Add SRM (Secure Remove) to Nemo menu

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Add SRM (Secure Remove) to Nemo menu

Post by MrPuff »

After adding SRM to the Nemo menu I noticed that there were already instructions in the forum for adding secure delete but I figured I'd go ahead and share how I added SRM in the event anyone is interested.

Just please be careful if you do this because SRM isn't going to ask you to confirm that you want to erase the file and/or directory. If anyone knows a way to include that safeguard I'd appreciate learning how to do that.

First make sure you have SRM installed.

Make a file called srm.nemo_action in the folder $HOME/.local/share/nemo/actions

Open the file with your favorite text editor, paste the stuff below.
----------------------------------------Do not include this line------------------------------------------
[Nemo Action]
Name=Secure Delete
Comment=Secure Delete

Exec=srm -rl %F




--------------------------------------------Do not include this line-----------------------------------------------------
By default SRM overwrites files 37 times which is way too much and takes forever. With the switches -rl the overwrite is recursive and limits SRM to one zero write and one random write which is sufficient.

If there's anything I missed or if there is a better way to do this I'd love to hear it as I'm always open to learning.


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