Why wont this terminal command work in conky? [SOLVED]

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Why wont this terminal command work in conky? [SOLVED]

Post by Logansfury »

Hello everyone,

I am using the following command to get a readout of my motherboards UEFI: inxi -Mxx | awk '/UEFI:/ {uefi=$NF; getline; print uefi, $1, $2, $3, $4}'

It works perfectly in terminal, and I created a polkit for inxi so conky could launch it as root:


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE policyconfig PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD PolicyKit Policy Configuration 1.0//EN" "http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/PolicyKit/1.0/policyconfig.dtd">
  <vendor>The Logan Project</vendor>
  <action id="org.logan.inxi">
    <description gettext-domain="inxi">Run inxi as root</description>
    <message gettext-domain="inxi">Authentication is NOT required to run inxi as root</message>
    <annotate key="org.freedesktop.policykit.exec.path">/usr/bin/inxi</annotate>
    <annotate key="org.freedesktop.policykit.exec.allow_gui">false</annotate>


I looked in /usr/bin and i found a program named lshw from my last polkit, but in this dir instead of an app, there was some kind of text document named inxi.

In conky I am using the same command prefix that is in place for performing lshw commands:

${exec pkexec inxi -Mxx | awk '/UEFI:/ {uefi=$NF; getline; print uefi, $1, $2, $3, $4}'}

taken from the example ${exec pkexec lshw -class system | grep -A 1 "description" | awk -F": " '{print $2}' | head -n 1}

I have rebooted my computer and I have done a chmod +x on the .policy file, I don't know if that is of any relevance with a .policy file but it seemed a reasonable troubleshooting step.

Can anyone help me get conky performing this command?

Thank you for reading,

Last edited by Logansfury on Mon Jul 15, 2024 12:57 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Why wont this terminal command work in conky?

Post by IYmEVDc »

how are you running your conky? if you run it manually in a terminal do you get any info about why that command doesn't seem to be working?

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conky -c /path/to/config
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Re: Why wont this terminal command work in conky?

Post by Logansfury »

IYmEVDc wrote: Sat Jul 13, 2024 2:29 pm how are you running your conky? if you run it manually in a terminal do you get any info about why that command doesn't seem to be working?

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conky -c /path/to/config
This conky cannot be run from the terminal for some reason, the terminal window flashes onscreen for a split second then closes itself as if there were something wrong with the script, but launching the .conf file from CM2 causes it to run fine.

I just found an alternate command and I am going to try to work with it
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Re: Why wont this terminal command work in conky?

Post by zcot »

most likely, and mentioned many times before, you can't just run that conky command on terminal in default ~ location.


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conky -c /path/to/config
vs this:

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cd /path/to/config
conky -c config-file
it's completely different, the context of PWD and such. it's the location for all the current path references.

Conky-Manager2 does that automatically for you!

As for the inxi line, I can't see where you actually need elevated permission on that call anyway. inxi -Mxx -what is it giving with elevated permission? test it: sudo inxi -Mxx
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Re: Why wont this terminal command work in conky?

Post by Logansfury »

zcot wrote: Sun Jul 14, 2024 11:16 pm most likely, and mentioned many times before, you can't just run that conky command on terminal in default ~ location.


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conky -c /path/to/config
vs this:

Code: Select all

cd /path/to/config
conky -c config-file
it's completely different, the context of PWD and such. it's the location for all the current path references.

Conky-Manager2 does that automatically for you!

As for the inxi line, I can't see where you actually need elevated permission on that call anyway. inxi -Mxx -what is it giving with elevated permission? test it: sudo inxi -Mxx
for craps sake!

Im not remembering what I had tried that got me using a sudo command. I think that damn bot must have suggested it. I see the inxi command it just fine as a standard command and am going back to that.
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Re: Why wont this terminal command work in conky?

Post by Logansfury »

I dont understand this.

I am no longer trying to use polkit or a sudo command.

inxi -Mxx | awk '/UEFI:/ {sub(/^.*UEFI:/, ""); getline next_line; print $0 next_line}' | sed 's/ */ /g' works perfectly in terminal but will not display in conky.

What is it about this command that conky doesn't like?
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Re: Why wont this terminal command work in conky?

Post by Logansfury »

I decided to not fight the code and just use Koentje's suggestion from a similar config file. I made a bash script to execute the inxi command, dump the info to a file, and now conky just does and exec cat on the file.

I got my info display :D
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