automatically unlock this keyring is gray in linux mint 16

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automatically unlock this keyring is gray in linux mint 16

Post by cguo »

I use linux mint 16 mate. And I put my password in my network manager wifi setting. Because I do not want to input password everytime, I uncheck
Ask for this password every time
, and then it pops up a box to ask me to choose password for new keyring and says that
an application wants to create a new keyring called 'Default'. Choose the password you want to use for it
. Then I enter the password for new keyring. However, every time I shutdown and reboot my computer, a box pops up and ask me to
enter password for keyring 'Default' to unlock An application wants access to the keyring 'Default', but it is locked
, then click Details on the bottom left coner and I see
automatically unlock this keyring whenever I'm logged in
. That is what I want, because I do not want to enter password for keyring everytime. Nonetheless, such option is grayed out, I can not choose it.

Any solution?
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Re: automatically unlock this keyring is gray in linux mint

Post by mdavies5 »

I had exactly same problem and search on google gave many solutions which did not work. Here is what worked for me. It was a permissions problem. The keyrings are stored in /Home/.local/share/keyrings. You must be the owner of this directory with write permissions and the sudo group must also have write permissions. All the files in this directory should be owned by you with write permissions and group should have permissions NONE.
What happened in my case is that I use a HOME directory on a separate partition. When I re-install Mint I run a script on this home directory to give me complete ownership and permissions. Therefore sudo did not have access to the keyring. Every time I wanted to open an app with sudo permissions the app asked for the password to open the keyring but it could not access the keyring. It then asked for a new password and confirmation to create a default keyring. It then opened my app but could not save the keyring file but gave no warning. Once I gave sudo access to the directory everything worked as expected. Any attempt to open an app as sudo will ask for the password only once per session.
In your keyring you should have at least 3 files: default.keyring, login.keyring, user.keystore, user.keystore.<uid>.
If you go to Menu/Preferences/Passwords and Keywords. In 'View' click 'By Keyring' and 'Show Any'. You should see at least 2 entries under 'Passwords', Login and default with locked padlocks against them. Now got to Menu/Administration and select 'Users and Groups'. You will be asked for a user password and when this is entered you will see the 'default' padlock will unlock.
Now go to the 'Login' password, right click and select 'Set as Default' if it is not greyed out. If you are asked for a password it will be your login password.
Hope this helps.
Cheers, Mike

Re: automatically unlock this keyring is gray in linux mint

Post by cguo »

Thank you. However there is a lot of problem:
1. I can not find $HOME/.local/share/keyrings, there is no such directory. Instead, I find $HOME/.config/mate/keyrings directory, but there is just tow files, default and default.keyrings.
2. I can not find Menu/Preferences/Passwords and Keywords, there is no Passwords and Keywords under Preferences

Moreover, I also enable auotmatic login, and install /home in a different partition.
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Re: automatically unlock this keyring is gray in linux mint

Post by mdavies5 »

You are using Mate, I am using Cinnamon. Main point is, make sure sudo has write permissions on /.config/mate/keyrings. This worked for me but maybe you have a different problem.
Cheers, Mike

Re: automatically unlock this keyring is gray in linux mint

Post by Chrisnz »

"Squeezy" posted this on my Thread to help me in the same situation... read my thread here... ... 0&t=117272

This might be of some help?

Try running the following code in a terminal, then log out and log back in. It will run almost instantly and show no output, just a return to the blinking cursor.

Code: Select all
sudo sed -i 's/gnome_keyring/mate_keyring/g' /etc/pam.d/*

Someone else here may see whats happening and this code may need a "Tweek" here and there for your setup.


Re: automatically unlock this keyring is gray in linux mint

Post by oliver-joos »

This may have helped in Linux Mint 16. But I have now Mint 17.1 and I think replacing the string "gnome_keyring" with "mate_keyring" is not wise!
There is no in my whole Linux Mint, but a
$ locate _keyring

I have solved this problem by moving the file .local/share/keyrings/login.keyring away, then creating a new keyring named "login" using seahorse and then replacing the new login.keyring by the old again.
For details see: ... g-password

Re: automatically unlock this keyring is gray in linux mint

Post by Chrisnz »

Good One.

Ive since moved to T/BIrd and no issues :(

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