I was listening to a YouTube video while browsing folders when I noticed an error message on the folder window about a thumbnail issue and a Fix button which prompts password. On my old PC this happened before and it would fix it right away, but this time the error kept coming back. I then noticed the YouTube video froze and that when right-clicking files, I could "copy" but not "cut" the file.
I shut down the PC and rebooted, put in encryption password and then after a series of lines about "ACPI Exception: Could not find/resolve named package element: LNK..." it displayed this:
Code: Select all
BusyBox v1.27.2 (Ubuntu 1:1.27.2-2ubuntu3) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
I also booted from the installation USB stick that I used to install it. I went to mount the SSD and it asked for password, but said unable to mount, yet I was able to look at the files on it anyway, though some of the file/folder icons had an X or Padlock on them while others didn't.
Any idea what's going on here? Fortunately I did a full back up of my files on February 1, but I download and alter files everyday so I'm hoping my new $150 SDD isn't bricked.