HowTo: Using Bind to Remount Part of a Partition

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HowTo: Using Bind to Remount Part of a Partition

Post by altair4 »

HowTo: Using Bind to Remount Part of a Partition.

Bind allows you to take a mounted partition and mount parts or all of it somewhere else in the file hierarchy. I'll show 4 different ways to accomplish this depending on how you want to use it. I will use as an example a data partition that I have set up in lieu of a dedicated /home partition at /Data. That partition is auto mounted in fstab as:
UUID=f7927995-b098-42be-ada0-987857f5177a /Data ext4 defaults,noatime 0 0
I have taken possession of the mounted partition: sudo chown altair /Data
And I have populated /Data with all the directories in a normal home directory: Documents, Downloads, Pictures, Videos, etc ...

[1] A Manual Bind - Good for that session only. Does not survive a reboot

The general syntax of the command looks like this:
sudo mount --bind /olddirectory /newdirectory
To unmount the bind:
sudo umount /newdirectory
So in this example:

Code: Select all

sudo mount --bind /Data/Documents /home/altair/Documents
If you have spaces in the path it has to have quotes around it like this:

Code: Select all

sudo mount --bind /windows/WinXP/"Documents and Settings/altair/My Documents" /home/altair/Documents
To "unbind" the directory:

Code: Select all

sudo umount /home/altair/Documents
* The same content is now accessible in two different places: In /Data and in /home/altair.
* Whatever you do in one happens to the other.
* The filesystem mount options will remain the same as those on the original mount point and you cannot change one without changing the other. Or in the case of a Windows fileystem ( i.e., NTFS ) not at all unless you change the mount options of the original mountpoint in fstab.

[2] Auto Mount at Boot using rc.local

You can use the same manual mount command ( without the sudo ) and add it to /etc/rc.local right above the "exit 0" line:
#!/bin/sh -e
# rc.local
# This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.
# Make sure that the script will "exit 0" on success or any other
# value on error.
# In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution
# bits.
# By default this script does nothing.
mount --bind /Data/Documents /home/altair/Documents
mount --bind /Data/Downloads /home/altair/Downloads
mount --bind /Data/Pictures /home/altair/Pictures

exit 0
[3] Auto Mount at Boot by creating your own Upstart script - NO LONGER VALID IN MINT18 SINCE THERE IS NO UPSTART: NOTE: There seems to be an issue with upstart, bind, and Mint17-Cinnamon ( and so far only Cinnamon ) which makes this method not work. Please use method [2] - rc.local until I can find a resolution.

This is the method I now use by default since I can make sure that the bind operation only happens after the original partition is mounted.

Create an upstart job named "bind-home.conf"

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gksu gedit /etc/init/bind-home.conf
The content of that file would look like this:

Code: Select all

# Remount partitions with bind
description "Bind Data Partition Subdirectories to My Home Directory"

start on stopped mountall

mount --bind /Data/Documents /home/altair/Documents
mount --bind /Data/Downloads /home/altair/Downloads
mount --bind /Data/Pictures /home/altair/Pictures
end script
The "start on stopped mountall" insures that the bind commands will not be executed until all system mounts ( i.e., fstab ) are completed.

[4] Auto Mount at Boot in Fstab - Mint18

The bind syntax and how you handle spaces changes in fstab and it must appear someplace after the line that identifies the mount of the original partition. So for example:

Code: Select all

UUID=f7927995-b098-42be-ada0-987857f5177a /Data ext4 defaults,noatime 0 0
/Data/Documents /home/altair/Documents auto bind,x-systemd.requires=/Data 0 0
Or in the case of an NTFS partition with spaces in the path:

Code: Select all

UUID=DA9056C19056A3B3 /windows/WinXP ntfs defaults,uid=1000,gid=46,umask=007 0 0
/windows/WinXP/Documents\040and\040Settings/altair/My\040Documents /home/altair/Documents auto bind,x-systemd.requires=/windows/WinXP 0 0
"x-systemd.requires=" may be considered redundant since systemd figures this out on it's own but I like to put it there just as a precaution to make sure that the bind does not occur before the thing it's binding is mounted..

I should note that another way to accomplish all this is simply to create a symbolic link from one location to the next.
Last edited by altair4 on Mon Jul 18, 2016 12:54 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: HowTo: Using Bind to Remount Part of a Partition

Post by Habitual »

good stuff. Thanks!
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Re: HowTo: Using Bind to Remount Part of a Partition

Post by altair4 »

Thanks. I always wonder if anybody reads my obscure little HowTo's :)
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Re: HowTo: Using Bind to Remount Part of a Partition

Post by DaLiMan »

After years, it is still very helpfull..... :D

Re: HowTo: Using Bind to Remount Part of a Partition

Post by Cammo »

Thanks Altair, still very helpful. Keep up the good how-tos :)
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Re: HowTo: Using Bind to Remount Part of a Partition

Post by Spearmint2 »

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Re: HowTo: Using Bind to Remount Part of a Partition

Post by karlchen »

<mod> User edzell's questions related to this 11 year old tutrorial can be found in the new thread viewtopic.php?f=18&t=373479 </mod>
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