[SOLVED] Different Backgrounds, Desktop Icons for Different Workspaces (LM20.x, LM21.x Cinn, Mate, XFCE)

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[SOLVED] Different Backgrounds, Desktop Icons for Different Workspaces (LM20.x, LM21.x Cinn, Mate, XFCE)

Post by dj1s »

New update 2024 Apr 7: Changed method for saving state. This method is subject to change. Also, moved scripts to ~/bin.

I also wrote another tutorial on extending the functionality to include themes. See:
Switch Workspaces with own Desktop Icons, Background and Theme

I prefer this current tutorial as I personally am not interested in the overhead involved with changing themes every time the desk is switched.

New update 2024 Mar 28: Turns out that the Desktop is the English name of the Desktop folder. Other languages have different names, such as Bureau in French. This Tutorial and scripts have been updated to automatically account for this.

New update 2022 Nov 23: tested today with Linux Mint 21.x Cinnamon. No changes required to scripts.

This tutorial (updated 2022 Mar 6) is written for Linux Mint 20.x Cinnamon, Mate and XFCE and describes how you can have Workspaces with different backgrounds and desktop icons. This tutorial also describes how to add shortcuts that allow you to navigate Desktops/Workspaces quickly.

When implemented as written, you can press alt-3, for example, to directly switch your display to Workspace 3 with all of its open applications. Desktop icons are switched to what is available in the Desk3 folder and the Background is changed to what you last selected while in Workspace 3. From Workspace 3, you can use alt-right(arrow) to switch to Workspace 4 or alt-left to switch to Workspace 2.

So, what do you need to do?
I am not a programmer any more; I like to write scripts. So the steps below are pretty simple. If you want more details, refer to "Appendix: How does it work?", below.

[Step1 - Change Desktop to a symbolic link. Preserve original Desktop folder contents in Desk1.
Note: What I am calling Desktop may have a different name if your language is not English. This step automatically finds the right name and location of your Desktop.
Note: Desktop appears to be "magical" in that it will reappear if moved/removed. So move and link in one line.
cd ~
Desk=$(xdg-user-dir DESKTOP)
mv $Desk Desk1; ln -sfn Desk1 $Desk

You can verify at this step that Desktop behaves as it always has - nothing is broken!

Step 2 - Create folders for other Desks.
Be careful not to re-create Desk1!
mkdir Desks
mkdir Desk2
mkdir Desk3

Move or copy icons from Desk1 to other Desk folders as desired.

Step 3 - Create switch-desk, a bash script to switch Desks.
With your favourite text editor, create switch-desk in your $HOME/bin folder.

switch-desk for Cinnamon

Code: Select all

#Switch Workspace to $1 Workspace with its own Background and Desktop icons
cd ~/Desks  #The Desks folder keeps the backgrounds for each Desk
DeskN=$(($(awk '{print $NF}' <<< $(xprop -root -notype  _NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP))+1))
echo "$(gsettings get org.cinnamon.desktop.background picture-uri)" > "BG$DeskN"
ln -sfn Desk$1 $Desk    #Make Desk$1 the new Desktop
wmctrl -s $(($1-1))  #Use wmctrl to switch Workspace (N.B., 1st workspace is 0)
gsettings set org.nemo.desktop desktop-layout 'false::false'
gsettings set org.nemo.desktop desktop-layout 'true::false'
read -er BG < "BG$1"  #BG will contain the contents of BG$1
gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.background picture-uri "$BG"  #Change the background 

#end of script
switch-desk for Mate

Code: Select all

#Switch Workspace to $1 Workspace with its own Background and Desktop icons
cd ~/Desks
DeskN=$(($(awk '{print $NF}' <<< $(xprop -root -notype  _NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP))+1))
echo "$(gsettings get org.mate.background picture-filename) " > "BG$DeskN"  #save the current background path
ln -sfn ~/Desk$1 $(xdg-user-dir DESKTOP)    #Make Desk$1 the new Desktop
wmctrl -s $(($1-1))  #Use wmctrl to switch Workspace (N.B., 1st workspace is 0)
read -er BG < "BG$1"  #BG will contain the contents of BG$1
gsettings set org.mate.background picture-filename $BG  
gsettings set org.mate.background show-desktop-icons false
gsettings set org.mate.background show-desktop-icons true
#end of script
switch-desk for XFCE
Note that XFCE already has per Workspace backgrounds. Only need to add per Workspace icons.

Code: Select all

#Switch Workspace to $1 Workspace with its own Background and Desktop icons
cd ~
Desk=$(xdg-user-dir DESKTOP)  #Fetch location of Desktop.
ln -sfn Desk$1 $Desk    #Make Desk$1 the new Desktop
wmctrl -s $(($1-1))  #Use wmctl to switch Workspace (N.B., 1st workspace is 0)
killall xfdesktop
xfdesktop   #xfdesktop needs to be restarted
#end of script
Save as "switch-desk" in your $HOME/bin folder. Open properties of switch-desk and make it executable.

Step 4 - Add two more scripts to switch workspaces left and right

switch-desk-left for Cinnamon, Mate and XFCE

Code: Select all

#Change Workspace as if you pressed ctl-alt left-arrow 
#Resulting Workspace has its own Desktop Icons and Background
DeskLeft=$(wmctrl -d | grep -F '*' | cut -c1-1) 
if [[ $DeskLeft -gt 0 ]]
then ~/switch-desk $DeskLeft 
#end of script
switch-desk-right for Cinnamon, Mate and XFCE

Code: Select all

#Changes Workspace as if you pressed ctl-alt right-arrow 
#Resulting Workspace has its own Desktop Icons and Background
DeskMax=$(wmctrl -d | wc -l)
DeskCurrent=$(($(wmctrl -d | grep -F '*' | cut -c1-1)+1))
if [[ $DeskMax -gt $DeskCurrent ]]
then ~/switch-desk $(($DeskCurrent+1))
#end of script
Make both scripts executable.

Step 5 - Make keyboard shortcuts.
The following is for Cinnnamon; Mate's is similar but different. With Mate, you may be averse to using Alt+# because it conflicts with Caja shortcuts. Choose your own shortcut bindings according to your own preferences.

Open Keyboard utility and select Shortcuts tab.
Select category Custom Shortcuts.

Add custom shortcuts for navigating by workspace number. e.g.,
"Home Desktop" with command /home/yourname/bin/switch-desk 1 and binding Alt+1
"Work Desktop" with command /home/yourname/bin/switch-desk 2 and binding Alt+2
"Games Desktop" with command /home/yourname/bin/switch-desk 3 and binding Alt+3
Easiest and safest way to enter a command is to use the search tool on the right of the command text entry box to navigate and select the desired command. In my case, I have a Home partition and my path is not as shown above.
Of course, choose your own labels for your Workspaces.

Add custom shortcuts for navigating with the arrow keys:
"Desk Right" with command /home/yourname/bin/switch-desk-right and binding Alt+right
"Desk Left" with command /home/yourname/bin/switch-desk-left and binding Alt+left

I chose to leave the ctl-alt-left and ctl-alt-right shortcuts alone. Those shortcuts will continue to work as before. I.e., when changing workspaces, backgrounds and Desktop icons are unchanged.

How to Change Desktop Background
Use the standard Linux method to change the Background.

On any workspace move your cursor to an empty area on the desktop and right click to open the desktop menu. Select the menu item that changes the background. Select a picture you might like and watch the background change. You can also add your own folders and select from them. Once you have your new background, switch to another desktop and return to the original desktop. The background on the original desktop will be the new one you had just selected.

Note that there is a little quirk that you should be aware of. You cannot cut from one Desktop and paste into another after switching. (You can try, but it will fail.) Instead cut/copy/paste between Desks.

This tutorial is derived from my post [Solved] Customize background and Desktop Icons for Workspaces (viewtopic.php?f=208&t=322439). As I learned more, I kept improving that post. But I finally decided it makes more sense to write it up as a tutorial.

Please let me know by private message if you have suggestions on improving the tutorial or the solution.

Appendix: How does it work?
It helps to understand a few things. The default Desktop folder in your home directory is just a normal folder but it is where the display manager finds the icons it will display. One strategy others have used is to replace the Desktop folder contents with the contents of another folder. But, it's faster and simpler, as implemented above, to change the Desktop folder to a link to another folder.

Another thing to know is the operation of gsettings, a tool that operates on the GNOME database. The GNOME database is a repository of parameters used by various Linux implementations. I have not explored it fully, but when a parameter is changed, Linux will accommodate. In particular, I found that when the parameter org.cinnamon.desktop.background is changed, the background for the active Cinnamon Workspace is changed. So, I save a link to the desired background for a given Workspace in the corresponding Desk folder and the "switch-desk" script knows where to find it. I also found that is necessary to "bounce" the org.nemo.desktop desktop-layout parameter using gsettings in order for the display manager to update the display of Desktop icons. To change backgrounds in the first place, navigate to the Workspace and select a background using the default Background switcher, easily found by opening the Mint menu and start typing "background" in the search box. Subsequently, I found how to accomplish the same goals in Mate.

By the way, the GNOME database changes over time. I found that when I upgraded from Linux Mint 19.1 Cinnamon to 19.3, I had to change some of the schema paths. However, if there were any changes, I have not noticed them over the past few versions.

Getting back to how does it work: the "switch-desk" script switches to the selected Workspace, gets the current background via gsettings and saves its link in the current Desk (not changed yet). At this point, the script links Desktop to the selected desk. Then, with gsettings, the script sets the background and desktop layout.

Feature Request
I opened a Feature Request with Linux Mint Cinnamon developers on github to suggest that my solution be incorporated into Linux Mint. It was almost immediately closed because a primary developer believes that my solution may conflict with the way Ctrl-Alt-arrow functionality works. The concern is primarily with multiple monitors, 3-D acceleration and unusual device driver behaviours.

Support Customization of Workspaces with different Backgrounds and Desktop Icons

I suspect there may not be enough bandwidth for developers to explore all of the issues that might arise due to possible conflicts. So, if you have any contributions, observations or comments to make on this Feature Request, please add it here or on github, as you see fit.
Last edited by dj1s on Sun Apr 07, 2024 6:23 pm, edited 25 times in total.
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re: Different Backgrounds, Icons on Different Workspaces (LM20.x Cinn)

Post by dj1s »

I found how to give each Desk its own panel launchers -- but I don't recommend it. It is real-l-l-y slow.

The solution is to copy to each of your desks the file ~/.cinnamon/configs/grouped-window-list@cinnamon.org/3.json, delete this file, and add the following line just before the comment ending the switch-desk script:

Code: Select all

ln -sfn $Desk/3.json ~/.cinnamon/configs/grouped-window-list@cinnamon.org/3.json
With this change you can pin and unpin launchers from a desk's panel using normal panel menu options. Any change you make to the panel affects only the panel of the current Desk. Unfortunately, the implementation of panels is not optimized for speed. If you tried this and decide it's too slow, just comment out or delete the line just added to the switch-desk script. If you wish to remove 3.json from each Desk, remember to restore the initial 3,json in the ~/.cinnamon/configs/grouped-window-list@cinnamon.org folder.

PLEASE: If you tried carrying out this tutorial, please offer some comments. I'd like to know that others have found this works for them. Cheers, Dave
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Re: [SOLVED] Different Backgrounds, Icons on Different Workspaces (LM20.x Cinn, Mate, XFCE)

Post by Un-Informed »

Linux is a new game for me, trying to keep my mind active after retirement. I stepped through steps 1 through 5, works great. My shortcuts all work and different shortcuts on different workspaces. My only hiccup is getting different backgrounds on each of the workspaces. When I change the background on a workspace it changes all the workspaces to that background image. What am I missing? Any help is appreciated. Old-Man still learning.
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Re: [SOLVED] Different Backgrounds, Icons on Different Workspaces (LM20.x Cinn, Mate, XFCE)

Post by dj1s »

Thanks for trying this out! You are the first to comment on it since I prepared it last year. I have no idea whether anyone has even looked at it. Most of the counts on this site are from search bots from Google, Bing etc.

Can you tell me which version of Linux and which desktop environment you are using? And does the switch-desk script you chose match your desktop environment?
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Re: [SOLVED] Different Backgrounds, Icons on Different Workspaces (LM20.x Cinn, Mate, XFCE)

Post by Un-Informed »

I am using Linux Mint 20.3 Cinnamon. Yes, on the script matching the desktop environment. I skipped the switch-desk left/right. The alt+ sufficient for me.
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Re: [SOLVED] Different Backgrounds, Icons on Different Workspaces (LM20.x Cinn, Mate, XFCE)

Post by dj1s »

OK. I have not upgraded to 20.3 yet. I'll get back to you when I have upgraded and see whether something has changed.

In the meantime, as a learning exercise, see if you can figure it out. Open Terminal and copy, paste and run the following line
echo $(gsettings get org.cinnamon.desktop.background picture-uri)
If you see the file path to the background, it tells me that the syntax used by gsettings for the cinnamon background has not changed, and the problem is somewhere else.
If you don't see the file path to the background or you get some kind of message, then I know that the gsettings query has changed and we have to find what's been changed
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Re: [SOLVED] Different Backgrounds, Icons on Different Workspaces (LM20.x Cinn, Mate, XFCE)

Post by dj1s »

I upgraded to Linux Mint 20.3 Cinnamon and I am not experiencing any issues. So, I think we have to look at your end.

Did you make any changes to the switch-desk script - like removing comments? Of course you can remove comments, but if something else got removed, like $BG, then the script won't work as intended.
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Re: [SOLVED] Different Backgrounds, Icons on Different Workspaces (LM20.x Cinn, Mate, XFCE)

Post by smurphos »

Un-Informed wrote: Sun Feb 27, 2022 12:37 pm What am I missing? Any help is appreciated. Old-Man still learning.
dj1s wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 1:20 am I upgraded to Linux Mint 20.3 Cinnamon and I am not experiencing any issues. So, I think we have to look at your end.
I suspect the Un-Informed is looking at the expo screen (workspace overview) and is expecting to see the different backgrounds reflected there which isn't going to happen with this method as we are still only working with a single background setting.
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Re: [SOLVED] Different Backgrounds, Icons on Different Workspaces (LM20.x Cinn, Mate, XFCE)

Post by Un-Informed »

I copied and pasted the switch-desk script with no changes.
Below are the results of the gsettings command.

XXX@XXX-Mint:~$ echo $(gsettings get org.cinnamon.desktop.background picture-uri)
'file:///home/XXX/Background-Images/Image - 214.jpg'

This is the script copied and pasted from the home drive.

#Switch Workspace to $1 Workspace with its own Background and Desktop icons
cd ~
BG=$(gsettings get org.cinnamon.desktop.background picture-uri) #Get the current background path
ln -sfn $BG Desktop/background #Save the path as a soft link in background on the current Desktop
ln -sfn Desk$1 Desktop #Make Desk$1 the new Desktop

wmctrl -s $(($1-1)) #Use wmctrl to switch Workspace (N.B., 1st workspace is 0)
BG=$(readlink Desk$1/background) #Fetch the new background from the background soft link in Desk$1
gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.background picture-uri $BG #Change the background in Desk$1
gsettings set org.nemo.desktop desktop-layout 'false::false'
gsettings set org.nemo.desktop desktop-layout 'true::false'
#end of script

I am not understanding what smurphos is saying (expo screen?). I am expecting to see a different image used as a background for each work space. When I change workspaces I expect to be able to set a different image for a background on each workspace.

If this is not what this script is supposed to do I can continue looking for a resolution.
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Re: [SOLVED] Different Backgrounds, Icons on Different Workspaces (LM20.x Cinn, Mate, XFCE)

Post by dj1s »

I believe your understanding of what the script is supposed to do is correct.

(I didn't know it was called expo view, but I think Smurphos is referring to the view you see when you press ctrl-alt-uparrow. If you want more desktops/workspaces, this is the view you would use to add them.
You're not using ctrl-alt-left/right to switch workspaces, right? Because, if that's what you are doing, my scripts are not called and desktop and backgrounds are not switched.)

Right now, it is a puzzle. What should happen is, after you have changed the background, you switch to a different desktop/workspace using alt-# where # is replaced by the number of one of your other desktops. When you switch, the current background is saved as a link on your previous desktop. If you go back to the previous desktop/workspace, the script fetches the saved background and restores it as the background.

There should be a background file in each Desk# you visit. If you do a 'readlink background' on each Desk1, Desk2, etc, you should see the path to that desktop's background. I am at a loss to explain how it could not work.
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Re: [SOLVED] Different Backgrounds, Icons on Different Workspaces (LM20.x Cinn, Mate, XFCE)

Post by smurphos »

@dj1s - not sure if you looked into this when doing your scripts, but you could probably make them work with native workspace switching methods by making them an always running background script and using xprop -root -spy _NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP | while read -r; to watch for workspace changes.
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Re: [SOLVED] Different Backgrounds, Icons on Different Workspaces (LM20.x Cinn, Mate, XFCE)

Post by dj1s »

@Smurphos. Thanks, but I don't know how to make an always running background script. My scripts above were pretty well my first foray into writing linux scripts. I.e., I'm a relatively new linux user myself (formerly Windows).

How would your suggestion help? Now you would have a new background task waiting for the user to select something.

I've already suggested that my method be incorporated into Linux Mint proper, as I think it would be easy to do and would add to Mint's appeal. But I am not the one who could lead the charge.
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Re: [SOLVED] Different Backgrounds, Icons on Different Workspaces (LM20.x Cinn, Mate, XFCE)

Post by Un-Informed »

I ended up reformatting the hard drive and re-installing Linux Mint 20.3 from scratch. Followed your instructions again step by step. This time it put an icon on the desktops. If I changed the background on one desktop it changed to that background for all desktops. After several attempts at re-linking the icon I ended up copying the backgrounds I wanted to a new directory I created in /usr/share/backgrounds. Gave root ownership of the directory and images. For some reason the background link did not like going to a $USER directory. Changed backgrounds on 4 desktops and they are now different. So I would say SUCCESS. Like I said still learning.
Thanks for all the help
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Re: [SOLVED] Different Backgrounds, Icons on Different Workspaces (LM20.x Cinn, Mate, XFCE)

Post by dj1s »

Thanks for the feedback!

But I am puzzled because your comment leads me to think you edited the background link. Perhaps I should have clarified about how to change backgrounds. I use the tools provided by Linux to change backgrounds; I don't edit the links. (I just now added the text below to the tutorial.)

On any workspace move your cursor to an empty area on the desktop and right click to open the desktop menu. Select the menu item that changes the background. Select a picture you might like and watch the background change. You can also add your own folders and select from them. Once you have your new background, switch to another desktop and return to the original desktop. The background on the original desktop will be the new one you had just selected.
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Re: [SOLVED] Different Backgrounds, Icons on Different Workspaces (LM20.x Cinn, Mate, XFCE)

Post by eid »

Hi, I use xfce de , so I did that script about xfce, it was charm and perfect, I just copy and paste the script and make it executable, everything is good. unitl I switch to cinnamon de from login interface and when i login-ed in xfce again the script doesn't work, I delete the executable sh and i tried to copy and paste the script again and do executable sh ,and removed cinnamon de ,but no effect.
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Re: [SOLVED] Different Backgrounds, Icons on Different Workspaces (LM20.x Cinn, Mate, XFCE)

Post by dj1s »

LOL! I didn't consider that use case!

I use Linux Mint Cinnamon. I added the other DEs because I was curious what it would take to get them to work. It never occured to me to change DEs the way you did. I created separate users for each DE. I can easily go back and forth between DEs just by logging in as a different user.

The only thing that I can think of for your case is that the shortcuts aren't connected properly. The scripts work. It is possible that when you created the shortcuts for Cinnamon you lost the shortcuts required for XFCE.

As I implied above, I really don't know XFCE, but if you need more help, let me know.
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Re: [SOLVED] Different Backgrounds, Icons on Different Workspaces (LM20.x Cinn, Mate, XFCE)

Post by eid »

thank u , what if I want to delete the effect of the script and redo the script again? I think that may help, I mean resetting to default settings, and do the script again.
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Re: [SOLVED] Different Backgrounds, Icons on Different Workspaces (LM20.x Cinn, Mate, XFCE)

Post by dj1s »

I don't understand what you mean. When I created the scripts, I ran each line first inside terminal to verify that it worked the way I expected/wanted it to work. Scripts are scripts. If you are having a problem, try running each line separately in terminal and see what it is doing. (Only 4 lines for XFCE!) Figure out what it is doing and then why. If you find it is broken, let me know where.

I still think your problem is with the shortcuts and not the scripts.
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Re: [SOLVED] Different Backgrounds, Icons on Different Workspaces (LM20.x Cinn, Mate, XFCE)

Post by dj1s »

Sorry! I think I have a ways to go to understand XFCE. I tried my XFCE desktop again and sometimes it switches the desktop icons and sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes it switches the backgrounds and sometimes it doesn't. The problem doesn't seem to be the shortcuts.

I opened Terminal and dragged its window away from the middle of the screen and it left a trail that remained after I stopped dragging.

Uh oh! I just found that "killall xfdesktop" no longer works.
xfdesktop process not found
I was using that line to refresh the desktop.
It looks like it doesn't restart automatically now.

I am changing the XFCE script to add xfdesktop after the killall line.
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Re: [SOLVED] Different Backgrounds, Icons on Different Workspaces (LM20.x Cinn, Mate, XFCE)

Post by eid »

I have tried running each line separately in terminal and see what it is doing. as u asking me to do in the previous post, and it is the result:

eid@eid-HP-Compaq-6005-Pro-SFF-PC:~$ cd ~
eid@eid-HP-Compaq-6005-Pro-SFF-PC:~$ ln -sfn Desk$1 Desktop
eid@eid-HP-Compaq-6005-Pro-SFF-PC:~$ wmctrl -s $(($1-1))
Invalid desktop ID.
eid@eid-HP-Compaq-6005-Pro-SFF-PC:~$ killall xfdesktop
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