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How to backup and restore Cinammon panel Launchers?

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 12:44 pm
by 4RainButterfly
I would like to backup all my launchers in the panel on the bottom left near the menu button.
Also, I'd like to backup all my custom launchers inside the menu itself.

I tried dconf dump /org/cinnamon/ > backup_of_my_cinnamon_settings - which is nice, but it doesn't contain the list of launchers in the bottom left of the panel or the menu.

Is there a command line option or gui setting I can use to do this?

Lastly, how would I restore after backing up? Thank you.

Re: How to backup and restore Cinammon panel Launchers?

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 1:30 pm
by smurphos
For the panel launchers look in...


For each panel-launcher applet there will be a numbered ,json file which contains the launcher definitions. The number matches the applet number assigned to the panel-launcher applet in org.cinnamon enabled-applets in dconf/gsettings.

E.g. this snippet from the output of gsettings get org.cinnamon enabled-applets is one of my panels with 3 panel launcher applets

Code: Select all

'',  '', '', '', ''
And i have

Code: Select all

ls ~/.cinnamon/configs/
24.json  31.json  33.json
So if you back up both dconf and that folder and restore both you should be good.

Re: How to backup and restore Cinammon panel Launchers?

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 1:34 pm
by smurphos
For customised menu entries look in..


Any customised or new menu entry will have a .desktop file in this folder.

For complex backup and restore functionality - including dconf and specific folders in your home I recommend aptik -