SOLVED! Wacom One tablet not supported

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SOLVED! Wacom One tablet not supported

Post by HoneyBear »

Hi :)

I use Linux Mint 18.1 and it seems to work fine with my old Wacom Intuos 3 tablet, although no graphics tablet option appears in the control center hardware section (but I guess I can setup details with the command line, and finding some documentation about xsetwacom). But I use this tablet on another computer, with proprietary OS and software. At least, it was useful as a test to check that wacom driver is installed on my Linux Mint computer.

Here's the problem : on that computer with Linux Mint, I installed another table by Wacom, the "One" tablet. And it's not recognised at all. I've read somewhere that there might be an issue with Wacom linux driver and Wacom tablet with a stylus that doesn't have an eraser, which is the case with this "One". This seems to be quite an old bug (several years ago), but I'm starting to think it was actually never fixed.

Does anyone know about this (and a way to fix it)?

I'd really like to use this tablet with Linux Mint, to work with Krita and Blender...
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Re: Wacom One tablet not supported

Post by catweazel »

HoneyBear wrote: Sat Sep 08, 2018 6:20 am Here's the problem : on that computer with Linux Mint, I installed another table by Wacom, the "One" tablet. And it's not recognised at all.

See if that applies to you.
"There is, ultimately, only one truth -- cogito, ergo sum -- everything else is an assumption." - Me, my swansong.

Re: Wacom One tablet not supported

Post by HoneyBear »

It kind of applies, but the explanations were a bit complicated (it implies modifying the driver source code, which is no longer necessary, as the new driver code now includes the "One" Wacom tablet).
Also, when I did what was required (installing the most recent Wacom driver from the source code) my computer couldn't reboot, so I had to reinstall everything from scratch. That was quite a disappointment :( but as it was also an opportunity to install the new version of Linux Mint, that was OK. :)

So, just in case it might help anyone with the same problem, here's the short version :

on a Linux Mint 19 (mine is with the Mate desktop), no graphic tablet setup tool appears in the control center, but it's still possible to use a Wacom One.
You need to go to ... rom-source and follow the instructions to install the kernel driver :
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential
sudo apt-get install autoconf
download and unarchive the source code of the most recent driver
open it's directory in a terminal, then type :
if test -x ./; then ./; else ./configure; fi && make && sudo make install || echo "Build Failed"
and reboot.
With some luck, your One by Wacom should work now (you'll see it immediately if it's plugged in, as it'll be usable as a mouse, and of course it'll be really interesting to use in graphics software. I installed and tried Krita with it, and my stylus pressure sensitivity was immediately efficient, as I could make brush strokes of variable width with no special setup.
Enjoy! :)

Re: SOLVED! Wacom One tablet not supported

Post by Uriel »

How grateful I am to you!
A thousand times I say thank you!

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