All the below was fixed by installing/upgrading "file-roller" as per xenopeek:
Using Mate 22:
In Caja, right-click on a *.tar.gz file and it fails with: Also, in Terminal:
Code: Select all
engrampa --extract-here makemkv-bin-1.17.8.tar.gz
Code: Select all
tar -xvzf * .tar.gz
However, if I right-click on the *.tar.gz file, via Caja, and select the top "Open with Archive Manager" it will extract fine.?
Note: If using Cinnamon 22, via Nemo, it will successfully "Extract Here" that *.tar.gz files ?, albeit, Nemo uses a different archiver/file-roller than Caja.
after I manually "gzip -d *.tar.gz; tar -xvf *.tar", and then re-compressed them with a "tar -zcvf makemkv-bin-1.17.8.tar.gz makemkv-bin-1.17.8", Caja could "Extraxt Here" successfully.
So, it looks like depending on the way some folders/files are archived and compressed, "Engrampa" in Mate doesn't like it, however, I'm a bit surprised that a "tar -xvzf *.tar.gz" also could not handle it.?
Could this be a small bug in Engrampa and/or Tar. ?
Anyway, for now, I'll mark this as solved and chalk it up to a weird tar.gz method, (they probably used Windows), as used by the Author of those makemkv archives.