I don't know. Works for me.Logansfury wrote: ⤴Sun Sep 01, 2024 2:02 pmI am showing the same files, and my ring has transparency. I can't explain the display difficulty. My system may be hosed.
Conky theme problems
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Before you post read how to get help. Topics in this forum are automatically closed 6 months after creation.
Re: Conky theme problems
Linux Mint 22 "Wilma" Cinnamon / Samsung Galaxy A55 5G
MB: ASRock B550M Pro4 / CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 PRO 4650G / GPU int. in CPU Radeon RX Vega 7 Renoir / RAM Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB
Re: Conky theme problems
The time sign is not changed in Alfirk Conky. It's always cloudy even though it was sunny all day today.
Code: Select all
# v2.0
# I create this scripts to show weather icon with text icon
# and take data from json file, so it can use offline
# the font i use Feather icon font { https://github.com/AT-UI/feather-font }
# to get weather.json file i use another script
# Closebox73
# icon font based openweathermap.org data
WEATHER_ICON=$(cat ~/.cache/weather.json | jq -r '.weather[0].icon')
if [[ "${WEATHER_ICON}" = *01d* ]]; then
echo "${ICON_01D}"
elif [[ "${WEATHER_ICON}" = *01n* ]]; then
echo "${ICON_01N}"
elif [[ "${WEATHER_ICON}" = *02d* || "${WEATHER_ICON}" = *02n* || "${WEATHER_ICON}" = *03d* || "${WEATHER_ICON}" = *03n* || "${WEATHER_ICON}" = *04d* || "${WEATHER_ICON}" = *04n* ]]; then
echo "${ICON_02}"
elif [[ "${WEATHER_ICON}" = *09d* || "${WEATHER_ICON}" = *09n* ]]; then
echo "${ICON_09}"
elif [[ "${WEATHER_ICON}" = *10d* || "${WEATHER_ICON}" = *10n* ]]; then
echo "${ICON_10}"
elif [[ "${WEATHER_ICON}" = *11d* || "${WEATHER_ICON}" = *11n* ]]; then
echo "${ICON_11}"
elif [[ "${WEATHER_ICON}" = *13d* || "${WEATHER_ICON}" = *13n* ]]; then
echo "${ICON_13}"
elif [[ "${WEATHER_ICON}" = *50d* || "${WEATHER_ICON}" = *50n* ]]; then
echo "${ICON_50}"
echo "${NO_DATA}"
Linux Mint 22 "Wilma" Cinnamon / Samsung Galaxy A55 5G
MB: ASRock B550M Pro4 / CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 PRO 4650G / GPU int. in CPU Radeon RX Vega 7 Renoir / RAM Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB
Re: Conky theme problems
I installed the Asterope Conky widget. Everything is in capital letters. Can it be made to be lower case?
Code: Select all
conky.config = {
-- Created : 2021/May/27
-- This theme is for conky version 1.10.8 or newer
-- ( A part of Taurus Conky themes pack )
-- author : Closebox73
-- version : 2.2
-- variant : Mpd & Celcius
-- license : Distributed under the terms of GPLv3
-- notes : Created on 1366x768 Monitor
-- Size and Position settings --
alignment = 'top_right',
gap_x = 150,
gap_y = 90,
maximum_width = 1000,
minimum_height = 300,
minimum_width = 1000,
-- Text settings --
use_xft = true,
override_utf8_locale = true,
font = 'Dosis:size=9',
-- Color Settings --
default_color = 'white',
default_outline_color = 'white',
default_shade_color = 'white',
color1 = '#E5832F',
-- Window Settings --
background = false,
border_width = 1,
draw_borders = false,
draw_graph_borders = false,
draw_outline = false,
draw_shades = false,
own_window = true,
own_window_colour = '#FFFFFF',
own_window_class = 'Conky',
own_window_argb_visual = false,
own_window_type = 'desktop',
own_window_transparent = true,
own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager',
stippled_borders = 0,
-- Others --
cpu_avg_samples = 2,
net_avg_samples = 2,
double_buffer = true,
out_to_console = false,
out_to_stderr = false,
extra_newline = false,
update_interval = 1,
uppercase = true,
use_spacer = 'none',
show_graph_scale = false,
show_graph_range = false,
lua_load = '~/.conky/Asterope/scripts/Lua/mini_clock.lua',
lua_draw_hook_pre = 'main',
conky.text = [[
${execi 200 ~/.conky/Asterope/scripts/weather-v2.0.sh}\
${offset 380}${voffset 90}${font Finlandica:size=10}time${goto 577}Weather
${alignr 580}${voffset }${font Finlandica:bold:size=20}${time %H : %M : %S}${font}
${offset 570}${voffset -29}${font Finlandica:bold:size=20}${execi 100 cat cat ~/.cache/weather.json | jq -r '.weather[0].main'} / ${execi 100 cat ~/.cache/weather.json | jq '.main.temp' | awk '{printf "%.0f\n",$1}' }°C${font}
${alignc 5}${voffset -15}${font feather:size=35}${execi 5 ~/.conky/Asterope/scripts/weather-text-icon}${font}
${offset 355}${voffset -10}${font Finlandica:size=10}calendar${goto 577}${if_running mpd}you're listening >> ${mpd_artist}${else}${execi 600 ~/.conky/Asterope/scripts/Greeting.sh} ${execi 600 whoami}$endif
${alignr 580}${voffset 0}${font Finlandica:bold:size=20}${time %e. %B, %Y}${font}
${offset 570}${voffset -29}${font Finlandica:bold:size=20}${if_running mpd}${mpd_title 50}${else}have a nice day$endif
Code: Select all
minimal clock for conky
based upon similar android clock widget
written by easysid
Tuesday, 03 February 2015 16:20 IST
edited by Etles_Team
Friday, 17 August 2016 21:08 WITA
To call this conky, Add this command before "TEXT" in conkyrc file:
lua_load ~/.conky/Conky-Name/scripts/lua/min_clock.lua
lua_draw_hook_pre main
lua_draw_hook_post main
alignment middle_middle
gap_x 0
gap_y 0
own_window_transparent no
own_window_argb_visual no
own_window_argb_value 0
own_window_colour 000000
minimum_size 0 0
require 'cairo'
clock_table = {
-- clock style options
use12hourformat = true, -- 12 hr format. Set to false for 24 hrs
draw_background = false, -- set to false if you do not want a bg fill
draw_seconds = true, -- draw the seconds ring
-- Options if above is true
seconds_ring_width = 3, -- seconds ring width
seconds_ring_base_color = {0xFF0000, 0.1}, -- base color
seconds_ring_fill_color = {0xFF0000, 0.2}, -- fill color
seconds_ring_fill_colorS = {0xFF0000, 0.2},
-- Main settings
xc = 500, -- centre of the clock
yc = 150,
R = 140, -- default radius of the clock
RH = 50, -- outher radius for hours fill ring
RM = 95, -- outer radius for minutes fill ring
rh = 8, -- hour ring fill raius
rm = 8, -- minutes ring fill radius
rs = 8, -- seconds ring fill radius
border_width = 0, -- radius border fill ring
-- Color settings. {color, alpha}
background_color = {0x2F2F2F, 0.6}, -- bgcolor id draw_background is true.
fill_color = {0xFF0000, 0.6}, -- fill color for hour+minutes ring
fill_colorS = {0xFF0000, 0.6}, -- fill color for seconds ring
border_colorS = {0xFFDCDC, 1}, -- border color for seconds fill ring
border_color = {0xAB9F6F, 1}, -- border color for hours+minutes
text_color = {0x00EFFF, 1}, -- color of numbers
text_colorS = {0xEEFFFF, 1}, -- color for text seconds inside fill ring
-- Font settings, Specify the font as font:face, where face is bold, italic, bolditalic
hour_font = "Lion", hour_font_size = 0, -- font face+size for hours
min_font = "Lion", min_font_size = 0, -- font face+size for minutes
sec_font = "Lion", sec_font_size = 0, -- font face+size for seconds
day_font = "Lion", day_font_size = 0, -- font face+size for the day
-- Main function to load script
function conky_main()
if conky_window == nil then return end
local cs = cairo_xlib_surface_create(conky_window.display, conky_window.drawable, conky_window.visual, conky_window.width, conky_window.height)
cr = cairo_create(cs)
draw_clock(cr, clock_table)
end -- end main function
-- The primary function to draw the clock
function draw_clock(cr, t)
-- Hours
local divh = 12
local hour = tonumber(os.date("%H"))
local h_theta = hour*2*math.pi/divh - math.pi/2
local xh = t.xc + t.RH*math.cos(h_theta)
local yh = t.yc + t.RH*math.sin(h_theta)
-- Minutes
local divm = 60
local minutes = tonumber(os.date("%M"))
local m_theta = minutes*2*math.pi/divm - math.pi/2 -- calculate the angle
local xm = t.xc + t.RM*math.cos(m_theta)
local ym = t.yc + t.RM*math.sin(m_theta)
-- Get font and font face hours + minutes
local dfont, dface = splitfont(t.day_font)
local hfont, hface = splitfont(t.hour_font)
local mfont, mface = splitfont(t.min_font)
-- Print calculate text extents
if t.use12hourformat then
hy = getheight(hour,t.hour_font, 'normal', t.hour_font_size)
-- Draw the outer ring
if t.draw_background then
cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, rgba_to_r_g_b_a(t.background_color))
cairo_arc(cr, t.xc, t.yc, t.R, 0, 2*math.pi)
-- The primary function to draw the clock if draw seconds
if t.draw_seconds then
local divs = 60
local seconds = tonumber(os.date("%S"))
local s_theta = seconds*2*math.pi/divs - math.pi/2 -- calculate the angle
local xs = t.xc + t.R*math.cos(s_theta)
local ys = t.yc + t.R*math.sin(s_theta)
local sfont, sface = splitfont(t.sec_font)
cairo_set_line_width(cr, t.seconds_ring_width)
cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, rgba_to_r_g_b_a(t.seconds_ring_base_color))
-- Draw the base ring for seconds
cairo_arc(cr, t.xc, t.yc, t.R, 0, 2*math.pi)
-- Draw the seconds indicator circle
cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, rgba_to_r_g_b_a(t.seconds_ring_fill_colorS))
cairo_arc(cr, t.xc, t.yc, t.R, -math.pi/2, s_theta)
-- Draw the seconds ring fill
cairo_set_line_width(cr, t.border_width)
cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, rgba_to_r_g_b_a(t.fill_colorS))
cairo_arc(cr, xs, ys, t.rs, 0, 2*math.pi)
cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, rgba_to_r_g_b_a(t.border_colorS))
cairo_arc(cr, xs, ys, t.rs, 0, 2*math.pi)
-- Output text for seconds
cairo_set_line_width(cr, t.border_width)
cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, rgba_to_r_g_b_a(t.border_color))
cairo_arc(cr, t.xc, t.yc, t.R, 0, 2*math.pi)
-- Hours
cairo_set_line_width(cr, t.seconds_ring_width)
cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, rgba_to_r_g_b_a(t.seconds_ring_base_color))
-- Draw the base ring for hours
cairo_arc(cr, t.xc, t.yc, t.RH, 0, 2*math.pi)
-- Draw the hours indicator circle
cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, rgba_to_r_g_b_a(t.seconds_ring_fill_color))
cairo_arc(cr, t.xc, t.yc, t.RH, -math.pi/2, h_theta)
-- Draw the hours ring fill
cairo_set_line_width(cr, t.border_width)
cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, rgba_to_r_g_b_a(t.fill_color))
cairo_arc(cr, xh, yh, t.rh, 0, 2*math.pi)
cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, rgba_to_r_g_b_a(t.border_color))
cairo_arc(cr, xh, yh, t.rh, 0, 2*math.pi)
-- Minutes
cairo_set_line_width(cr, t.seconds_ring_width)
cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, rgba_to_r_g_b_a(t.seconds_ring_base_color))
-- Draw the base ring minutes
cairo_arc(cr, t.xc, t.yc, t.RM, 0, 2*math.pi)
-- Draw the minutes indicator circle
cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, rgba_to_r_g_b_a(t.seconds_ring_fill_color))
cairo_arc(cr, t.xc, t.yc, t.RM, -math.pi/2, m_theta)
-- Draw the minutes ring fill
cairo_set_line_width(cr, t.border_width)
cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, rgba_to_r_g_b_a(t.fill_color))
cairo_arc(cr, xm, ym, t.rm, 0, 2*math.pi)
cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, rgba_to_r_g_b_a(t.border_color))
cairo_arc(cr, xm, ym, t.rm, 0, 2*math.pi)
-- Check the time format
if t.use12hourformat then
hour = tonumber(os.date("%H"))
local ampm = os.date("%p")
-- Output text for the day
-- Output text for hours
-- Output text for
end -- end draw_clock
function out(txj)
-- Taken from mrpeachy's wun.lua
local extents=cairo_text_extents_t:create()
local function justify(jtxt,x,hj,y,vj,f,face,fs)
if face=="normal" then
elseif face=="bold" then
elseif face=="italic" then
elseif face=="bolditalic" then
print ('face not set correctly - "normal","bold","italic","bolditalic"')
cairo_select_font_face (cr,face[1],face[2],face[3])
local wx=extents.x_advance
local wd=extents.width
local hy=extents.height
local bx=extents.x_bearing
local by=extents.y_bearing+hy
local tx=x
local ty=y
-- Set horizontal alignment - l, c, r
if hj=="l" then x=x-bx
elseif hj=="c" then x=x-((wx-bx)/2)-bx
elseif hj=="r" then x=x-wx
print ("hj not set correctly - l, c, r")
-- vj. n=normal, nb=normal-ybearing, m=middle, mb=middle-ybearing, t=top
if vj=="n" then
elseif vj=="nb" then
elseif vj=="m" then
elseif vj=="mb" then
elseif vj=="t" then
print ("vj not set correctly - n, nb, m, mb, t")
return face,fs,x,y,rad,rad2,tx,ty
end -- justify local function
-- Set variables
local c=txj.c or {0xffffff, 1}
local a=txj.a or 1
local f=txj.f or "Mono"
local fs=txj.fs or 12
local x=txj.x or 100
local y=txj.y or 100
local txt=txj.txt or "text"
local hj=txj.hj or "l"
local vj=txj.vj or "n"
local face=txj.face or "normal"
-- Print text
local face,fs,x,y=justify(txt,x,hj,y,vj,f,face,fs)
cairo_select_font_face (cr,face[1],face[2],face[3])
cairo_move_to (cr,x,y)
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr,rgba_to_r_g_b_a(c))
cairo_show_text (cr,txt)
cairo_stroke (cr)
return nx
end -- function out
function rgba_to_r_g_b_a(tcolor)
local color,alpha=tcolor[1],tcolor[2]
return ((color / 0x10000) % 0x100) / 255., ((color / 0x100) % 0x100) / 255., (color % 0x100) / 255., alpha
end -- end rgba
function getheight(txt,f,face,fs)
-- Return the height of text. Needed for proper placement
local extents=cairo_text_extents_t:create()
if face=="normal" then
elseif face=="bold" then
elseif face=="italic" then
elseif face=="bolditalic" then
print ('face not set correctly - "normal","bold","italic","bolditalic"')
cairo_select_font_face (cr,face[1],face[2],face[3])
return extents.height
end -- end getheight
function splitfont(s)
-- Return font and face
if s:find(':') then
return s:match("([^:]+):([^:]+)")
return s, nil
end -- end splitfont
function cairo_cleanup()
end -- cleanup
--======================= Regards, Etles_Team =============================
Linux Mint 22 "Wilma" Cinnamon / Samsung Galaxy A55 5G
MB: ASRock B550M Pro4 / CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 PRO 4650G / GPU int. in CPU Radeon RX Vega 7 Renoir / RAM Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB
Re: Conky theme problems
I replaced true I put false and the problem is solved. Thanks. I have gone through this many times, but when I don't understand what it means, I could have gone through it a hundred times and still not solve the problem.
Linux Mint 22 "Wilma" Cinnamon / Samsung Galaxy A55 5G
MB: ASRock B550M Pro4 / CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 PRO 4650G / GPU int. in CPU Radeon RX Vega 7 Renoir / RAM Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB
Re: Conky theme problems
I want to make Conky show me how much the stick is used and free. Only when the USB stick has the name 'USB STICK' does it show how much the stick is used and free. When it is some other name, then it does not show how much the stick is used.
It looks like this:
Otherwise the USB is at /dev/sdd/.
Is it possible to use /dev/sdd/ in Conky and thus always show used and free USB sticks. If it can, how?
It looks like this:
Code: Select all
${color2}USB ${color}${alignr}
$color${fs_used /media/mandak/USB STICK} of ${fs_size /media/mandak/USB STICK} used - ${fs_used_perc /media/mandak/USB STICK}%
${color2}${goto 5}${fs_bar 12 /media/mandak/USB STICK}
Is it possible to use /dev/sdd/ in Conky and thus always show used and free USB sticks. If it can, how?
Linux Mint 22 "Wilma" Cinnamon / Samsung Galaxy A55 5G
MB: ASRock B550M Pro4 / CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 PRO 4650G / GPU int. in CPU Radeon RX Vega 7 Renoir / RAM Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB
Re: Conky theme problems
Problem solved.
I found Conky usbinfo-1.1 from Koentje and it works great. Thank you Koentje.
I found Conky usbinfo-1.1 from Koentje and it works great. Thank you Koentje.
Linux Mint 22 "Wilma" Cinnamon / Samsung Galaxy A55 5G
MB: ASRock B550M Pro4 / CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 PRO 4650G / GPU int. in CPU Radeon RX Vega 7 Renoir / RAM Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB