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Post by clem »

Language: French
msgid "Checking space on the service..."
msgstr "Vérification de l'espace disponible sur le service..."

msgid "B"
msgstr "o"

msgid "KB"
msgstr "Ko"

msgid "MB"
msgstr "Mo"

msgid "GB"
msgstr "Go"

msgid "days"
msgstr "jours"

msgid "Service ready. Space available."
msgstr "Service prêt. Espace disponible."

msgid "File too big or not enough space on the service."
msgstr "Fichier trop volumineux ou espace insuffisant sur le service."

msgid "Could not connect to the service."
msgstr "Echec lors de la connexion au service."

msgid "Connecting to the service..."
msgstr "Connexion au service..."

msgid "Uploading the file..."
msgstr "Upload du fichier..."

msgid "File uploaded successfully."
msgstr "Fichier uploadé avec succès."

msgid "Upload failed."
msgstr "Echec lors de l'upload du fichier."

msgid "Upload a file"
msgstr "Uploadez un fichier"

msgid "Upload and share a file"
msgstr "Uploadez et partagez un fichier"

msgid "Upload service"
msgstr "Service d'upload"

msgid "Local file"
msgstr "Fichier local"

msgid "Remote file"
msgstr "Fichier distant"

msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Nom :"

msgid "Free space:"
msgstr "Espace libre :"

msgid "Max file size:"
msgstr "Taille fichier max :"

msgid "Persistence:"
msgstr "Persistence :"

msgid "Path:"
msgstr "Chemin :"

msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Taille :"

msgid "Upload progress:"
msgstr "Upload :"

msgid "URL:"
msgstr "Adresse :"

msgid "FTP service selected"
msgstr "Service FTP sélectionné"

msgid "N/A"
msgstr "--"

# Added since mintUpload 3.0

msgid "_File"
msgstr "_Fichier"

msgid "Close"
msgstr "Fermer"

msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Edition"

msgid "Services"
msgstr "Services"

msgid "New service"
msgstr "Nouveau service"

msgid "Edit service"
msgstr "Modification du service"

msgid "System-wide services"
msgstr "Services système"

msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Aide"

msgid "About"
msgstr "À propos"

msgid "File uploader for Linux Mint"
msgstr "Outil d'upload pour Linux Mint"

msgid "Type:"
msgstr "Type :"

msgid "Hostname:"
msgstr "Hôte :"

msgid "Port:"
msgstr "Port :"

msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Identifiant :"

msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Mot de passe :"

msgid "Timestamp:"
msgstr "Timestamp :"

msgid "Path: "
msgstr "Chemin :"

msgid "Hostname or IP address, default:"
msgstr "Hôte ou adresse IP, par défaut:"

msgid "Remote port, default is 21 for FTP, 22 for SFTP and SCP"
msgstr "Port, par défaut: 21 pour FTP, 22 pour SFTP et SCP"

msgid "Username, defaults to your local username"
msgstr "Identifiant, par défaut votre identifiant local"

msgid "Password, by default: password-less SCP connection, null-string FTP connection, ~/.ssh keys used for SFTP connections"
msgstr "Mote de passe, par défaut: pas de mot de passe pour SCP, valeur null pour FTP, clés ~/.ssh pour SFTP"

msgid "Timestamp format (strftime). By default:"
msgstr "Format du timestamp (strftime). Par défault:"

msgid "Directory to upload to. <TIMESTAMP> is replaced with the current timestamp, following the timestamp format given. By default: ."
msgstr "Chemin distant. <TIMESTAMP> est remplacé par la valeur du timestamp. Par défaut: ."

msgid "connection successfully established"
msgstr "connexion établie avec succès"

msgid "This service requires a password."
msgstr "Ce service nécessite un mot de passe."

msgid "This service requires a password or a private key."
msgstr "Ce service nécessite un mot de passe ou un clef privée."

Re: mintUpload

Post by emorrp1 »

Hi, clem, there's still two hard-coded strings in your official version that are not open to translation: The ConnectionError messages in scp: ... d9cbe5f303 ... essages.po

Also, I don't think you have the correct spacing in the "connection successfully established" string, see: ... 2c313b81a1

These are just a few of things fixed in the "fixes branch", others include the "error" someone brought up in the RC thread.
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Re: mintUpload

Post by clem »

Thanks. Fixed in version 3.3, uploaded to the repositories. Translation above updated.

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Language: German

Post by timh »

msgid "Checking space on the service..."
msgstr "Überprüfe mögliche Speichergröße des Dienstes..."

msgid "B"
msgstr "B"

msgid "KB"
msgstr "KB"

msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"

msgid "GB"
msgstr "GB"

msgid "days"
msgstr "Tage"

msgid "Service ready. Space available."
msgstr "Dienst bereit. Ausreichend Speicher verfügbar."

msgid "File too big or not enough space on the service."
msgstr "Datei zu groß oder kein ausreichender Speicherplatz."

msgid "Could not connect to the service."
msgstr "Verbindung zum Dienst kann nicht hergestellt werden."

msgid "Connecting to the service..."
msgstr "Verbindung zum Dienst wird hergestellt..."

msgid "Uploading the file..."
msgstr "Upload der Datei..."

msgid "File uploaded successfully."
msgstr "Datei erfolgreich hoch geladen."

msgid "Upload failed."
msgstr "Fehler beim Upload."

msgid "Upload a file"
msgstr "Hochladen einer Datei"

msgid "Upload and share a file"
msgstr "Hochladen und Datei freigeben"

msgid "Upload service"
msgstr "Upload-Dienst"

msgid "Local file"
msgstr Lokale Datei"

msgid "Remote file"
msgstr "Entfernte Datei"

msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Name:"

msgid "Free space:"
msgstr "Freier Speicherplatz:"

msgid "Max file size:"
msgstr "Maximale Dateigröße:"

msgid "Persistence:"
msgstr "Zeitdauer:"

msgid "Path:"
msgstr "Pfad:"

msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Größe:"

msgid "Upload progress:"
msgstr "Upload Fortschritt:"

msgid "URL:"
msgstr "Adresse :"

msgid "FTP service selected"
msgstr "FTP-Dienst ausgewählt"

msgid "N/A"
msgstr "N/A"

# Added since mintUpload 3.0

msgid "_File"
msgstr "_Datei"

msgid "Close"
msgstr "Schließen"

msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Bearbeiten"

msgid "Services"
msgstr "Dienste"

msgid "New service"
msgstr "Neuer Dienst"

msgid "Edit service"
msgstr "Dienst bearbeiten"

msgid "System-wide services"
msgstr "Systemweite Dienste"

msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Hilfe"

msgid "About"
msgstr "Über"

msgid "File uploader for Linux Mint"
msgstr "Datei Upload-Dienst für Linux Mint"

msgid "Type:"
msgstr "Typ:"

msgid "Hostname:"
msgstr "Host Name:"

msgid "Port:"
msgstr "Port:"

msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Benutzername:"

msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Passwort:"

msgid "Timestamp:"
msgstr "Zeitstempel:"

msgid "Path: "
msgstr "Pfad:"

msgid "Hostname or IP address, default:"
msgstr "Host Name oder IP Adresse, Standart:"

msgid "Remote port, default is 21 for FTP, 22 for SFTP and SCP"
msgstr "Entfernter Port, Standart: für FTP 21, für SFTP und SCP 22"

msgid "Username, defaults to your local username"
msgstr "Benutzername, voreingestellt ist Ihr lokaler Benutzername"

msgid "Password, by default: password-less SCP connection, null-string FTP connection, ~/.ssh keys used for SFTP connections"
msgstr "Passwort, als Standart: SCP Verbindung ohne Passwort, für FTP ein Null-Wert, für SFTP werden Schlüssel aus ~/.ssh verwendet"

msgid "Timestamp format (strftime). By default:"
msgstr "Format des Zeitstempels (strftime). Als Standart:"

msgid "Directory to upload to. <TIMESTAMP> is replaced with the current timestamp, following the timestamp format given. By default: ."
msgstr "Verzeichnis zu dem hoch geladen wird. <TIMESTAMP> wird durch den Wert des aktuellen Zeitstempels ersetzt. Als Standart: ."

msgid "connection successfully established"
msgstr "Verbindung erfolgreich hergestellt"

msgid "This service requires a password."
msgstr "Dieser Dienst verlangt ein Passwort."

msgid "This service requires a password or a private key."
msgstr "Dieser Dienst verlangt ein Passwort oder einen persönlichen Schlüssel."
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Re: mintUpload

Post by vpavek »

Language: CZECH
msgid "Checking space on the service..."
msgstr "Kotrola prostoru služby ..."

msgid "B"
msgstr "B"

msgid "KB"
msgstr "KB"

msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"

msgid "GB"
msgstr "GB"

msgid "days"
msgstr "dní"

msgid "Service ready. Space available."
msgstr "Služba je dostupná. Prostor k dispozici."

msgid "File too big or not enough space on the service."
msgstr "Soubor je příliš velký nebo není dostatek místa."

msgid "Could not connect to the service."
msgstr "Nemohu se připojit ke službě."

msgid "Connecting to the service..."
msgstr "Připojuji se ke službě ..."

msgid "Uploading the file..."
msgstr "Nahrávám soubor ..."

msgid "File uploaded successfully."
msgstr "Soubor byl úspěšně náharán."

msgid "Upload failed."
msgstr "Nahrávání selhalo."

msgid "Upload a file"
msgstr "Nahrát soubor"

msgid "Upload and share a file"
msgstr "Nahrát a sdílet soubor"

msgid "Upload service"
msgstr "Upload service"

msgid "Local file"
msgstr "Lokální soubor"

msgid "Remote file"
msgstr "Vzdálený soubor"

msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Jméno:"

msgid "Free space:"
msgstr "Volný prostor:"

msgid "Max file size:"
msgstr "Max velikost souboru:"

msgid "Persistence:"
msgstr "Persistence :"

msgid "Path:"
msgstr "Cesta :"

msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Velikost :"

msgid "Upload progress:"
msgstr "Průběh nahrávání:"

msgid "URL:"
msgstr "URL :"

msgid "FTP service selected"
msgstr "Výběr FTP služby"

msgid "N/A"
msgstr "N/A"

# Added since mintUpload 3.0
msgid "_File"
msgstr "_Soubor"

msgid "Close"
msgstr "Zavřít"

msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Upravit"

msgid "Services"
msgstr "Služby"

msgid "New service"
msgstr "Nová služba"

msgid "Edit service"
msgstr "Upravit službu"

msgid "System-wide services"
msgstr "Systémové služby"

msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Nápověda"

msgid "About"
msgstr "O programu"

msgid "File uploader for Linux Mint"
msgstr "FTP loader pro Linux Mint"

msgid "Type:"
msgstr "Typ :"

msgid "Hostname:"
msgstr "Adresa :"

msgid "Port:"
msgstr "Port :"

msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Uživatelské jmén :"

msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Heslo :"

msgid "Timestamp:"
msgstr "Časové razítko :"

msgid "Path: "
msgstr "Cesta :"

msgid "Hostname or IP address, default:"
msgstr "Jméno počítače nebo IP adresa, výchozí:"

msgid "Remote port, default is 21 for FTP, 22 for SFTP and SCP"
msgstr "Vzdálený port, výchozí hodnota je 21 pro FTP, 22 pro SFTP a SCP"

msgid "Username, defaults to your local username"
msgstr "Uživatelské jméno, výchozí je vaše místní uživatelské jméno"

msgid "Password, by default: password-less SCP connection, null-string FTP connection, ~/.ssh keys used for SFTP connections"
msgstr "Heslo, které je výchozí: heslo-méně SCP připojení, prázdná hodnota FTP připojení, ~ /. ssh klíč použít pro SFTP spojení"

msgid "Timestamp format (strftime). By default:"
msgstr "Čas formátu (strftime). Standardně: "

msgid "Directory to upload to. <TIMESTAMP> is replaced with the current timestamp, following the timestamp format given. By default: ."
msgstr "Složka k nahrání do. <TIMESTAMP> nahrazuje s aktuálním časovým údajem, v návaznosti na časovou daném formátu. Standardně: ."

msgid "connection successfully established"
msgstr "Připojení úspěšně navázáno"

msgid "This service requires a password."
msgstr "Tato služba vyžaduje heslo."

msgid "This service requires a password or a private key."
msgstr "Tato služba vyžaduje heslo nebo soukromý klíč."
Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited, but imagination is surrounded by the whole world.. Albert Einstein


Re: mintUpload

Post by JuEUS-U »

Language: Korean
msgid "Checking space on the service..."
msgstr "사용 가능한 용량을 확인하고 있습니다..."

msgid "B"
msgstr "B"

msgid "KB"
msgstr "KB"

msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"

msgid "GB"
msgstr "GB"

msgid "days"
msgstr "일"

msgid "Service ready. Space available."
msgstr "준비 완료. 사용 가능합니다."

msgid "File too big or not enough space on the service."
msgstr "파일이 너무 크거나 남은 용량이 부족합니다."

msgid "Could not connect to the service."
msgstr "서비스에 연결할 수 없습니다."

msgid "Connecting to the service..."
msgstr "서비스에 연결중..."

msgid "Uploading the file..."
msgstr "파일 전송중..."

msgid "File uploaded successfully."
msgstr "성공적으로 전송되었습니다."

msgid "Upload failed."
msgstr "전송 실패."

msgid "Upload a file"
msgstr "파일 전송"

msgid "Upload and share a file"
msgstr "파일을 전송하고 공유"

msgid "Upload service"
msgstr "전송 서비스"

msgid "Local file"
msgstr "로컬 파일"

msgid "Remote file"
msgstr "원격지 파일"

msgid "Name:"
msgstr "이름:"

msgid "Free space:"
msgstr "남은 용량:"

msgid "Max file size:"
msgstr "파일 최대 크기:"

msgid "Persistence:"
msgstr "유효기간:"

msgid "Path:"
msgstr "경로:"

msgid "Size:"
msgstr "크기:"

msgid "Upload progress:"
msgstr "전송 진행률:"

msgid "URL:"
msgstr "URL:"

msgid "FTP service selected"
msgstr "FTP 서비스가 선택됨"

msgid "N/A"
msgstr "N/A"

# Added since mintUpload 3.0

msgid "_File"
msgstr "파일(_F)"

msgid "Close"
msgstr "닫기"

msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "편집(_E)"

msgid "Services"
msgstr "서비스"

msgid "New service"
msgstr "새 서비스"

msgid "Edit service"
msgstr "서비스 편집"

msgid "System-wide services"
msgstr "시스템 범위 서비스"

msgid "_Help"
msgstr "도움말(_H)"

msgid "About"
msgstr "정보"

msgid "File uploader for Linux Mint"
msgstr "리눅스 민트를 위한 파일 업로더"

msgid "Type:"
msgstr "종류:"

msgid "Hostname:"
msgstr "호스트명:"

msgid "Port:"
msgstr "포트:"

msgid "Username:"
msgstr "사용자명:"

msgid "Password:"
msgstr "암호:"

msgid "Timestamp:"
msgstr "시간 형식:"

msgid "Path: "
msgstr "경로:"

msgid "Hostname or IP address, default:"
msgstr "호스트명 혹은 IP. 기본값:"

msgid "Remote port, default is 21 for FTP, 22 for SFTP and SCP"
msgstr "원격지 포트. 기본값: 21 (FTP), 22 (SFTP,SCP)"

msgid "Username, defaults to your local username"
msgstr "사용자명. 기본값은 로컬 사용자명"

msgid "Password, by default: password-less SCP connection, null-string FTP connection, ~/.ssh keys used for SFTP connections"
msgstr "암호. 기본값: 암호 없음 (SCP,FTP), ~/.ssh 키 (SFTP)"

msgid "Timestamp format (strftime). By default:"
msgstr "시간 형식 (strftime). 기본값:"

msgid "Directory to upload to. <TIMESTAMP> is replaced with the current timestamp, following the timestamp format given. By default: ."
msgstr "자료를 저장할 폴더. <TIMESTAMP>는 현재 시간으로 대체됩니다. 기본값: ."

msgid "connection successfully established"
msgstr "성공적으로 연결되었습니다"

msgid "This service requires a password."
msgstr "이 서비스는 암호를 필요로 합니다."

msgid "This service requires a password or a private key."
msgstr "이 서비스는 암호 혹은 개인 키를 필요로 합니다."

Re: mintUpload

Post by Aurora »

Language: Galician (Galego) gl_ES
msgid "Checking space on the service..."
msgstr "Verificando o espazo dispoñible no servizo..."

msgid "B"
msgstr "b"

msgid "KB"
msgstr "Kb"

msgid "MB"
msgstr "Mb"

msgid "GB"
msgstr "Gb"

msgid "days"
msgstr "días"

msgid "Service ready. Space available."
msgstr "Servizo preparado. Espazo dispoñible."

msgid "File too big or not enough space on the service."
msgstr "Arquivo grande de máis, ou non hai suficiente espazo no servizo."

msgid "Could not connect to the service."
msgstr "Non se puido conectar co servizo."

msgid "Connecting to the service..."
msgstr "Conectando co servizo..."

msgid "Uploading the file..."
msgstr "Subindo o arquivo..."

msgid "File uploaded successfully."
msgstr "Arquivo subido exitosamente."

msgid "Upload failed."
msgstr "Erro na subida do arquivo."

msgid "Upload a file"
msgstr "Subir un arquivo"

msgid "Upload and share a file"
msgstr "Subir e compartir un arquivo"

msgid "Upload service"
msgstr "Servizo de subida de arquivos"

msgid "Local file"
msgstr "Arquivo local"

msgid "Remote file"
msgstr "Arquivo remoto"

msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Nome:"

msgid "Free space:"
msgstr "Espazo libre:"

msgid "Max file size:"
msgstr "Tamaño máx do arquivo:"

msgid "Persistence:"
msgstr "Persistencia:"

msgid "Path:"
msgstr "Vieiro:"

msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Tamaño:"

msgid "Upload progress:"
msgstr "Progreso da subida do arquivo:"

msgid "URL:"
msgstr "URL:"

msgid "FTP service selected"
msgstr "Servizo FTP seleccionado"

msgid "N/A"
msgstr "--"

# Added since mintUpload 3.0

msgid "_File"
msgstr "_Arquivo"

msgid "Close"
msgstr "Fechar"

msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Editar"

msgid "Services"
msgstr "Servizos"

msgid "New service"
msgstr "Novo servizo"

msgid "Edit service"
msgstr "Editar servizo"

msgid "System-wide services"
msgstr "Servizos do Sistema"

msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Axuda"

msgid "About"
msgstr "Sobor de"

msgid "File uploader for Linux Mint"
msgstr "Sube-arquivos para Linux Mint"

msgid "Type:"
msgstr "Teclea:"

msgid "Hostname:"
msgstr "Hostname:"

msgid "Port:"
msgstr "Porto:"

msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Usuario:"

msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Contrasinal:"

msgid "Timestamp:"
msgstr "Timestamp:"

msgid "Path: "
msgstr "Vieiro:"

msgid "Hostname or IP address, default:"
msgstr "Hostname ou enderezo IP, por defecto:"

msgid "Remote port, default is 21 for FTP, 22 for SFTP and SCP"
msgstr "Porto remoto, por defecto: 21 para FTP, 22 para SFTP e SCP"

msgid "Username, defaults to your local username"
msgstr "Usuario, por defecto é o seu Usuario local"

msgid "Password, by default: password-less SCP connection, null-string FTP connection, ~/.ssh keys used for SFTP connections"
msgstr "Contrasinal, por defecto: sen contrasinal para SCP, valor nulo para conexións FTP, claves ~/.ssh para conexións SFTP"

msgid "Timestamp format (strftime). By default:"
msgstr "Formato do timestamp (strftime). Por defecto:"

msgid "Directory to upload to. <TIMESTAMP> is replaced with the current timestamp, following the timestamp format given. By default: ."
msgstr "Directorio de subidas. <TIMESTAMP> é trocado polo valor do timestamp, segundo o formato de timestamp dado. Por defecto: ."

msgid "connection successfully established"
msgstr "conexión establecida exitosamente"

msgid "This service requires a password."
msgstr "O servizo precisa dun contrasinal."

msgid "This service requires a password or a private key."
msgstr "O servizo precisa dun contrasinal ou dunha clave privada."
Last edited by Aurora on Tue May 12, 2009 3:24 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: mintUpload

Post by Zwopper »

OK Mr. Picky at work again! :mrgreen:
Thanks for your hard work ollebro!
Ollebro wrote:Language: Swedish
msgid "Checking space on the service..."
msgstr "Kontrollerar utrymme på tjänsten..."

msgid "B"
msgstr "B"

msgid "KB"
msgstr "KB"

msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"

msgid "GB"
msgstr "GB"

msgid "days"
msgstr "Dagar"

msgid "Service ready. Space available."
msgstr "Tjänst klar. Plats tillgänglig."

msgid "File too big or not enough space on the service."
msgstr "Filen är för stor eller så finns det inte tillräckligt med plats på tjänsten."

msgid "Could not connect to the service."
msgstr "Kunde inte ansluta till tjänsten."

msgid "Connecting to the service..."
msgstr " Ansluter till tjänsten..."

msgid "Uploading the file..."
msgstr " Laddar upp filen..."

msgid "File uploaded successfully."
msgstr "Uppladdning lyckades."

msgid "Upload failed."
msgstr "Uppladdning misslyckades."

msgid "Upload a file"
msgstr "Ladda upp en fil"

msgid "Upload and share a file"
msgstr "Ladda upp och dela en fil "

msgid "Upload service"
msgstr "Uppladningstjänst"

msgid "Local file"
msgstr "Lokal fil"

msgid "Remote file"
msgstr "fjärrfil"

msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Namn:"

msgid "Free space:"
msgstr "Ledig plats:"

msgid "Max file size:"
msgstr "Max filstorlek:"

msgid "Persistence:"
msgstr "Återstående tid:"

msgid "Path:"
msgstr "Sökväg:"

msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Storlek:"

msgid "Upload progress:"
msgstr "Uppladningsprocess:"

msgid "URL:"
msgstr "Adress:"

msgid "FTP service selected"
msgstr "FTP-tjänst vald"

msgid "N/A"
msgstr "Inte tillgänglig"

# Added since mintUpload 3.0

msgid "_File"
msgstr "_FIl"

msgid "Close"
msgstr "Stäng"

msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Ändra"

msgid "Services"
msgstr "Tjänster"

msgid "New service"
msgstr "Ny tjänst"

msgid "Edit service"
msgstr "Ändra tjänst"

msgid "System-wide services"
msgstr " Systemtjänster"

msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Hjälp"

msgid "About"
msgstr "Om"

msgid "File uploader for Linux Mint"
msgstr "Linux Mints Uppladdningstjänst"

msgid "Type:"
msgstr "Typ:"

msgid "Hostname:"
msgstr "Värdnamn:"

msgid "Port:"
msgstr "Port:"

msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Användarnamn:"

msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Lösenord:"

msgid "Timestamp:"
msgstr "Tidstämpel:"

msgid "Path: "
msgstr "Sökväg:"

msgid "Hostname or IP address, default:"
msgstr "Värdnamn eller IP adress, standard:"

msgid "Remote port, default is 21 for FTP, 22 for SFTP and SCP"
msgstr "Fjärrport, standard är 21 för FTP, 22 för SFTP och SCP"

msgid "Username, defaults to your local username"
msgstr "Anändarnamn,om inget anges används ditt lokala användarnamn"

msgid "Password, by default: password-less SCP connection, null-string FTP connection, ~/.ssh keys used for SFTP connections"
msgstr "Standardlösenord: inget lösenord för SCP anslutning, null-sträng för FTP anslutning, ~/.ssh nycklar för SFTP anslutningar"

msgid "Timestamp format (strftime). By default:"
msgstr "Tidstämpel format(strftime). Standard:"

msgid "Directory to upload to. <TIMESTAMP> is replaced with the current timestamp, following the timestamp format given. By default: ."
msgstr "Katalog att ladda upp till. <TIMESTAMP> ersätts med den nuvarande tidstämpeln efter tidsstämpelmallen . Standard: ."

msgid "connection successfully established"
msgstr "Anslutning etablerad"

msgid "This service requires a password."
msgstr "Denna tjänst kräver ett lösenord."

msgid "This service requires a password or a private key."
msgstr "Denna tjänst kräver ett lösenrod eller en privat nyckel"
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Re: mintUpload

Post by emorrp1 »

For those of you not translating "timestamp": if there is no direct equivalent you know of, then you could translate the phrase "date and time" in its place.
NB: make sure that "<TIMESTAMP>" remains though!!!!

Re: mintUpload

Post by happyjens »

Language: Danish
msgid "Checking space on the service..."
msgstr "Tjekker plads på tjenesten..."

msgid "B"
msgstr "b"

msgid "KB"
msgstr "Kb"

msgid "MB"
msgstr "Mb"

msgid "GB"
msgstr "Gb"

msgid "days"
msgstr "dage"

msgid "Service ready. Space available."
msgstr "tjenesten er klar. Der er plads."

msgid "File too big or not enough space on the service."
msgstr "For stor fil eller ikke tilstrækkelig plads på tjenesten."

msgid "Could not connect to the service."
msgstr "Kunne ikke tilslutte tjenesten."

msgid "Connecting to the service..."
msgstr "Tilslutter til tjeneste..."

msgid "Uploading the file..."
msgstr "Uploader filen..."

msgid "File uploaded successfully."
msgstr "Fil uploadet succesfuldt."

msgid "Upload failed."
msgstr "Uploading fejlede"

msgid "Upload a file"
msgstr "Upload en fil"

msgid "Upload and share a file"
msgstr "Upload og den en fil"

msgid "Upload service"
msgstr "Upload tjeneste"

msgid "Local file"
msgstr "Lokal fil"

msgid "Remote file"
msgstr "Fjern fil"

msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Navn:"

msgid "Free space:"
msgstr "Frit plads:"

msgid "Max file size:"
msgstr "Max fil størrelse:"

msgid "Persistence:"
msgstr "Persistens:"

msgid "Path:"
msgstr "Sti:"

msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Størrelse:"

msgid "Upload progress:"
msgstr "Upload fremskridt:"

msgid "URL:"
msgstr "URL:"

msgid "FTP service selected"
msgstr "FTP tjeneste valgt"

msgid "N/A"
msgstr "N/A"

# Added since mintUpload 3.0

msgid "_File"
msgstr "_Filer"

msgid "Close"
msgstr "Afslut"

msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Rediger"

msgid "Services"
msgstr "tjenester"

msgid "New service"
msgstr "Ny tjeneste"

msgid "Edit service"
msgstr "Rediger tjeneste"

msgid "System-wide services"
msgstr "System-dækkende tjenester"

msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Hjælp"

msgid "About"
msgstr "Omkring"

msgid "File uploader for Linux Mint"
msgstr "Fil upload for Linux Mint"

msgid "Type:"
msgstr "Type:"

msgid "Hostname:"
msgstr "Hostnavn:"

msgid "Port:"
msgstr "Port:"

msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Brugernavn:"

msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Kodeord:"

msgid "Timestamp:"
msgstr "Tidsstempel :"

msgid "Path: "
msgstr "Sti:"

msgid "Hostname or IP address, default:"
msgstr "Hostnavn eller IP adresse, standart:"

msgid "Remote port, default is 21 for FTP, 22 for SFTP and SCP"
msgstr "Fjern port, standart er 21 for FTP, 22 for SFTP og SCP"

msgid "Username, defaults to your local username"
msgstr "Brugernavn, standart dit lokale brugernavn"

msgid "Password, by default: password-less SCP connection, null-string FTP connection, ~/.ssh keys used for SFTP connections"
msgstr "Kodeord, standart: intet ved SCP tilsutning, intet for FTP tilsutning, ~/.ssh nøgler bruges ved SFTP tilsutning"

msgid "Timestamp format (strftime). By default:"
msgstr "Tidsstempel format (strftime). Standart er:"

msgid "Directory to upload to. <TIMESTAMP> is replaced with the current timestamp, following the timestamp format given. By default: ."
msgstr "Sti til at upload til. <TIMESTAMP> er erstattet med det nuværende Tidsstempel, følger tidsstempel formatet. Standart er: ."

msgid "connection successfully established"
msgstr "tilslutning succesfuldt"

msgid "This service requires a password."
msgstr "Denne tjeneste kræver et kodeord."

msgid "This service requires a password or a private key."
msgstr "Denne tjeneste kræver et kodeord eller en privat nøgle."

Re: mintUpload

Post by diego1188 »

Language: Italian (it)
msgid "Checking space on the service..."
msgstr "Controllo spazio nel servizio..."

msgid "B"
msgstr "B"

msgid "KB"
msgstr "KB"

msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"

msgid "GB"
msgstr "GB"

msgid "days"
msgstr "giorni"

msgid "Service ready. Space available."
msgstr "Servizio pronto. Spazio disponibile."

msgid "File too big or not enough space on the service."
msgstr "File troppo grande o spazio insufficiente nel servizio."

msgid "Could not connect to the service."
msgstr "Impossibile connettersi al servizio."

msgid "Connecting to the service..."
msgstr "Connessione al servizio..."

msgid "Uploading the file..."
msgstr "Caricamento del file in corso..."

msgid "File uploaded successfully."
msgstr "Caricamento del file riuscito."

msgid "Upload failed."
msgstr "Caricamento fallito."

msgid "Upload a file"
msgstr "Carica un file"

msgid "Upload and share a file"
msgstr "Carica e condividi un file"

msgid "Upload service"
msgstr "Servizio di caricamento"

msgid "Local file"
msgstr "File locale"

msgid "Remote file"
msgstr "File remoto"

msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Nome:"

msgid "Free space:"
msgstr "Spazio libero:"

msgid "Max file size:"
msgstr "Massima dimensione del file:"

msgid "Persistence:"
msgstr "Durata:"

msgid "Path:"
msgstr "Percorso:"

msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Dimensione:"

msgid "Upload progress:"
msgstr "Avanzamento dell'upload:"

msgid "URL:"
msgstr "Indirizzo:"

msgid "FTP service selected"
msgstr "Selezionato servizio FTP"

msgid "N/A"
msgstr "Non disponibile"

# Added since mintUpload 3.0

msgid "_File"
msgstr "_File"

msgid "Close"
msgstr "Chiudi"

msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Modifica"

msgid "Services"
msgstr "Servizi"

msgid "New service"
msgstr "Nuovo servizio"

msgid "Edit service"
msgstr "Modifica servizio"

msgid "System-wide services"
msgstr "Servizi in sistema"

msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Aiuto"

msgid "About"
msgstr "Informazioni su"

msgid "File uploader for Linux Mint"
msgstr "Strumento per l'upload per Linux Mint"

msgid "Type:"
msgstr "Tipo:"

msgid "Hostname:"
msgstr "Nome host:"

msgid "Port:"
msgstr "Porta:"

msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Nome utente:"

msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Password:"

msgid "Timestamp:"
msgstr "Timestamp:"

msgid "Path: "
msgstr "Percorso:"

msgid "Hostname or IP address, default:"
msgstr "Host o indirizzo IP, di default:"

msgid "Remote port, default is 21 for FTP, 22 for SFTP and SCP"
msgstr "Porta remota, di default: 21 per FTP, 22 per SFTP e SCP"

msgid "Username, defaults to your local username"
msgstr "Nome utente, di default il tuo nome utente locale"

msgid "Password, by default: password-less SCP connection, null-string FTP connection, ~/.ssh keys used for SFTP connections"
msgstr "Password, di default: nessuna password per SCP, valore nullo per FTP, chiave ~/.ssh per SFTP"

msgid "Timestamp format (strftime). By default:"
msgstr "Formato del timestamp (strftime). Di default:"

msgid "Directory to upload to. <TIMESTAMP> is replaced with the current timestamp, following the timestamp format given. By default: ."
msgstr "Percorso per l'upload. <TIMESTAMP> è sostituito con il timestamp corrente nel formato selezionato. Di default: ."

msgid "connection successfully established"
msgstr "connessione stabilita con successo"

msgid "This service requires a password."
msgstr "Questo servizio richiede una password."

msgid "This service requires a password or a private key."
msgstr "Questo servizio richiede una password o una chiave personale."

Re: mintUpload

Post by the9ghost »

Language : Arabic

msgid "Checking space on the service..."
msgstr "يجري التأكد من المساحة في الخدمة...."

msgid "B"
msgstr "بايت"

msgid "KB"
msgstr "كيلو بايت"

msgid "MB"
msgstr "ميغا بايت"

msgid "GB"
msgstr "جيجا بايت"

msgid "days"
msgstr "أيام"

msgid "Service ready. Space available."
msgstr "الخدمة جاهزة. المساحة متوفرة."

msgid "File too big or not enough space on the service."
msgstr "حجم الملف أكبر من المسموح به أو لا تتوفر مساحة كافية في الخدمة."

msgid "Could not connect to the service."
msgstr "لا يمكن الإتصال بالخدمة."

msgid "Connecting to the service..."
msgstr "يجري الإتصال بالخدمة..."

msgid "Uploading the file..."
msgstr "يجري رفع الملف..."

msgid "File uploaded successfully."
msgstr "تم رفع الملف بنجاح."

msgid "Upload failed."
msgstr "فشل رفع الملف."

msgid "Upload a file"
msgstr "رفع ملف"

msgid "Upload and share a file"
msgstr "رفع ومشاركة ملف"

msgid "Upload service"
msgstr "خدمة رفع الملفات"

msgid "Local file"
msgstr "ملف محلي"

msgid "Remote file"
msgstr "إدارة ملف"

msgid "Name:"
msgstr "الإسم :"

msgid "Free space:"
msgstr "مساحة فاضية :"

msgid "Max file size:"
msgstr "أقصى حجم مسموح به :"

msgid "Persistence:"
msgstr "استمرار:"

msgid "Path:"
msgstr "مسار :"

msgid "Size:"
msgstr "حجم :"

msgid "Upload progress:"
msgstr "تقدم الرفع :"

msgid "URL:"
msgstr "وصلة :"

msgid "FTP service selected"
msgstr "خدمةFTP محددة"

msgid "N/A"
msgstr "غير موجود"

# Added since mintUpload 3.0

msgid "_File"
msgstr "_ملف"

msgid "Close"
msgstr "إغلاق"

msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_تعديل"

msgid "Services"
msgstr "خدمات"

msgid "New service"
msgstr "خدمة جديدة"

msgid "Edit service"
msgstr "تعديل الخدمة"

msgid "System-wide services"
msgstr "خدمات النظام"

msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_مساعدة"

msgid "About"
msgstr "عن"

msgid "File uploader for Linux Mint"
msgstr "برنامج رفع الملفات إلى Linux Mint"

msgid "Type:"
msgstr "النوع :"

msgid "Hostname:"
msgstr "اسم الخادم :"

msgid "Port:"
msgstr "البورت :"

msgid "Username:"
msgstr "اسم المستخدم :"

msgid "Password:"
msgstr "كلمة المرور :"

msgid "Timestamp:"
msgstr "ختم الوقت :"

msgid "Path: "
msgstr "مسار :"

msgid "Hostname or IP address, default:"
msgstr "اسم الخادم أو رقم الآي بي, إفتراضي :"

msgid "Remote port, default is 21 for FTP, 22 for SFTP and SCP"
msgstr "بورت التحكم , الإفتراضي هو 21 للإف تي بي , 33 للاس اف تي بي و السي اس بي"

msgid "Username, defaults to your local username"
msgstr "اسم المستخدم, إفتراضي لاسم المستخدم المحلي الخاص بك"

msgid "Password, by default: password-less connection, null-string FTP connection, ~/.ssh keys used for SFTP connections"
msgstr "الرقم السري,كافتراضي: رقم سري أقل SCP ارتباطاً, لاغية سلسلة اتصال FTP, مفتاح ~/.ssh يستخدم لإتصال SFTP "

msgid "Timestamp format (strftime). By default:"
msgstr "صيغة ختم الوقت (استمارةالوقت). كافتراضي:"

msgid "Directory to upload to. <TIMESTAMP> is replaced with the current timestamp, following the timestamp format given. By default: ."
msgstr "مسار الرفع إلى. <ختم الوقت> يستبدل بختم الوقت الحالي, يتبع صيغة ختم الوقت المعطاة. كافتراضي: ."

msgid "connection successfully established"
msgstr "الإتصال أنشأ بنجاح"

msgid "This service requires a password."
msgstr "الخدمة تتطلب كلمة مرور."

msgid "This service requires a password or a private key."
msgstr "هذه الخدمة تتطلب رقم سري أو مفتاح خصوصي"
Last edited by the9ghost on Sat May 09, 2009 4:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: mintUpload

Post by brennus »

Lithuanian (lt)
msgid "Checking space on the service..."
msgstr "Tikrinama, ar yra vietos paslaugai..."

msgid "B"
msgstr "B"

msgid "KB"
msgstr "KB"

msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"

msgid "GB"
msgstr "GB"

msgid "days"
msgstr "dienos"

msgid "Service ready. Space available."
msgstr "Paslauga paruošta. Vietos pakanka."

msgid "File too big or not enough space on the service."
msgstr "Rinkmena yra per didelė arba per mažai vietos."

msgid "Could not connect to the service."
msgstr "Neįmanoma prisijungti prie paslaugos."

msgid "Connecting to the service..."
msgstr "Jungiama paslauga..."

msgid "Uploading the file..."
msgstr "Rinkmena siunčiama..."

msgid "File uploaded successfully."
msgstr "Rinkmena sėkmingai nusiųsta."

msgid "Upload failed."
msgstr "Siuntimas nepavyko."

msgid "Upload a file"
msgstr "Siųsti failą"

msgid "Upload and share a file"
msgstr "Siųsti ir dalintis failu"

msgid "Upload service"
msgstr "Siuntimo paslauga"

msgid "Local file"
msgstr "Vietinė rinkmena"

msgid "Remote file"
msgstr "Rinkmena tinkle"

msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Pavadinimas:"

msgid "Free space:"
msgstr "Laisva vieta:"

msgid "Max file size:"
msgstr "Didžiausias rinkmenos dydis:"

msgid "Persistence:"
msgstr "Išsilaikymas:"

msgid "Path:"
msgstr "Kelias:"

msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Dydis:"

msgid "Upload progress:"
msgstr "Siuntimas:"

msgid "URL:"
msgstr "Adresas:"

msgid "FTP service selected"
msgstr "Pasirinkta FTP paslauga"

msgid "N/A"
msgstr "Neprieinama"

# Added since mintUpload 3.0

msgid "_File"
msgstr "_Rinkmena"

msgid "Close"
msgstr "Uždaryti"

msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Tvarkyti"

msgid "Services"
msgstr "Paslaugos"

msgid "New service"
msgstr "Nauja paslauga"

msgid "Edit service"
msgstr "Tvarkyti paslaugą"

msgid "System-wide services"
msgstr "Sisteminės paslaugos"

msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Pagalba"

msgid "About"
msgstr "Informacija"

msgid "File uploader for Linux Mint"
msgstr "Linux Mint failų siuntėjas"

msgid "Type:"
msgstr "Tipas "

msgid "Hostname:"
msgstr "Saugotojas:"

msgid "Port:"
msgstr "Portas:"

msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Vartotojas:"

msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Slaptažodis:"

msgid "Timestamp:"
msgstr "Data ir laikas:"

msgid "Path: "
msgstr "Kelias:"

msgid "Hostname or IP address, default:"
msgstr "Saugotojas arba IP adresas, pavyzdžiui,"

msgid "Remote port, default is 21 for FTP, 22 for SFTP and SCP"
msgstr "Nuotolinis portas, pavyzdžiui: 21 - FTP, 22 - SFTP ir SCP"

msgid "Username, defaults to your local username"
msgstr "Vartotojas, pagal nutylėjimą - vietinis"

msgid "Password, by default: password-less SCP connection, null-string FTP connection, ~/.ssh keys used for SFTP connections"
msgstr "Slaptažodis, pavyzdžiui: nesaugi SCP jungtis, bevardė FTP jungtis, ~/.ssh raktai SFTP"

msgid "Timestamp format (strftime). By default:"
msgstr "Datos ir laikos formatas (strftime). Pagal nutylėjimą:"

msgid "Directory to upload to. <TIMESTAMP> is replaced with the current timestamp, following the timestamp format given. By default: ."
msgstr "Katalogas, į kurių siųsti. <TIMESTAMP> pakeičiama dabartine data ir laiku, pagal nurodytą formatą. Pagal nutylėjimą: ."

msgid "connection successfully established"
msgstr "sėkmingai susijungta"

msgid "This service requires a password."
msgstr "Ši paslauga reikalauja slaptažodžio."

msgid "This service requires a password or a private key."
msgstr "Ši paslauga reikalauja slaptažodžio arba nuosavo rakto."

Re: mintUpload

Post by FlowerChild »

Danish, "da"
Correction posted
Last edited by FlowerChild on Mon May 11, 2009 2:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Rob Brill

Re: mintUpload

Post by Rob Brill »

Language: Brazilian Portuguese - Português (Brazil) pt_BR

msgid "Checking space on the service..."
msgstr "Verificando espaço no serviço..."

msgid "B"
msgstr "B"

msgid "KB"
msgstr "Kb"

msgid "MB"
msgstr "Mb"

msgid "GB"
msgstr "Gb"

msgid "days"
msgstr "dias"

msgid "Service ready. Space available."
msgstr "Serviço pronto. Espaço disponível."

msgid "File too big or not enough space on the service."
msgstr "Arquivo muito grande, ou espaço insuficiente no serviço."

msgid "Could not connect to the service."
msgstr "Não foi possível conectar-se ao serviço."

msgid "Connecting to the service..."
msgstr "Conectando ao serviço..."

msgid "Uploading the file..."
msgstr "Enviando o arquivo..."

msgid "File uploaded successfully."
msgstr "Arquivo enviado com sucesso."

msgid "Upload failed."
msgstr "Erro no envio."

msgid "Upload a file"
msgstr "Enviar um arquivo"

msgid "Upload and share a file"
msgstr "Enviar e compartilhar um arquivo"

msgid "Upload service"
msgstr "Serviço de envio"

msgid "Local file"
msgstr "Arquivo local"

msgid "Remote file"
msgstr "Arquivo remoto"

msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Nome:"

msgid "Free space:"
msgstr "Espaço livre:"

msgid "Max file size:"
msgstr "Tamanho máximo do arquivo:"

msgid "Persistence:"
msgstr "Persistência:"

msgid "Path:"
msgstr "Caminho:"

msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Tamanho:"

msgid "Upload progress:"
msgstr "Progresso do envio:"

msgid "URL:"
msgstr "URL:"

msgid "FTP service selected"
msgstr "Serviço FTP selecionado"

msgid "N/A"
msgstr "N/D"

# Added since mintUpload 3.0

msgid "_File"
msgstr "_Arquivo"

msgid "Close"
msgstr "Fechar"

msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Editar"

msgid "Services"
msgstr "Serviços"

msgid "New service"
msgstr "Novo serviço"

msgid "Edit service"
msgstr "Editar serviço"

msgid "System-wide services"
msgstr "Serviços do Sistema"

msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Ajuda"

msgid "About"
msgstr "Sobre"

msgid "File uploader for Linux Mint"
msgstr "Enviador de arquivo para Linux Mint"

msgid "Type:"
msgstr "Digitar:"

msgid "Hostname:"
msgstr "Hostname:"

msgid "Port:"
msgstr "Porta:"

msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Nome do usuário:"

msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Senha:"

msgid "Timestamp:"
msgstr "Timestamp:"

msgid "Path: "
msgstr "Caminho:"

msgid "Hostname or IP address, default:"
msgstr "Hostname ou endereço IP, padrão:"

msgid "Remote port, default is 21 for FTP, 22 for SFTP and SCP"
msgstr "Porta remota, padrão é 21 para FTP, 22 para SFTP e SCP"

msgid "Username, defaults to your local username"
msgstr "Nome do usuário, padrão nome de usuário local"

msgid "Password, by default: password-less SCP connection, null-string FTP connection, ~/.ssh keys used for SFTP connections"
msgstr "Senha, por padrão: sem senha conexão SCP, valor nulo conexão FTP, chaves ~/.ssh para conexões SFTP"

msgid "Timestamp format (strftime). By default:"
msgstr "Formato do timestamp (strftime). Por padrão:"

msgid "Directory to upload to. <TIMESTAMP> is replaced with the current timestamp, following the timestamp format given. By default: ."
msgstr "Diretório de destino. <TIMESTAMP> é substituído com o timestamp corrente, seguindo o formato do timestamp fornecido. Por padrão:."

msgid "connection successfully established"
msgstr "conexão estabelecida com sucesso"

msgid "This service requires a password."
msgstr "Este serviço requer uma senha."

msgid "This service requires a password or a private key."
msgstr "O serviço requer uma senha ou uma chave privada."

Re: mintUpload

Post by careone »

Language: Simplified Chinese (China, zh_CN)
msgid "Checking space on the service..."
msgstr "正在检查服务空间..."

msgid "B"
msgstr "字节"

msgid "KB"
msgstr "K "

msgid "MB"
msgstr "M "

msgid "GB"
msgstr "G "

msgid "days"
msgstr "天"

msgid "Service ready. Space available."
msgstr "空间可用,服务就绪。"

msgid "File too big or not enough space on the service."
msgstr "文件太大没有足够的空间运行此项服务。"

msgid "Could not connect to the service."
msgstr "连接到服务器失败。"

msgid "Connecting to the service..."
msgstr "正在连接到服务器..."

msgid "Uploading the file..."
msgstr "正在上传文件..."

msgid "File uploaded successfully."
msgstr "文件上传成功。"

msgid "Upload failed."
msgstr "上传失败。"

msgid "Upload a file"
msgstr "上传一个文件"

msgid "Upload and share a file"
msgstr "上传并共享此文件"

msgid "Upload service"
msgstr "上传服务"

msgid "Local file"
msgstr "本地文件"

msgid "Remote file"
msgstr "远程文件"

msgid "Name:"
msgstr "名称:"

msgid "Free space:"
msgstr "剩余空间:"

msgid "Max file size:"
msgstr "最大文件大小:"

msgid "Persistence:"
msgstr "持续:"

msgid "Path:"
msgstr "路径:"

msgid "Size:"
msgstr "大小:"

msgid "Upload progress:"
msgstr "上传进程:"

msgid "URL:"
msgstr "URL:"

msgid "FTP service selected"
msgstr "已选择FTP服务"

msgid "N/A"
msgstr "无"

# Added since mintUpload 3.0

msgid "_File"
msgstr "文件(_F)"

msgid "Close"
msgstr "关闭"

msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "编辑(_E)"

msgid "Services"
msgstr "服务"

msgid "New service"
msgstr "新增服务"

msgid "Edit service"
msgstr "编辑服务"

msgid "System-wide services"
msgstr "系统级的服务"

msgid "_Help"
msgstr "帮助(_H)"

msgid "About"
msgstr "关于"

msgid "File uploader for Linux Mint"
msgstr "Linux Mint 文件上传程序"

msgid "Type:"
msgstr "类型:"

msgid "Hostname:"
msgstr "主机名:"

msgid "Port:"
msgstr "端口:"

msgid "Username:"
msgstr "用户名:"

msgid "Password:"
msgstr "密码:"

msgid "Timestamp:"
msgstr "时间戳:"

msgid "Path: "
msgstr "路径:"

msgid "Hostname or IP address, default:"
msgstr "主机名或者IP地址,默认值:"

msgid "Remote port, default is 21 for FTP, 22 for SFTP and SCP"
msgstr "远程端口,默认值: FTP是21, SFTP是22"

msgid "Username, defaults to your local username"
msgstr "用户名, 默认值是本机的用户名"

msgid "Password, by default: password-less SCP connection, null-string FTP connection, ~/.ssh keys used for SFTP connections"
msgstr "密码,默认值: 无密码的SCP连接, 空字符串的FTP连接, 使用 ~/.ssh 密钥的SFTP连接"

msgid "Timestamp format (strftime). By default:"
msgstr "时间戳格式 (strftime). 默认值:"

msgid "Directory to upload to. <TIMESTAMP> is replaced with the current timestamp, following the timestamp format given. By default: ."
msgstr "上传到目录。用当前时间作为时间戳 <TIMESTAMP>。时间格式如下。默认值: ."

msgid "connection successfully established"
msgstr "连接成功"

msgid "This service requires a password."
msgstr "需要密码才能提供服务。"

msgid "This service requires a password or a private key."
msgstr "需要密码或私人密钥才能提供服务。"

Re: mintUpload

Post by wix »

Language: Hungarian -"hu":
msgid "Checking space on the service..."
msgstr "A rendelkezésre álló hely ellenőrzése a szerveren..."

msgid "B"
msgstr "B"

msgid "KB"
msgstr "KB"

msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"

msgid "GB"
msgstr "GB"

msgid "days"
msgstr "nap"

msgid "Service ready. Space available."
msgstr "A szolgáltatás aktív. A szükséges hely rendelkezésre áll."

msgid "File too big or not enough space on the service."
msgstr "A fájl túl nagy vagy nincs elég hely a szerveren."

msgid "Could not connect to the service."
msgstr "Nem lehet kapcsolódni a szerverhez."

msgid "Connecting to the service..."
msgstr "Kapcsolódás a szerverhez..."

msgid "Uploading the file..."
msgstr "A fájl feltöltése folyamatban..."

msgid "File uploaded successfully."
msgstr "A fájl sikeresen feltöltve."

msgid "Upload failed."
msgstr "A feltöltés nem sikerült."

msgid "Upload a file"
msgstr "Fájl feltöltése"

msgid "Upload and share a file"
msgstr "Fájl feltöltése és megosztása"

msgid "Upload service"
msgstr "Feltöltő szolgáltatás"

msgid "Local file"
msgstr "Helyi fájl"

msgid "Remote file"
msgstr "Távoli fájl"

msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Név:"

msgid "Free space:"
msgstr "Szabad hely:"

msgid "Max file size:"
msgstr "Maximális fájlméret:"

msgid "Persistence:"
msgstr "Időtartam:"

msgid "Path:"
msgstr "Útvonal:"

msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Méret:"

msgid "Upload progress:"
msgstr "Feltöltés:"

msgid "URL:"
msgstr "URL:"

msgid "FTP service selected"
msgstr "FTP szolgáltatás kiválasztva"

msgid "N/A"
msgstr "--"

# Added since mintUpload 3.0

msgid "_File"
msgstr "_Fájl"

msgid "Close"
msgstr "Bezárás"

msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "S_zerkesztés"

msgid "Services"
msgstr "Szolgáltatások"

msgid "New service"
msgstr "Új szolgáltatás"

msgid "Edit service"
msgstr "Szolgáltatás szerkesztése"

msgid "System-wide services"
msgstr "Rendszerszintű szolgáltatások"

msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Súgó"

msgid "About"
msgstr "Névjegy"

msgid "File uploader for Linux Mint"
msgstr "Fájl feltöltő szolgáltatás a Linux Mint-hez"

msgid "Type:"
msgstr "Típus:"

msgid "Hostname:"
msgstr "Gépnév:"

msgid "Port:"
msgstr "Port:"

msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Felhasználónév:"

msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Jelszó:"

msgid "Timestamp:"
msgstr "Időbélyeg:"

msgid "Path: "
msgstr "Útvonal:"

msgid "Hostname or IP address, default:"
msgstr "Gépnév vagy IP cím, alapértelmezett:"

msgid "Remote port, default is 21 for FTP, 22 for SFTP and SCP"
msgstr "Távoli port, alapértelmezés szerint FTP-nél 21, SFTP-nél és SCP-nél 22"

msgid "Username, defaults to your local username"
msgstr "Felhasználónév, alapesetben a helyi felhasználónév"

msgid "Password, by default: password-less SCP connection, null-string FTP connection, ~/.ssh keys used for SFTP connections"
msgstr "Jelszó, alapértelmezés szerint SCP-nél nincs jelszó, FTP-nél üres karakterlánc, SFTP-nél ~/.ssh kulcsok"

msgid "Timestamp format (strftime). By default:"
msgstr "Időbélyeg formátuma (strftime). Alapértelmezés szerint:"

msgid "Directory to upload to. <TIMESTAMP> is replaced with the current timestamp, following the timestamp format given. By default: ."
msgstr "A feltöltés helye a szerveren. A <TIMESTAMP> a megadott formátum szerinti aktuális időbélyegre lesz cserélve. Alapértelmezés szerint: ."

msgid "connection successfully established"
msgstr "kapcsolat sikeresen létrehozva"

msgid "This service requires a password."
msgstr "Ehhez a szolgáltatáshoz jelszóra van szükség."

msgid "This service requires a password or a private key."
msgstr "Ehhez a szolgáltatáshoz jelszóra vagy privát kulcsra van szükség."
Last edited by wix on Sun May 17, 2009 12:30 pm, edited 4 times in total.

Re: mintUpload

Post by FlowerChild »

Language: Danish, "da"
msgid "Checking space on the service..."
msgstr "Undersøger om der er plads ledig på tjenesten..."

msgid "B"
msgstr "B"

msgid "KB"
msgstr "KB"

msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"

msgid "GB"
msgstr "GB"

msgid "days"
msgstr "dage"

msgid "Service ready. Space available."
msgstr "Tjenesten er klar. Plads ledig."

msgid "File too big or not enough space on the service."
msgstr "Filen er for stor eller der er ikke nok plads på tjenesten."

msgid "Could not connect to the service."
msgstr "Kunne ikke oprette forbindelse til tjenesten."

msgid "Connecting to the service..."
msgstr "Opretter forbindelse til tjenesten..."

msgid "Uploading the file..."
msgstr "Uploader filen..."

msgid "File uploaded successfully."
msgstr "Filen blev uploadet."

msgid "Upload failed."
msgstr "Upload fejlede."

msgid "Upload a file"
msgstr "Upload en fil"

msgid "Upload and share a file"
msgstr "Upload og del en fil"

msgid "Upload service"
msgstr "Upload-tjeneste"

msgid "Local file"
msgstr "Lokal fil"

msgid "Remote file"
msgstr "Ekstern fil"

msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Navn:"

msgid "Free space:"
msgstr "Ledig plads:"

msgid "Max file size:"
msgstr "Max filstørrelse:"

msgid "Persistence:"
msgstr "Tilgængelig:"

msgid "Path:"
msgstr "Sti:"

msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Størrelse:"

msgid "Upload progress:"
msgstr "Upload-forløb:"

msgid "URL:"
msgstr "URL:"

msgid "FTP service selected"
msgstr "Valgt FTP-tjeneste"

msgid "N/A"
Msgstr "-"

# Added since mintUpload 3.0

msgid "_File"
msgstr "_Filer"

msgid "Close"
msgstr "Luk"

msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Rediger"

msgid "Services"
msgstr "Tjenester"

msgid "New service"
msgstr "Ny tjeneste"

msgid "Edit service"
msgstr "Rediger tjeneste"

msgid "System-wide services"
msgstr "System-tjenester"

msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Hjælp"

msgid "About"
msgstr "Om"

msgid "File uploader for Linux Mint"
msgstr "Linux Mints fil-uploader"

msgid "Type:"
msgstr "Type:"

msgid "Hostname:"
msgstr "Værts-navn:"

msgid "Port:"
msgstr "Port:"

msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Brugernavn:"

msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Adgangskode:"

msgid "Timestamp:"
msgstr "Tidsstempel:"

msgid "Path: "
msgstr "Sti:"

msgid "Hostname or IP address, default:"
msgstr "Værts-navn eller IP-adresse, som standard:"

msgid "Remote port, default is 21 for FTP, 22 for SFTP and SCP"
msgstr "Port-nummer: Som standard 21 for FTP og 22 for SFTP og SCP"

msgid "Username, defaults to your local username"
msgstr "Som standard anvendes dit lokale brugernavn som brugernavn."

msgid "Password, by default: password-less SCP connection, null-string FTP connection, ~/.ssh keys used for SFTP connections"
msgstr "Standard-adgangskode: Adgangskodefri SCP-forbindelse, null-string FTP-forbindelse, ~/.ssh-nøgler til SFTP-forbindelser"

msgid "Timestamp format (strftime). By default:"
msgstr "Datoformat (strftime). Som standard:"

msgid "Directory to upload to. <TIMESTAMP> is replaced with the current timestamp, following the timestamp format given. By default: ."
msgstr "Upload-adresse. <TIMESTAMP> erstattes med det nuværende datoformat. Som standard: ."

msgid "connection successfully established"
msgstr "forbindelsen blev oprettet"

msgid "This service requires a password."
msgstr "Denne tjeneste kræver en adgangskode."

msgid "This service requires a password or a private key."
msgstr "Denne tjeneste kræver en adgangskode eller en privat nøgle."

Re: mintUpload

Post by ksiaze »

Language: Polish
msgid "Checking space on the service..."
msgstr "Weryfikacja dostępnego miejsca w usłudze..."

msgid "B"
msgstr "B"

msgid "KB"
msgstr "KB"

msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"

msgid "GB"
msgstr "GB"

msgid "days"
msgstr "dni"

msgid "Service ready. Space available."
msgstr "Serwer gotowy. Miejsce jest dostępne."

msgid "File too big or not enough space on the service."
msgstr "Plik za duży lub brak miejsca na serwerze."

msgid "Could not connect to the service."
msgstr "Nie udało się połączyć z serwerem."

msgid "Connecting to the service..."
msgstr "Łączenie z serwerem..."

msgid "Uploading the file..."
msgstr "Przesyłanie pliku..."

msgid "File uploaded successfully."
msgstr "Plik przesłany z powodzeniem."

msgid "Upload failed."
msgstr "Błąd podczas przesyłania."

msgid "Upload a file"
msgstr "Prześlij plik"

msgid "Upload and share a file"
msgstr "Prześlij i dziel się plikiem"

msgid "Upload service"
msgstr "Prześlij serwer"

msgid "Local file"
msgstr "Plik lokalny"

msgid "Remote file"
msgstr "Plik na serwerze"

msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Nazwa:"

msgid "Free space:"
msgstr "Wolna przestrzeń:"

msgid "Max file size:"
msgstr "Maksymalny rozmiar pliku:"

msgid "Persistence:"
msgstr "Stałość:"

msgid "Path:"
msgstr "Ścieżka:"

msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Rozmiar:"

msgid "Upload progress:"
msgstr "Postęp przesyłąnia:"

msgid "URL:"
msgstr "Adres:"

msgid "FTP service selected"
msgstr "Serwer FTP wybrany"

msgid "N/A"
msgstr "N/A"

# Added since mintUpload 3.0

msgid "_File"
msgstr "_Plik"

msgid "Close"
msgstr "Zamknij"

msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Edycja"

msgid "Services"
msgstr "Serwery"

msgid "New service"
msgstr "Nowe serwery"

msgid "Edit service"
msgstr "Edytuj serwer"

msgid "System-wide services"
msgstr "Serwery systemowe"

msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Pomoc"

msgid "About"
msgstr "O programie"

msgid "File uploader for Linux Mint"
msgstr "Przesył plików dla Linux Mint"

msgid "Type:"
msgstr "Typ:"

msgid "Hostname:"
msgstr "Nazwa źródła:"

msgid "Port:"
msgstr "Port:"

msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika:"

msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Hasło:"

msgid "Timestamp:"
msgstr "Data:"

msgid "Path: "
msgstr "Ścieżka:"

msgid "Hostname or IP address, default:"
msgstr "Nazwa źródła lub adres IP, domyślnie:"

msgid "Remote port, default is 21 for FTP, 22 for SFTP and SCP"
msgstr "Zdalny port, domyślnie 21 dla FTP, 22 dla SFTP oraz SCP"

msgid "Username, defaults to your local username"
msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika, domyślnie lokalna nazwa użytkownika"

msgid "Password, by default: password-less SCP connection, null-string FTP connection, ~/.ssh keys used for SFTP connections"
msgstr "Hasło, domyślnie: połączenie SCP bez hasła, połączenie FTP z pustym ciągiem znaków, klucze ~/.shh użyte dla połączeń SFTP"

msgid "Timestamp format (strftime). By default:"
msgstr "Format daty (strftime). Domyślnie:"

msgid "Directory to upload to. <TIMESTAMP> is replaced with the current timestamp, following the timestamp format given. By default: ."
msgstr "Katalog docelowy. <TIMESTAMP> zostanie zastąpiony aktualną datą, zgodnie z domyślnym formatem daty. Domyślnie: ."

msgid "connection successfully established"
msgstr "nawiązano połączenie"

msgid "This service requires a password."
msgstr "Ten serwer wymaga hasła."

msgid "This service requires a password or a private key."
msgstr "Ten serwer wymaga hasła lub klucza prytawnego."

Re: mintUpload

Post by Alexio »

Language: Romanian
msgid "Checking space on the service..."
msgstr "Verificarea spaţiului disponibil pentru serviciul..."

msgid "B"
msgstr "B"

msgid "KB"
msgstr "KB"

msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"

msgid "GB"
msgstr "GB"

msgid "days"
msgstr "zile"

msgid "Service ready. Space available."
msgstr "Serviciu pregătit. Spaţiu disponibil."

msgid "File too big or not enough space on the service."
msgstr "Fişier prea voluminos sau spaţiu insuficient pentru stocare."

msgid "Could not connect to the service."
msgstr "Serviciul nu poate fi accesat."

msgid "Connecting to the service..."
msgstr "Conectarea la serviciu..."

msgid "Uploading the file..."
msgstr "Încărcarea fişierului..."

msgid "File uploaded successfully."
msgstr "Fişier încărcat cu succes."

msgid "Upload failed."
msgstr "Încărcarea fişierului a eşuat."

msgid "Upload a file"
msgstr "Încărcaţi un fişier"

msgid "Upload and share a file"
msgstr "Încărcaţi şi partajaţi un fişier"

msgid "Upload service"
msgstr "Serviciul de încărcare"

msgid "Local file"
msgstr "Fişier local"

msgid "Remote file"
msgstr "Fişier distant"

msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Denumire:"

msgid "Free space:"
msgstr "Spaţiul liber:"

msgid "Max file size:"
msgstr "Mărimea maximă a fişierului:"

msgid "Persistence:"
msgstr "Persistenţă:"

msgid "Path:"
msgstr "Calea:"

msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Mărimea:"

msgid "Upload progress:"
msgstr "Progresul încărcării:"

msgid "URL:"
msgstr "Adresa:"

msgid "FTP service selected"
msgstr "Serviciul FTP selectat"

msgid "N/A"
msgstr "--"

# Added since mintUpload 3.0

msgid "_File"
msgstr "_Fişier"

msgid "Close"
msgstr "Închide"

msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Editează"

msgid "Services"
msgstr "Servicii"

msgid "New service"
msgstr "Noul serviciu"

msgid "Edit service"
msgstr "Modificarea serviciului"

msgid "System-wide services"
msgstr "Servicii sistem"

msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Ajutor"

msgid "About"
msgstr "Despre"

msgid "File uploader for Linux Mint"
msgstr "Utilitar de încărcare a fişierelor pentru Linux Mint"

msgid "Type:"
msgstr "Tipul:"

msgid "Hostname:"
msgstr "Gazda:"

msgid "Port:"
msgstr "Port:"

msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Nume de utilizator:"

msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Parola:"

msgid "Timestamp:"
msgstr "Timestamp:"

msgid "Path: "
msgstr "Cale:"

msgid "Hostname or IP address, default:"
msgstr "Gazda sau adresa IP, implicit:"

msgid "Remote port, default is 21 for FTP, 22 for SFTP and SCP"
msgstr "Port, implicit: 21 pentru FTP, 22 pentru SFTP si SCP"

msgid "Username, defaults to your local username"
msgstr "Numele de utilizator, implicit este numele de utilizator local"

msgid "Password, by default: password-less SCP connection, null-string FTP connection, ~/.ssh keys used for SFTP connections"
msgstr "Parola, implicit: fără parolă pentru SCP, valoare null pentru conectarea prin FTP, chei ~/.ssh pentru conectarea prin SFTP"

msgid "Timestamp format (strftime). By default:"
msgstr "Formatul pentru timestamp (strftime). Implicit:"

msgid "Directory to upload to. <TIMESTAMP> is replaced with the current timestamp, following the timestamp format given. By default: ."
msgstr "Calea distantă pentru încărcarea fişierului. <TIMESTAMP> este înlocuit cu valoarea curentă a timestamp. Implicit: ."

msgid "connection successfully established"
msgstr "conexiune stabilită cu succes"

msgid "This service requires a password."
msgstr "Acest serviciu necesită o parolă."

msgid "This service requires a password or a private key."
msgstr "Acest serviciu necesită o parolă şi o cheie privată."

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