read keys

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read keys

Post by 1000 »

read command is specific,
a = this is one character
up arrow = these are three characters

I tried to change a script which is based on another script from the internet

Code: Select all


#   man read

GetPos() {
    IFS=';' read -sdR -p $'\E[6n' ROW COL
    Col=$(( ${COL#*[} -1 ))
    Row=$(( ${ROW#*[} -1 ))       

# Will print position
Func_Up()    { GetPos ; echo -n $Col ;}
Func_Down()  { GetPos ; echo -n $Row ;}
# Will move cursor
Func_Right() { GetPos ; tput cup "$Row" "$(( $Col + 1 ))" ;}
Func_Left()  { GetPos ; 
                if [[ "Col" -gt 0  ]] ; then
                    tput cup "$Row" "$(( $Col - 1 ))" 
                fi ;}

Func_Backspace() { 
    # It may not be possible to read the content from the screen
    # But you can,
    # 1. Store each letter you typed into a variable,
    # 2. Edit a variable
    # 3. Move cursor to the beginning
    # 4. Clear the screen
    # 5. Print the variable again
    # Here I delete everything to the right of the cursor
    Func_Left ; tput ed
#while read -rsn1 ui; do
while read -rsN1 ui; do
    case "$ui" in
    $'\x1b')    # Handle ESC sequence.
        # Flush read. We account for sequences for Fx keys as
        # well. 6 should suffice far more then enough.
        read -rsn1 -t 0.1 tmp
        if [[ "$tmp" == "[" ]]; then
            read -rsn1 -t 0.1 tmp
            case "$tmp" in   
                "A") Func_Up ;;
                "B") Func_Down ;;
                "C") Func_Right ;;
                "D") Func_Left ;;
            echo "$tmp"
        # Flush "stdin" with 0.1  sec timeout.
        # Creates extra letters when keys are pressed for a long time
#        read -rsn5 -t 0.1
    # Other one byte (char) cases. Here only quit.
    #       showkey -a
    q) echo q ; break ;;
#    "") echo "Enter"  ;;  # the same for spacebar when is "read -n" instead "read -N"
#    $'\15') echo "Enter"  ;;  # Not working
#    $'\x0a') echo "Enter"  ;;  # I don't know from where is x0a , probably unicode
    $'\12') echo "Enter"  ;;
    $'\40') echo "Space Bar"  ;;
    $'\177') Func_Backspace ;;
    *) echo -n "$ui" ;;
The problem with this script is that,
when I hold down the "right arrow" and "left arrow" keys
I see sometimes

Code: Select all

^[[C                        ^[[D        ^[[C
I guess my keyboard is faster than my script. I can't find any other explanation.
Last edited by LockBot on Fri Sep 29, 2023 10:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: read keys

Post by 1000 »

The solution is not perfect, but for now I have no idea for a better one.
I saved the word to a variable.
When I move the cursor to the left
then I clear the screen first, and then I display the word.
In addition, I added the distance to move the cursor depending on how slow the script is.

Code: Select all


#   man read

Func_GetPos() {
    IFS=';' read -sdR -p $'\E[6n' ROW COL
    # When the script runs slower than the keyboard, "read" returns invalid values
    # So I used "if" to detect number
    if ! [[ "${ROW#*[}" =~ '^[0-9]+$' ]] ; then
        Row=$(( ${ROW#*[} -1 )) 
    Col=$(( ${COL#*[} -1 ))

Func_Hide()  {
                    ## THIS IS FOR HIDING DEFECTS like ^[[C when script is slower
                    # move to begin
                    tput cup "$Row" "0" 
                    # clear line
                    tput ed
                    # Print variable again
                    #printf "%s" "$Word"
                    echo -n "$Word"
                    tput cup "$Row" "$Col"

# Will print position
Func_Up()    { Func_GetPos ; echo -n $Col ;}
Func_Down()  { Func_GetPos ; echo -n $Row ;}
# Will move cursor
Func_Right() { Func_GetPos ; Func_Hide ; tput cup "$Row" "$(( $Col + 1 ))" ;}
Func_Left()  { Func_GetPos ; 
                # The column must be a positive number. ( greater than -1 )
                # Otherwise, "tput" will return an error
                if [[ "Col" -gt 0  ]] ; then
                    End_Time=$(echo "$(date +%s%N) - $Start_Time" | bc)
                    #echo $End_Time
                    # move according to changes
                    if [[ "$End_Time" -gt "127233244" ]] ; then 
                        # move to left
                        tput cup "$Row" "$(( $Col - 1 ))" 
                        # The column must be a positive number. ( greater than -1 )
                        # Otherwise, "tput" will return an error
                       if [[ "Col" -gt 20  ]] ; then
                           tput cup "$Row" "$(( $Col - 20 ))"
#                            echo "$Old_Col $Col"

Func_Backspace() { 
    # It may not be possible to read the content from the screen
    # But you can,
    # 1. Save each letter you typed into a variable,
    # 2. Edit a variable
    Word=$( fold -w1 <<< "${Word}" | sed ${Col}d | tr -d "\n" )
    # 3. Move cursor to the beginning
    tput cup "$Row" 0 ; 
    # 4. Clear the screen
    tput ed ;
    # 5. Print the variable again
    echo -n "${Word}" ;
    # 6. Move cursor one to the left
    tput cup "$Row" $(( "$Col" -1 ))

    # Here I delete everything to the right of the cursor
#    Func_Left ; tput ed

# Start script
echo start

    # saving variables "Col" , "Row" in case of failure
    Row=1 ; Col=1
    Start_Time=$(date +%s%N)

#while read -rsn1 ui; do
while read -rsN1 ui; do

#    Func_GetPos
    #date +"%Y-%m-%d %T"
    case "$ui" in
    $'\x1b')    # Handle ESC sequence.
        # Flush read. We account for sequences for Fx keys as
        # well. 6 should suffice far more then enough.
        read -rsn1 -t 0.0001 tmp
        if [[ "$tmp" == "[" ]]; then
            read -rsn1 -t 0.0001 tmp
            case "$tmp" in   
                "A") Func_Up ;;
                "B") Func_Down ;;
                "C") Func_Right ;;
                "D") Func_Left ;;
#        else
#            echo "$tmp"
        # Flush "stdin" with 0.1  sec timeout.
        # Creates extra letters when keys are pressed for a long time
#        read -rsn5 -t 0.1
    # Other one byte (char) cases. Here only quit.
    #       showkey -a
    q) echo q ; break ;;
#    "") echo "Enter"  ;;  # the same for spacebar when is "read -n" instead "read -N"
#    $'\15') echo "Enter"  ;;  # Not working
#    $'\x0a') echo "Enter"  ;;  #  x0a = LF in hex 
    $'\12') echo "Enter : Word = $Word"  ;;   # 12 = LF in Oct 
        # First part
        # Rest
        #  Move cursor to the beginning
        tput cup "$Row" 0 ;
        #  Clear the screen
        tput ed ; 
        printf "%s" "${Word}" ;
        tput cup "$Row" "$(($Col + 1))"
    ;;  # Space Bar" 
    $'\177') Func_Backspace ;;
    # Warning ! This is only example script, and above "q" character = exit 
        # First part
        # Rest
        #  Move cursor to the beginning
        tput cup "$Row" 0 ;
        #  Clear the screen
        tput ed ; 
        printf "%s" "${Word}" ;
        tput cup "$Row" "$(($Col + 1))"

    #echo $End_Time
    Start_Time=$(date +%s%N)
    # Script slowdown simulation for printing extra unwanted characters
    # longer time = more unwanted characters or errors from Func_Func_GetPos
    sleep 0.1

I noticed that I can also change key repeat delay,
in a graphical environment
and with command " xset r rate "
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Re: read keys

Post by 1000 »

I made one mistake.

Code: Select all

if [[ "4" =~ '^[0-9]+$' ]] ; then echo number ;else echo fail ;fi

Maybe something like this will work better for detect only numbers
( without quotation marks " or ' )

Code: Select all

if [[ "4" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] ;then echo numb ;else echo fail ;fi
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Re: read keys

Post by Termy »

1000 wrote: Tue Apr 04, 2023 8:23 am [...]
With [[, glob pattern matching and REGEX are both performed by the shell, therefore the shell needs to interpret what you place. When you quoted the REGEX string, you neutered it.

Code: Select all

if [[ 'test string' =~ ^test\ ]]; then
	echo True
	echo False
In the above example, you will see True, because the string 'test ' is at the beginner of the string. If you single- or double-quote the entire REGEX string, it'll take that as a literal string without any REGEX parsing, so it'll literally take the string given to BASH, then look for '^test\ ', which of course doesn't exist. This applies to glob pattern matching and glob filename pattern matching. There are some exceptions which might catch you out, such as find(1)'s glob pattern matching, which is actually not handled by BASH. Globbing is not exclusive to the shell.

I'm not sure that all this is relevant to your issue, but it's something I felt worth mentioning.
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