgrgid($new_gid)));
    if (!defined($new_gid)) {
        $new_gid = &first_avail_gid($config{"first_gid"},

        if ($new_gid == -1) {
	    print STDERR "$0: ";
	    printf STDERR gtx("No GID is available in the range %d-%d (FIRST_GID - LAST_GID).\n"),$config{"first_gid"},$config{"last_gid"};
            dief (gtx("The group `%s' was not created.\n"),$new_name);

    printf (gtx("Adding group `%s' (GID %d) ...\n"),$new_name,$new_gid) if $verbose;
    my $groupadd = &which('groupadd');
    if ( ($use_extrausers) || ($config{"use_extrausers"}) ) {
        &systemcall($groupadd, '--extrausers', '-g', $new_gid, $new_name);
    } else {
        &systemcall($groupadd, '-g', $new_gid, $new_name);
    print (gtx("Done.\n")) if $verbose;
    exit RET_OK;

## addusertogroup ##
if ($action eq "addusertogroup") {
    dief (gtx("The user `%s' does not exist.\n"),$existing_user)
	if (!defined getpwnam($existing_user));
    dief (gtx("The group `%s' does not exist.\n"),$existing_group)
	if (!defined getgrnam($existing_group));
    if (&user_is_member($existing_user, $existing_group)) {
	printf gtx("The user `%s' is already a member of `%s'.\n"),
                $existing_user,$existing_group if $verbose;
	exit RET_OK;		# not really an error

    printf gtx("Adding user `%s' to group `%s' ...\n"),$existing_user,$existing_group
	if $verbose;
    my $gpasswd = &which('gpasswd');
    &systemcall($gpasswd, '-a',$existing_user,$existing_group);
    print (gtx("Done.\n")) if $verbose;
    exit RET_OK;

## addsysuser ##
if ($action eq "addsysuser") {
    if (existing_user_ok($new_name, $new_uid) == 1) {

        # a user with this name already exists; it's a problem when it's not a system user
        my $tmp_u = getpwnam($new_name);
        if (($tmp_u >= $config{"first_system_uid"}) and ($tmp_u <= $config{"last_system_uid"})) {
	    printf (gtx("The system user `%s' already exists. Exiting.\n"), $new_name) if $verbose;
            exit RET_OK
	warnf (gtx("The user `%s' already exists, but is not a system user. Exiting.\n"), $new_name);
    if (existing_user_ok($new_name, $new_uid) == 2) {
	warnf (gtx("The user `%s' already exists with a different UID. Exiting.\n"), $new_name);

    if (!$ingroup_name && !defined($new_gid) && !$make_group_also) {
      $new_gid = $nogroup_id;

    if (!defined($new_uid) && $make_group_also) {
	$new_uid = &first_avail_uid($config{"first_system_uid"},
        if ($new_uid == -1) {
	    print STDERR "$0: ";
	    printf STDERR gtx("No UID/GID pair is available in the range %d-%d (FIRST_SYS_UID - LAST_SYS_UID).\n"),$config{"first_system_uid"},$config{"last_system_uid"};
            dief (gtx("The user `%s' was not created.\n"),$new_name);
        $new_gid = &first_avail_gid($config{"first_system_gid"},
	$ingroup_name = $new_name;
    elsif (!defined($new_uid) && !$make_group_also) {
	$new_uid = &first_avail_uid($config{"first_system_uid"},
        if ($new_uid == -1) {
	    print STDERR "$0: ";
	    printf STDERR gtx("No UID is available in the range %d-%d (FIRST_SYS_UID - LAST_SYS_UID).\n"),$config{"first_system_uid"},$config{"last_system_uid"};
	    dief (gtx("The user `%s' was not created.\n"),$new_name);
        if (defined($new_gid)) { $ingroup_name = getgrgid($new_gid); }
	elsif ($ingroup_name) { $new_gid = getgrnam($ingroup_name); }
	else { dief (gtx("Internal error")); }
    else {
	if (defined($new_gid)) { $ingroup_name = getgrgid($new_gid); }
	elsif ($ingroup_name) { $new_gid = getgrnam($ingroup_name); }
	elsif ($make_group_also){ $new_gid=$new_uid; $ingroup_name=$new_name; }
	else { dief (gtx("Internal error")); }
    printf (gtx("Adding system user `%s' (UID %d) ...\n"),$new_name,$new_uid) if $verbose;

    # if we reach this point, and the group does already exist, we can use it.
    if ($make_group_also && !getgrnam($new_name)) {
	printf (gtx("Adding new group `%s' (GID %d) ...\n"),$new_name,$new_gid) if $verbose;
	$undogroup = $new_name;
       my $groupadd = &which('groupadd');
    if ( ($use_extrausers) || ($config{"use_extrausers"}) ) {
        &systemcall($groupadd, '--extrausers', '-g', $new_gid, $new_name);
    } else {
        &systemcall($groupadd, '-g', $new_gid, $new_name);

    printf gtx("Adding new user `%s' (UID %d) with group `%s' ...\n"),$new_name,$new_uid,$ingroup_name
	if $verbose;
    $home_dir = $special_home || &homedir($new_name, $ingroup_name);
    $shell = $special_shell || '/usr/sbin/nologin';
    $undouser = $new_name;
    my $useradd = &which('useradd');
    if ( ($use_extrausers) || ($config{"use_extrausers"}) ) {
        &systemcall($useradd, '--extrausers', '-d', $home_dir, '-g', $ingroup_name, '-s',
        $shell, '-u', $new_uid, $new_name);
    } else {
        &systemcall($useradd, '-d', $home_dir, '-g', $ingroup_name, '-s',
        $shell, '-u', $new_uid, $new_name);
    if(!$disabled_login) {
        my $usermod = &which('usermod');
        &systemcall($usermod, '-p', '*', $new_name);
    my $chage = &which('chage');
    print "$chage -M 99999 $new_name\n" if ($verbose > 1);
    # do _not_ use systemcall() here, since systemcall() dies on
    # non-zero exit code and we need to do special handling here!
    if (system($chage, '-M', '99999', $new_name)) {
	if( ($?>>8) ne 15 ) {
	    &cleanup(sprintf((gtx("`%s' returned error code %d. Exiting.\n")), "$chage -M 99999 $new_name", $?>>8))
	      if ($?>>8);
	    &cleanup(sprintf((gtx("`%s' exited from signal %d. Exiting.\n")), "$chage -M 99999 $new_name", $?&255));
	} else {
            printf STDERR (gtx("%s failed with return code 15, shadow not enabled, password aging cannot be set. Continuing.\n"), $chage);

    if(defined($new_gecos)) {
    create_homedir (0);

    exit RET_OK;

## adduser ##
if ($action eq "adduser") {
    if (!$ingroup_name && !defined($new_gid)) {
	if ($config{"usergroups"} =~  /yes/i) { $make_group_also = 1; }
	else { $new_gid = $config{"users_gid"}; }
    $first_uid = $new_firstuid || $config{"first_uid"};
    $last_uid = $new_lastuid || $config{"last_uid"};
    printf (gtx("Adding user `%s' ...\n"),$new_name) if $verbose;

    if (!defined($new_uid) && $make_group_also) {
	$new_uid = &first_avail_uid($first_uid,
        if ($new_uid == -1) {
	    print STDERR "$0: ";
            printf STDERR gtx("No UID/GID pair is available in the range %d-%d (FIRST_UID - LAST_UID).\n"),$first_uid,$last_uid;
	    dief (gtx("The user `%s' was not created.\n"),$new_name);
	$new_gid = &first_avail_gid($config{"first_gid"}, 
	$ingroup_name = $new_name;
    elsif (!defined($new_uid) && !$make_group_also) {
	$new_uid = &first_avail_uid($first_uid,
	if ($new_uid == -1) {
	    print STDERR "$0: ";
	    printf STDERR gtx("No UID is available in the range %d-%d (FIRST_UID - LAST_UID).\n"),$config{"first_uid"},$config{"last_uid"};
            dief (gtx("The user `%s' was not created.\n"),$new_name);
	if (defined($new_gid)) { $ingroup_name = getgrgid($new_gid); }
	elsif ($ingroup_name) { $new_gid = getgrnam($ingroup_name); }
	else { dief (gtx("Internal error")); }
    else {
	if (defined($new_gid)) { $ingroup_name = getgrgid($new_gid); }
	elsif ($ingroup_name) { $new_gid = getgrnam($ingroup_name); }
	elsif ($make_group_also){ $new_gid=$new_uid; $ingroup_name=$new_name; }
	else { dief (gtx("Internal error")); }

    if ($make_group_also) {
	printf (gtx("Adding new group `%s' (%d) ...\n"),$new_name,$new_gid) if $verbose;
	$undogroup = $new_name;
        my $groupadd = &which('groupadd');
    if ( ($use_extrausers) || ($config{"use_extrausers"}) ) {
        &systemcall($groupadd, '--extrausers', '-g', $new_gid, $new_name);
    } else {
        &systemcall($groupadd, '-g', $new_gid, $new_name);

    printf gtx("Adding new user `%s' (%d) with group `%s' ...\n"),$new_name,$new_uid,$ingroup_name
	if $verbose;
    $home_dir = $special_home || &homedir($new_name, $ingroup_name);
	$shell = $special_shell || $config{"dshell"};
    $undouser = $new_name;
    my $useradd = &which('useradd');
    if ( ($use_extrausers) || ($config{"use_extrausers"}) ) {
        &systemcall($useradd, '--extrausers', '-d', $home_dir, '-g', $ingroup_name, '-s',
        $shell, '-u', $new_uid, $new_name);
    } else {
        &systemcall($useradd, '-d', $home_dir, '-g', $ingroup_name, '-s',
        $shell, '-u', $new_uid, $new_name);

    create_homedir (1); # copy skeleton data

    # useradd without -p has left the account disabled (password string is '!')
    my $yesexpr = langinfo(YESEXPR());
    if ($ask_passwd) {
	for (;;) {
          my $passwd = &which('passwd');
	  # do _not_ use systemcall() here, since systemcall() dies on
	  # non-zero exit code and we need to do special handling here!
          system($passwd, $new_name);
	  my $ok = $?>>8;
	  if ($ok != 0) {
            my $answer;
            # hm, error, should we break now?
	    print (gtx("Permission denied\n")) if ($ok == 1);
	    print (gtx("invalid combination of options\n")) if ($ok == 2);
	    print (gtx("unexpected failure, nothing done\n")) if ($ok == 3);
	    print (gtx("unexpected failure, passwd file missing\n")) if ($ok == 4);
	    print (gtx("passwd file busy, try again\n")) if ($ok == 5);
	    print (gtx("invalid argument to option\n")) if ($ok == 6);
	    # Translators: [y/N] has to be replaced by values defined in your
	    # locale.  You can see by running "locale noexpr" which regular
	    # expression will be checked to find positive answer.
	    print (gtx("Try again? [y/N] "));
	    chop ($answer=<STDIN>);
	    last if ($answer !~ m/$yesexpr/o);
	  else {
	    last; ## passwd ok
    } else {
	if(!$disabled_login) {
           my $usermod = &which('usermod');
	    &systemcall($usermod, '-p', '*', $new_name);

    if (defined($new_gecos)) {
    else {
	my $noexpr = langinfo(NOEXPR());
	for (;;) {
           my $chfn = &which('chfn');
        if ( ($use_extrausers) || ($config{"use_extrausers"}) ) {
    	    &systemcall($chfn, '--extrausers', $new_name);
        } else {
    	    &systemcall($chfn, $new_name);
	    # Translators: [y/N] has to be replaced by values defined in your
	    # locale.  You can see by running "locale yesexpr" which regular
	    # expression will be checked to find positive answer.
	    print (gtx("Is the information correct? [Y/n] "));
	    chop (my $answer=<STDIN>);
	    last if ($answer !~ m/$noexpr/o);

    if ( ( $add_extra_groups || $config{"add_extra_groups"} ) && defined($config{"extra_groups"}) ) {
        printf (gtx("Adding new user `%s' to extra groups ...\n"), $new_name);
        foreach my $newgrp ( split ' ', $config{"extra_groups"} ) {
            if (!defined getgrnam($newgrp)) {
                warnf (gtx("The group `%s' does not exist.\n"),$newgrp);
            if (&user_is_member($new_name, $newgrp)) {
                printf gtx("The user `%s' is already a member of `%s'.\n"),
                        $new_name,$newgrp if $verbose;


            printf gtx("Adding user `%s' to group `%s' ...\n"),$new_name,$newgrp
                if $verbose;
            my $gpasswd = &which('gpasswd');
            &systemcall($gpasswd, '-M',
                        join(',', get_group_members($newgrp), $new_name),

    if ($config{"quotauser"}) {
	printf (gtx("Setting quota for user `%s' to values of user `%s' ...\n"), $new_name, $config{quotauser});
	my $edquota = &which('edquota');
	&systemcall($edquota, '-p', $config{quotauser}, $new_name);

    &systemcall('/usr/local/sbin/adduser.local', $new_name, $new_uid,
		$new_gid, $home_dir) if (-x "/usr/local/sbin/adduser.local");
    exit RET_OK;

# we never go here

# calculate home directory
sub homedir {
    my $dir = $config{"dhome"};
    $dir .= '/' . $_[1] if ($config{"grouphomes"} =~ /yes/i);
    $dir .= '/' . substr($_[0],0,1) if ($config{"letterhomes"} =~ /yes/i);
    $dir .= '/' . $_[0];
    return $dir;

# create_homedir -- create the homedirectory
# parameter 
#   1: $copy_skeleton: 
#     if 0  -> don't copy the skeleton data
#     if 1  -> copy the files in /etc/skel to the newly created home directory
# return values:
#   none
sub create_homedir {
  my ($copy_skeleton) = @_;

  if ($no_create_home) {
      printf gtx("Not creating home directory `%s'.\n"), $home_dir if $verbose;
  elsif (-e $home_dir) {
      printf gtx("The home directory `%s' already exists.  Not copying from `%s'.\n"),
      $home_dir,$config{skel} if $verbose && !$no_create_home;
      my @homedir_stat = stat($home_dir);
      my $home_uid = $homedir_stat[4];
      my $home_gid = $homedir_stat[5];
      if (($home_uid != $new_uid) || ($home_gid != $new_gid)) {
	  warnf gtx("Warning: The home directory `%s' does not belong to the user you are currently creating.\n"), $home_dir;
      undef @homedir_stat; undef $home_uid; undef $home_gid;
  else {
      printf gtx("Creating home directory `%s' ...\n"),$home_dir if $verbose;
      $undohome = $home_dir;
      &mktree($home_dir) || &cleanup(sprintf(gtx("Couldn't create home directory `%s': %s.\n"), $home_dir, $!));
      chown($new_uid, $new_gid, $home_dir)
	  || &cleanup("chown $new_uid:$new_gid $home_dir: $!\n");
      $dir_mode = get_dir_mode($make_group_also);
      chmod ($dir_mode, $home_dir) ||
	  &cleanup("chmod $dir_mode $home_dir: $!\n");

      if ($action eq "adduser") {
          # Mute the command
          system('sh' => ( '-c' => '"$@" >/dev/null 2>&1', '--', '/usr/sbin/zsysctl', 'userdata', 'create', $new_name, $home_dir,));
          chown($new_uid, $new_gid, $home_dir)
    	  || &cleanup("chown $new_uid:$new_gid $home_dir: $!\n");
          $dir_mode = get_dir_mode($make_group_also);
          chmod ($dir_mode, $home_dir) ||
    	  &cleanup("chmod $dir_mode $home_dir: $!\n");

      if (defined($encrypt_home)) {
	printf gtx("Setting up encryption ...\n") if $verbose;
	&systemcall($ecryptfs_setup_private, '-b', '-u', $new_name);

      if ($config{"skel"} && $copy_skeleton) {
	  printf gtx("Copying files from `%s' ...\n"),$config{skel} if $verbose;
	  open(my $FIND, "cd $config{skel}; find .  -print |")
	      || &cleanup(sprintf(gtx("fork for `find' failed: %s\n"), $!));
	  while (<$FIND>) {
	      next if ($_ eq ".");
	      next if ($_ =~ qr/$config{skel_ignore_regex}/ );
	      &copy_to_dir($config{"skel"}, $_, $home_dir, $new_uid,
			    $new_gid, ($config{"setgid_home"} =~ /yes/i));

      if (defined($encrypt_home)) {
	  &systemcall("/bin/umount", $home_dir);

# mktree: create a directory and all parent directories, we don't care about the rights and so on
# parameters:
#   tree: the path 
# return values:
#   none
sub mktree {
    my($tree) = @_;
    my($done, @path);
    my $default_dir_mode = 0755;

    $tree =~ s:^/*(.*)/*$:$1:; # chop off leading & trailing slashes
    @path = split(/\//, $tree);

    $done = "";
    while (@path) {
	$done .= '/' . shift(@path);
	-d $done || mkdir($done, $default_dir_mode) || return 0;
    return 1;

# existing_user_ok: check if there's already a user present on the system which satisfies the requirements
# parameter:
#   new_name: the name of the user to check
#   new_uid : the UID of the user
# return values:
#   0 if the the user doesn't exist 
#   1 if the user already exists with the specified uid (or $new_uid wasn't specified)
#   2 if the user already exists, but $new_uid doesn't matches its uid 
sub existing_user_ok {
    my($new_name,$new_uid) = @_;
    my ($dummy1,$dummy2,$uid);
    if (($dummy1,$dummy2,$uid) = getpwnam($new_name)) {
	if( defined($new_uid) && $uid == $new_uid ) {
	    return 1;
	if (! defined($new_uid)) { 
		return 1;
        # TODO: do we really need this code? Range check shouldn't performed here
	if( $uid >= $config{"first_system_uid"} &&
	    $uid <= $config{"last_system_uid" } ) {
		return 2;
    } else {
	return 0;

# existing_group_ok: check if there's already a group which satiesfies the requirements
# parameter:
#   new_name: the name of the group
#   new_gid : the UID of the group
# return values:
#   0 if the group doesn't exist
#   1 if the group already exists with the specified gid (or $new_gid wasn't specified)
#   2 if the group already exists, but $new_gid doesn't match its gid 
#   3 if the group already exists inside the system range
sub existing_group_ok {
    my($new_name,$new_gid) = @_;
    my ($dummy1,$dummy2,$gid);
    if (($dummy1,$dummy2,$gid) = getgrnam($new_name)) {

        # TODO: is this check required? There shouldn't be any gid outside of our allowed range anyways ...
	if( $gid >= $config{"first_system_gid"} &&
	    $gid <= $config{"last_system_gid" } ) {
		return 3;
	if (! defined($new_gid)) {
		return 1;
        if ($gid == $new_gid) {
            return 1;
	} else {
            return 2;
    } else {
	return 0;

# check_user_group: ???
# parameters:
#   system: 0 if the user isn't a system user, 1 otherwise
# return values:
sub check_user_group {
    my ($system) = @_;
    if( !$system || !existing_user_ok($new_name, $new_uid) ) {
	if( defined getpwnam($new_name) ) {
	    if( $system ) {
		dief (gtx("The user `%s' already exists, and is not a system user.\n"),$new_name);
	    } else {
		dief (gtx("The user `%s' already exists.\n"),$new_name);
	dief (gtx("The UID %d is already in use.\n"),$new_uid)
	  if (defined($new_uid) && getpwuid($new_uid));
    if ($make_group_also) {
	if( !$system || !existing_group_ok($new_name, $new_uid) ) {
	    dief (gtx("The group `%s' already exists.\n"),$new_name)
	      if (defined getgrnam($new_name));
	    dief (gtx("The GID %d is already in use.\n"),$new_uid)
	      if (defined($new_uid) && defined(getgrgid($new_uid)));
    else {
	dief (gtx("The group `%s' does not exist.\n"),$ingroup_name)
	    if ($ingroup_name && !defined(getgrnam($ingroup_name)));
	dief (gtx("The GID %d does not exist.\n"),$new_gid)
	    if (defined($new_gid) && !defined(getgrgid($new_gid)));

# copy_to_dir :
# parameters:
#   fromdir
#   file
#   todir
#   newi
#   newg
#   sgiddir
# return values:
#   none
sub copy_to_dir {
    my($fromdir, $file, $todir, $newu, $newg, $sgiddir) = @_;

    if (-l "$fromdir/$file") {
	my $target=readlink("$fromdir/$file") or &cleanup("readlink: $!\n");
	my $curgid="$)";
	my $curuid="$>";
	my $error="";
	symlink("$target", "$todir/$file") or $error="$!";
	if( "$error" ne "" ) {
	    &cleanup("symlink: $!\n");
    elsif (-f "$fromdir/$file") {
	open (FILE, "$fromdir/$file") || &cleanup("open $fromdir/$file: $!");
	open (NEWFILE, ">$todir/$file") || &cleanup("open >$todir/$file: $!");

	(print NEWFILE <FILE>) || &cleanup("print $todir/$file: $!");
	close FILE;
	close(NEWFILE)  || &cleanup("close $todir/$file ");

    elsif (-d "$fromdir/$file") {
	mkdir("$todir/$file", 700) || &cleanup("mkdir: $!");
    else {
	&cleanup(sprintf((gtx("Cannot deal with %s.\nIt is not a dir, file, or symlink.\n")), "$fromdir/$file"));
    chown($newu, $newg, "$todir/$file")
	|| &cleanup("chown $newu:$newg $todir/$file: $!\n");
    $perm = (stat("$fromdir/$file"))[2] & 07777;
    $perm |= 02000 if (-d "$fromdir/$file" && ($perm & 010) && $sgiddir);
    chmod($perm, "$todir/$file") || &cleanup("chmod $todir/$file: $!\n");

# checkname: perform some sanity checks
# parameters:
#   name: the name to check
#   system: 0 if the user isn't a system user, 1 otherwise
# return values:
#   none (exits on error)
sub checkname {
    my ($name, $system) = @_;
    if ($name !~ /^[_.A-Za-z0-9][-\@_.A-Za-z0-9]*\$?$/) {
	printf STDERR
(gtx("%s: To avoid problems, the username should consist only of
letters, digits, underscores, periods, at signs and dashes, and not start with
a dash (as defined by IEEE Std 1003.1-2001). For compatibility with Samba
machine accounts \$ is also supported at the end of the username\n"), $0);
    if ($system
        ? $name !~ qr/$config{"name_regex_system"}/
        : $name !~ qr/$config{"name_regex"}/) {
      if ($allow_badname) {
	print (gtx("Allowing use of questionable username.\n")) if ($verbose);
      else {
        printf STDERR
(gtx("%s: Please enter a username matching the regular expression configured
via the NAME_REGEX[_SYSTEM] configuration variable.  Use the `--force-badname'
option to relax this check or reconfigure NAME_REGEX.\n"), $0);

# first_avail_uid: return the first available uid in given range
# parameters:
#   min, max: the range
# return values:
#   -1 if no free uid is available
#  otherwise the choosen uid
sub first_avail_uid {
    my ($min, $max) = @_;
    printf (gtx("Selecting UID from range %d to %d ...\n"),$min,$max) if ($verbose > 1);

    my $t = $min;
    while ($t <= $max) {
       return $t if (!defined(getpwuid($t)));
    return -1; # nothing available

# first_avail_gid: return the first available gid in given range
# parameters:
#   min, max: the range
# return values:
#   -1 if no free gid is available
#   otherwise the choosen gid
sub first_avail_gid {
    my ($min, $max) = @_;
    printf (gtx("Selecting GID from range %d to %d ...\n"),$min,$max) if ($verbose > 1);

    my $t = $min;
    while ($t <= $max) {
       return $t if (!defined(getgrgid($t)));
    return -1; # nothing available

sub ch_gecos {
    my $chfn = &which('chfn');
    my $gecos = shift;
    if($gecos =~ /,/)
	    = split(/,/,$gecos);

        if ( ($use_extrausers) || ($config{"use_extrausers"}) ) {
            &systemcall($chfn, '--extrausers', '-f', $gecos_name, '-r', $gecos_room, $new_name);
        } else {
            &systemcall($chfn, '-f', $gecos_name, '-r', $gecos_room, $new_name);
        if ( ($use_extrausers) || ($config{"use_extrausers"}) ) {
            &systemcall($chfn, '--extrausers', '-f', $gecos, $new_name);
        } else {
            &systemcall($chfn, '-f', $gecos, $new_name);

# user is member of group?
sub user_is_member {
    my($user, $group) = @_;
    for (split(/ /, (getgrnam($group))[3])) {
	return 1 if ($user eq $_);
    return 0;

sub cleanup {
    my ($msg) = @_;
    printf (gtx("Stopped: %s\n"),$msg);
    if ($undohome) {
	printf (gtx("Removing directory `%s' ...\n"),$undohome);
	&systemcall('rm', '-rf', $undohome);
    if ($undouser) {
	printf (gtx("Removing user `%s' ...\n"),$undouser);
	&systemcall('userdel', $undouser);
    if ($undogroup) {
	printf (gtx("Removing group `%s' ...\n"),$undogroup);
	&systemcall('groupdel', $undogroup);
    # do we need to invalidate the nscd cache here, too?

sub handler {
    my($sig) = @_;
    # Translators: the variable %s is INT, QUIT, or HUP.
    # Please do not insert a space character between SIG and %s.
    &cleanup(sprintf(gtx("Caught a SIG%s.\n"), $sig));

sub version {
    printf (gtx("adduser version %s\n\n"), $version);
    print gtx("Adds a user or group to the system.
Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999 Guy Maor <maor\@debian.org>
Copyright (C) 1995 Ian Murdock <imurdock\@gnu.ai.mit.edu>,
                   Ted Hajek <tedhajek\@boombox.micro.umn.edu>
    print gtx(
"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License, /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL, for more details.

sub usage {
    printf gtx(
"adduser [--home DIR] [--shell SHELL] [--no-create-home] [--uid ID]
[--firstuid ID] [--lastuid ID] [--gecos GECOS] [--ingroup GROUP | --gid ID]
[--disabled-password] [--disabled-login] [--add_extra_groups]
[--encrypt-home] USER
   Add a normal user

adduser --system [--home DIR] [--shell SHELL] [--no-create-home] [--uid ID]
[--gecos GECOS] [--group | --ingroup GROUP | --gid ID] [--disabled-password]
[--disabled-login] [--add_extra_groups] USER
   Add a system user

adduser --group [--gid ID] GROUP
addgroup [--gid ID] GROUP
   Add a user group

addgroup --system [--gid ID] GROUP
   Add a system group

adduser USER GROUP
   Add an existing user to an existing group

general options:
  --quiet | -q      don't give process information to stdout
  --force-badname   allow usernames which do not match the
                    NAME_REGEX[_SYSTEM] configuration variable
  --extrausers      uses extra users as the database
  --help | -h       usage message
  --version | -v    version number and copyright
  --conf | -c FILE  use FILE as configuration file\n\n");

sub get_dir_mode
      my $setgid = shift;
      # no longer make home directories setgid per default (closes: #64806)
      $setgid = 0 unless $config{"setgid_home"} =~  /yes/i;

      my $dir_mode = $config{"dir_mode"};
      if(!defined($dir_mode) || ! ($dir_mode =~ /[0-7]{3}/ ||
				   $dir_mode =~ /[0-7]{4}/))
	    $dir_mode = $setgid ? 2755 : 0755;
	    $dir_mode = $config{"dir_mode"};
	    if($setgid && (length($dir_mode) == 3 || $dir_mode =~ /^[0-1|4-5][0-7]{3}$/))
		  $dir_mode += 2000;
      return oct($dir_mode);

# Local Variables:
# mode:cperl
# cperl-indent-level:4
# End:

# vim:set ai et sts=4 sw=4 tw=0:
Last edited by karlchen on Mon Jun 21, 2021 3:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: enclosed the long source code / script in [code] tags.
All assistance is very appreciated.
Thank you!

Re: Hello ALL! Linux Mint Newb here. My life has been HACKED/CLONED!

Post by DAMIEN1307 »

So I found this little gem in my files directory.
REALLY !!! All that was that necessary...You think you really stumbled upon a choice gem ???

Are you really tyring to kid us with this nonsense ???

Congratulations, you just found the movers and shakers and people who made some of your operating systems software possible along with its open source material...lol.

Its Time to lose the tinfoil hat...DAMIEN
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Re: Hello ALL! Linux Mint Newb here. My life has been HACKED/CLONED!

Post by rossdv8 »

Assuming an Android phone because you were talking to Google Accounts.

If I had my phone cloned and my Giggle account hacked, the first ting i would do is get the use of a computer somewhere and set up a new Giggle account in a 'variation' of my name that friends and family could recognise - and set it up using a completely different password.

Then I would acquire a new phone, set it up from scratch with the NEW Giggle account.

From there, it gets a little complicated. You could go all out and open every account you have, remembering things like Mint, your banks, anything that needs a password, and change the passwords for each one of them.

That 'should' lock whoever might have cloned the phone from accessing those accounts.
Probably not the professional way to do it, but sort of logical. . .
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Re: Hello ALL! Linux Mint Newb here. My life has been HACKED/CLONED!

Post by deepakdeshp »

Welcome to Linux Mint Forums
If I have helped you solve a problem, please add [SOLVED] to your first post title, it helps other users looking for help.

Mint 21.1 Cinnamon 64 bit with AMD A6 / 8GB
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