Ok, I will try that later (I am typing this from a computer on my work) but it's actually not the answer I seek.
I simply just want to know how this DNS setting can be deleted....
Ok , I figured it out.
With this command you set a dns server:
Code: Select all
nmcli con mod <Connection name> ipv4.dns ","
With this command you can see the details about the connection:
Code: Select all
nmcli -p con show <Connection name>
or briefly the DNS address:
Then deactivate the connection and activate the connection:
However: how can you make this DNS-Server permanent or read-only?
Install the resolvconf package:
Edit /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/
head and add the following:
# Make edits to /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head.
Restart the resolvconf service.
Code: Select all
sudo systemctl start resolvconf.service
Check this service:
Code: Select all
sudo systemctl status resolvconf.service
And last but not least open Nemo as administrator and set /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/
head as readonly to protect from overwriting.