To correct this run the following two commands after logging in to your new Linux Mint 19 installation:
sudo sed -i 's#/target##' /etc/crypttab
sudo sed -i '#^/swapfile#d' /etc/fstab
Finish with the following command:
sudo update-initramfs -u
Questions & Answers
Q: How do I know whether I have home directory encryption?
A: Run the following command and unless it replies the directory doesn't exist, you have home directory encryption:
ls /home/.ecryptfs
Q: How can I confirm that my swap doesn't work?
A: Run the following command and if it doesn't reply anything your swap doesn't work:
swapon --show
Q: What do those "sudo sed" commands do?
A: The first deletes "/target" from the line in /etc/crypttab file where it was erroneously added during installation. The second deletes the line starting with "/swapfile" in /etc/fstab that was erroneously not removed during installation. You may also manually edit these files with command
xed admin:///etc/crypttab
and xed admin:///etc/fstab
if you prefer.Q: What does the "sudo update-initramfs -u" do?
A: It updates the initramfs of your active kernel so that from next boot swap will be used correctly. If you've already installed new kernels you may wish to run the command as
sudo update-initramfs -u -k 'all'
instead to update the initramfs for all installed kernels. This is a one time action and future kernels you install won't need any action from you for this.