Hi all,
I eventually got it sorted.
After many tries at creating new profiles and copying the contents of my so called backup version of my profile I gave up at first. It was only later when thinking about it I saw the error of my ways. Each time I created a new profile I got asked to set up my email account which I did.
I was still searching the internet and eventually came up with this page
Code: Select all
That did the trick. First I uninstalled Thunderbird, logging in as root to ensure I got everything
Next I did a search for thunderbird to see what was left
There were several entries so I manually deleted each of them. I went on and deleted all TB profiles that had been created leaving just the latest one. (As I had been trying to move stuff there were several). I then rebooted.
Once logged back in I copied my backed up profile in its entirety and pasted it into my desired location, noting the path from my Mint username homepage.
Next I installed thunderbird
Code: Select all
$ sudo apt-get install thunderbird
Now I used profile manager to point TB to my last but defective profile
I then closed Thunderbird and following the instructions in the webpage listed above and changed the path in the profiles.ini file to the path noted in the Mint username home page.
Please note that I actually made two changes in the profiles.ini file as there are two entries that show the path. The first is ‘Default’ section. The second is in the ‘Path’ section. Once done and saved I clicked on the menu item Thunderbird and – at last – my original profile was restored and there was peace in my little world.
Thank you everyone for all your help. Along the way I have actually learnt something so it has been a good, if at times frustrating, experience.